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  1. StickyBrain

    To remember in case I ever need a more comprehensive notes/to dos/actions application than simple .txt files.

  2. Suddenly, Those Solar Panels Don’t Look So 1970’s - New York Times

    I was thinking/hoping that solar energy companies must have bright futures. (via Annie)

  3. Stuff I Find Interesting - Rsync, RsyncX 2.1 & OS X

    Never got round to looking into this, but when I do…

  4. Everything Linux - A Tutorial on Using rsync

    Never got round to looking into this, but when I do…

  5. Easy Automated Snapshot-Style Backups with Rsync

    Never got round to looking into this, but when I do…

  6. Fullinsert_high.pdf

    Preview of the new Guardian Berliner format. I’m probably more excited than I should be.

  7. Hackdiary: Using Wikipedia and the Yahoo API to give structure to flat lists

    Matt Biddulph doing clever stuff. Would be good to try this with some Pepys stuff I think.

  8. The Man in Blue > footerStickAlt: A more robust method of positioning a footer

    An even newer way of getting a footer to stick to the bottom of the viewport or the content.

  9. Open Tech 2005 - a photoset on Flickr

    Lovely medium-format photos of geeks by Matt Locke. Includes me, but my favourites are: Coates, Hammond, Nelson, Webb.

  10. LRB | letters from Vol. 27 No. 15

    The first letter describes how US corruption in Iraq is a direct descendant of the US corruption in Vietnam.

  11. LRB | Ed Harriman : Where has all the money gone?

    Excellent but despair-inducing article outlining some of the mind-boggling corruption in post-invasion Iraq.

  12. oe magazine - photofakery

    Guide to spotting fake photos (via Yoz via Kottke)

  13. Futurismic: Blog

    Futures weblog I’m unsubscribing from for the moment.


    Futures weblog I’m unsubscribing from for the moment.


    Futures weblog I’m unsubscribing from for the moment.

  16. IFTF’s Future Now

    Futures weblog I’m unsubscribing from for the moment.

  17. Wonderland: New PSP advert

    Cool TV ad by Alice’s sister, a smidgen of which was shot one Sunday downstairs on Beech Street.

  18. DaddyDonkey

    Poor website, delicious burritos. In London! (Leather Lane market.)

  19. Free The Postcode!

    Creating a free UK postcode database. Laudable, but I doubt it’ll be comprehenive enough to be usable or keep up with churn. (via Tom Carden)


    Poker sites reviews, discussion, blogs, etc.

  21. Slashdot | DHTML Utopia

    Review of a book on “Modern web design using JavaScript and DOM”. Ajax and stuff. Sounds good.

  22. I was never any good at sports… | Ask MetaFilter

    Recommended sprawling post-modern novels, for if I ever finish the ones currently on my shelf. (via Chris, not Tom Carden (my feeds are all a blur))

  23. Dejal - Time Out!

    Break-enforcing thing for Mac OS X. Liking it more than MacBreakz - more modern and more free (but no random exercise suggestions).

  24. Bad to the Last Drop - New York Times

    Tom Standage on why you’re an idiot if you buy bottled water when you could drink tap water.

  25. MAKE: Blog: HOW TO Fix Your iPod FireWire Cable

    Make is often fascinating. Sometimes it’s like this, the most pointless “HOW TO” ever: fix a broken thing with glue.

  26. Experimental Travel - Lonely Planet Online

    Interesting guide to going on holiday differently. (via Nick, who describes it as “Psychogeography and Related Bobbins for Beginners”)