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  1. Drury Lane, The Producers | London Theatre Guide

    I didn’t laugh much, but worth it for the climax of ‘Springtime for Hitler’ alone.

  2. Typophile Forums: The fonts of 2004

    Rest of the forum is no doubt fascinating too. If only there was the time…

  3. - The Traders Database

    Looking beyond the swamp of Phish and Grateful Dead, this looks interesting - trading recordings of live music.

  4. Guardian Unlimited | Special reports | G2: Leo Benedictus profiles the immigrant communities of London

    At bottom of page: related articles and particularly fabulous maps of the city by ethnicity and religion…

  5. Theatre notes

    Weblog by an Australian theatre critic.

  6. TheatreVOICE :: opinion, debate, argument, reviews; word of mouth about theatre in London and beyond

    Dumb Flash-heavy theatre site whose content I can’t even be bothered to find.

  7. Encore Theatre Magazine

    Theatre-oriented weblog by a bunch of anonymous “writers, directors, actors, designers, administrators, theatregoers”.

  8. My London life

    Weblog of Paul Miller, theatre director, currently recounting the rehearsals of a play in Tokyo.

  9. Recent Web Accessibility Articles - ::

    Some handy articles on developing accessibly.

  10. The perils of using XHTML properly | 456 Berea Street

    Things to watch out for when doing stuff in XHTML.

  11. Flickr: Archive of gac’s photos posted to Flickr on 19th January 2005

    Gregory Carafelli’s beautifully simple photos of the Delaware River at dawn.

  12. Memorial Tiling on Flickr - Photo Sharing!

    If you’ve seen the film ‘Closer’… it’s really there! (But don’t look if you haven’t - spoiler!)

  13. The Ward-O-Matic: The Polar Express: A Virtual Train Wreck (conclusion)

    Interesting, fun post about computer modelling of humans for animation.

  14. City Lit, Ways into text 1, the centre for adult learning

    Currently the most thrilling, satisfying and emotional three hours of my week.

  15. Grange Hill Online - Mersey TV Pulls Plug on GH Online

    Copyright issues beset the world of Grange Hill fandom.

  16. United States Geological Survey Digital Data Series DDS-21

    Lovely public domain photos. Why do the old black and white ones look better than the new colour ones?

  17. LondonFreeList - free and nearly free in London

    Ongoing and daily events of many different kinds (lectures, readings, films, festivals, etc).

  18. Starck with Oregon Scientific

    If they included a DAB radio, instead of AM/FM, I’d be positively drooling.

  19. : Subverting my weblog

    Putting your home directory into Subversion (for keeping revisions of all the changes you make to files).

  20. House Prices (actual prices paid) in England, Scotland and Wales-

    Find out how much individual properties sold for a few months ago, for a pound per property.

  21. BBC - CBBC - Grange Hill

    A new series, the 28th, starts this afternoon. Hurrah!

  22. Mezzoblue - DHTML ‘05

    Benefits and drawbacks of’s impressive DHTML map of Switzerland which uses XMLHttpRequest a la Google Suggest.

  23. Nashville (1975)

    Saw this for the first time last night… godlike genius. On at the NFT until 19th January.

  24. Bloggerheads (UK) - Jerry Springer, the BBC, Mediawatch UK, and those f**king c**ts at The Sun

    Wonderful deconstruction of the insane rabid Christians’ and tabloids’ mindless campaign. The ironies keep on coming.

  25. The Linux Consultancy - Technical Information

    Two wonderfully clear tutorials on PEAR’s HTML_QuickForm and Smarty (PHP stuff).

  26. A Decade of Webdesign

    Or “A Decade of Bad Webdesign”? Near-illegible text and it’s impossible to tell what is and isn’t a link.

  27. David Raynes: Workflow 0.5

    Movable Type plugin that lets you transfer ownership of an entry. Early days, sounds good so far.

  28. BBC Radio Streams

    Direct links to streams to avoid the rarely-working-in-Mac-Firefox Audio on Demand pop-up.

  29. LRB | Michael Byers : On Thinning Ice

    Good, but thoroughly depressing. We’re going to die. Or our children are.