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  1. Starship

    A command line prompt that looks nice and displays useful info when useful.

  2. Animated chart of the day: Recorded music sales by format share, 1973 to 2019 - AEI

    Good to watch. Also, the static “Revenues by format” charts put the “vinyl revival” into perspective. (via The Online Photographer)

  3. Help me not hate LA? | Ask MetaFilter

    Lots of really nice answers full of people who have grown to love living in LA after moving there. Just positive and encouraging.

  4. Analytics, logs and metrics

    For the bit about using GoAccess and a pixel hosted on S3 behind Cloudfront for logging. (via @dracos)

  5. – Website Carbon Calculator

    Over a year my site uses “57kWh. Enough electricity to drive an electric car 368km.” Very, very roughly, I imagine. (via Adactio)

  6. Your Attention is Sovereign by Jay Springett (PDF)

    “The Loop”, “evaporative cooling”, “the Dark Forest internet”, “Waldenponding”, “The Isles of Blogging”. Good. (via Warren Ellis Ltd)

  7. Jenny Turner · Who Are They?: The Institute of Ideas · LRB 8 July 2010

    Nine years ago: “One day, the conditions would be right and they [the RCP/LM/IoI crowd] would be ready: public-sector cuts, rising unemployment, the collapsing Euro, a Tory government, more or less.” (Subscribers only)

  8. JavaScript Systems Music

    “Learning Web Audio by Recreating The Works of Steve Reich and Brian Eno.” Step-by-step examples, really nicely explained.

  9. Fred’s Shed

    Came across this ages ago and forgot the name. Now I’ve found it again. Garden and DIY tool recommendations from Fred.

  10. Building an extensible app or library with vanilla JS | Go Make Things

    I like this, although I’d like a “Step 2” with some more complex examples. (via Adactio)

  11. Help me make a world history syllabus out of novels - books | Ask MetaFilter

    I don’t often read historical novels, but I like this idea.

  12. Ishkur’s Guide to Electronic Music

    Brilliant to see this back again in a new form.

  13. What’s It Like to Stage in a Michelin-Starred Restaurant in France - Eater

    I do enjoy reading about restaurant kitchens (and the workings of restaurants generally). (via FaveJet)

  14. How bad can it get? (London Review of Books)

    Good, but not much hope about UK politics. But I learned an excellent word: “rhodomontade”, extravagant boasting. Word of the year.

  15. warren’s collection | Bandcamp

    Occasionally while working I want some weird, dark, ambient noise and…

  16. Francis Gooding reviews ‘The Uninhabitable Earth’ by David Wallace-Wells · LRB 1 August 2019

    On the plus side, I’ll be dead by 2100. I suspect my 80s+ won’t be great though. Sometimes I wonder why young people and folks with kids aren’t demonstrating *all the time*. (No, I know why.)

  17. do I need to make coffee for coworkers when I don’t drink it… — Ask a Manager

    For the comments about the first question. “The British obsession around tea/coffee making, hierarchy and passive aggressiveness really knows no bounds in some workplaces.”

  18. John Lanchester · Good New Idea: Universal Basic Income · LRB 18 July 2019

    Seems like a decent overview of the options, nicely written as ever.

  19. The web without the web - DEV Community 👩‍💻👨‍💻

    Nice piece on the pros and cons of “modern front end development” (React). (via Adactio)

  20. The Ultimate Guide to Remote Work | Zapier

    I haven’t read this but it sounds useful, given how often I hear people ask about how to cope with remote working/workers. (via @RandomEtc)

  21. Die, Workwear! - The Amazing Style of British Cyclists

    Lovely photos, and story, of off-road cyclists in the 1950s in the UK, members of The Rough-Stuff Fellowship. Nice normal clothes.

  22. Ruining a country near you soon: the beta males who think they’re alphas | Marina Hyde | Opinion | The Guardian

    I could link to every Marina Hyde column, so take this excellent example as a placeholder for all of them.

  23. Developing an intro-level music theory course | The Ethan Hein Blog

    I want to read all the resources linked to here. (I’d like to attempt the projects too, but that seems unlikely.) (via Disquiet)

  24. How to run a small social network site for your friends

    A really good description of running something like your own Mastodon server for a few dozen people and, more importantly, handling the social side of things. (via Waxy)

  25. Die, Workwear! - The Spotlight Effect & Style Anxiety

    I don’t think I knew that the feeling of “I’m wearing something very slightly different than usual and now everyone’s staring at me” had a name.

  26. 80’s students, what films were your film society showing then? | Ask MetaFilter

    I like the idea of working out, or remembering, what films were considered classic/interesting at a specific point in the past.

  27. The invention of Essex: how a county became a caricature | News | The Guardian

    Where I’m from. I’m wondering if this is a Zazzle strategy by the Guardian — they’ll now produce a clickbaity article on every UK county.