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  1. -> Children’s drawings in the subway!

    Korean schoolchildren’s nasty anti-Japan drawings.

  2. Google Maps - 30.209688,47.394472

    Burning oil fields in Iraq from a satellite photo. Zoom in. Amazing.

  3. David Foster Wallace - Commencement Speech at Kenyon University

    Basically, “learn to think for yourself.” (And the page is crying out for more leading.)

  4. Trains :: NYC High Line, 02/2004 (

    I love the subtle navigation on Jason’s new photo library pages.

  5. Wonderland: The thing about videogames

    Love this. Like Alice, the cheesiest US TV dramas can make me cry. So when will I feel for anyone in a computer game?

  6. Harris Cyclery Articles

    Oodles of articles about adjusting bicycle bits and other bike topics.

  7. Anti-mega: web affordances

    Chris on two quite nasty things I hadn’t noticed about Bloglines.

  8. The knowledge: Euan Semple - Inside Knowledge

    Interesting article about the philosophy of the BBC’s head of knowledge management.

  9. Behaviour : Using CSS selectors to apply Javascript behaviours

    More Ajaxy stuff to investigate when time allows.

  10. Sign Builder 2.0 - Industrial Signage

    Excellent web tool for generating PDF signs with standard icons. Hours of ANSI standard fun. (via Cool Tools)

  11. Stella Artois - Le Sacrifice , ad, advert | visit4info | TV/Cinema

    I don’t like adverts, but I do smile when I see this fake surrealist film ad at the cinema. Nicely done.

  12. LRB | Patrick Wright : Cubist Slugs

    Particularly for the first two-thirds, outlining the fascinating art-influenced history of early camouflage. Worth a read.

  13. Eclectech : the very model of a modern labour minister : a tribute to charles clarke and his id cards

    Wonderful. The only thing that would make this better was if it was released and got to Number 1…

  14. The Speculist

    Future-oriented weblog I hadn’t come across before.

  15. London Pirate Radio Listings

    Loads of them, slightly varying formats.

  16. Jeffrey Veen: Designing for the subtlety of Ajax

    Also to read when I get round to doing Ajax stuff.

  17. Alex Bosworth’s Weblog: Ajax Mistakes

    For the future, when I get round to playing with Ajax.

  18. iTerm (Terminal replacement for Mac OS X)

    “Anti-idle function that avoids disconnection because of no activity” could be handy.

  19. How to make web buttons in Adobe Photoshop

    Cheesy, but first page is handy and quick.

  20. Systm

    Wonderfully professional and geeky video how-to guides, like how to build a MythTV box. (via Wonderland)

  21. - 44 - Ukelele player

    Just neatly competent at first. But after a while his hand speeds up until you can’t see it any more.

  22. Google Sightseeing

    Gobsmacked. Imagine when the rest of the world is photo-mapped at Google.

  23. BBC - Radio 3 - Beethoven Experience - downloads

    So close. Otherwise fab idea greatly marred by not splitting MP3s into movements and including the announcer’s long introduction! Doh.

  24. Tom coates passed me (2 June 2005, Interconnected)

    Matt Webb on his book collection. Great stuff. At least as interesting as Nick Hornby’s fun ‘The Polysyllabic Spree’.

  25. Michael Tsai - Blog - My New Backup Strategy

    I’m always intrigued by other people’s Mac backup strategies.

  26. Blogsonstage

    Hosted service for theatre-oriented weblogs. Needs a nicer front-end, but fairly early days.

  27. Stay Free! Daily: Radio Free Clear Channel

    I’m fascinated by corporations trying to appear anti-establishment, and this is an awesome/scary example.