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  1. Vitamin Features » HTML Emails - Taming the Beast

    For future reference. Although I really hope I never ever need it (via Plasticbag).

  2. MT Extensions: MTTagInvoke 0.9

    I could have done with this so many times before this week, when I stumbled across it. Linking to it because I’ll forget the name by next week.

  3. My coffeehouse nightmare. By Michael Idov

    Why not to dream about running a coffeeshop.

  4. USSR posters - a photoset on Flickr

    1,500 “Russian and/or Soviet propaganda & advert posters from 1917 to 1991.” (via Kottke)

  5. Building Scalable Web Sites: Books

    Cal has a book out! Sounds interesting and very useful.

  6. The New York Review of Books: City Lights

    Review of Tristram Hunt’s ‘Building Jerusalem: The Rise and Fall of the Victorian City’. Were things better when wealthy Victorians did things for the plebs? (Subscribers only unfortunately)

  7. Flickr: The London Flickr Scavenger Hunt

    Nice treasure hunt idea — you’re given a set of photos and, I think, you have to go and take identical ones around London. There’s one tomorrow.

  8. iCal Exchange

    “an easy way to publish … calendars using [iCal’s] built-in ‘Publish to a web server’ mechanism.” Been a bit quiet for a while though.

  9. iCalShare - BBC Radio 4 schedule

    Nice iCal-able schedule. (via Haddock)

  10. BLDGBLG: Interview with Mike Davis: Part 1

    This sounds good. Must read it next week. (via Blackbeltjones)

  11. Amazon: Listmania! - View List “Revolutions and State Collapse”

    Damn, I need to find a few spare months from somewhere. These all sound fascinating.

  12. Books Search Results: Charles Tilly

    Tilly has written some interesting sounding books about social movements, revolutions, collective violence, etc.

  13. MySociety - Travel-time Maps and their Uses

    Lovely maps of travel times around the UK by Lightfoot & Steinberg, data wranglers to the Ministry. (via Haddock)

  14. Variety’s Festivals & Markets - Stillman seeing ‘Green’

    Whit Stillman’s starting work on a new film. About time!

  15. The Observer | OMM | A northern soul

    Paul Morley on the Manchester and Liverpool punk scenes from 1976 and beyond. I always find his excitement infectious. (via Ted Mills)

  16. Flickr: Photos tagged with mstr

    Museum Street Tea Rooms. Some things are destined to get Flickr’d a lot.

  17. Mark Fletcher presentation at Startup SIG

    Long transcript of a talk on running a startup by the chap who started ONEList (which became eGroups then Yahoo! Groups) and Bloglines.

  18. Blair kelly studio

    Gorgeous lino cuts. One day I’m going to do lino cuts again. I can dream that they’ll be this good. (via Drawn!)

  19. Canon EOS Beginners’ FAQ

    In case I get round to getting one. (via Blech)

  20. Patryk Rebisz - Between You And Me

    Lovely short film shot using a digital still camera. There were a few awkward moments for me, but it looks wonderful and the technology makes it more dreamy. (via Blech)

  21. LRB | Rose George : Diary

    Subscribers-only or pay-for, but an interesting account of going into London’s sewers. She’s working on a book about human waste…

  22. Gmaps Pedometer

    Calculates distances along a route for you. Nike also have a version but you have to register to get the same data.

  23. Worldmapper: The world as you’ve never seen it before

    A big collection of world maps with countries resized according to different kinds of statistics. (via Boing Boing)

  24. AMK design | Last 10 tracks on your website

    Simple but good PHP code for putting your recent tracks on your site. Inspired me to rewrite all my stupidly over-engineered code for along the same lines. (via Kottke)

  25. Dejal - Narrator

    Handy Mac app for reading out stories or scripts. Can give each script character a different voice, and leave a gap for you to say your lines.

  26. Transport for London Cycle Journey Planner

    Matthew Somerville does it again. Simple interface to get cycling directions across London from Transport for London’s journey planner.

  27. YouTube - Broadcast Yourself - Public Videos // pajamapants

    Videos and interviews with musicians, lots of Britpoppy stuff from the early 1990s including loads from Sleeper. Suddenly I feel 10+ years younger. Fab.

  28. Stop Comment Spam and Trackback Spam « Akismet

    Intriguing anti-spam solution for weblogs and pretty much any site with user-submitted content.