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  1. Geek to Live: Top Firefox 2 config tweaks - Lifehacker

    Didn’t think I’d need this after applying most of these once, but I keep trying to find it when I install on other computers.

  2. - Geocoordinates from Wikipedia for Google Earth

    That’s a lot of locations. Not sure what I’d do it with it but just in case… (via Plasticbag)

  3. Freesound :: view pack :: london underground

    I’m not sure why sounds recorded from the Tube are interesting, but they are. (via Plasticbag)

  4. BBC News | Technology | Sony admits to buying grey goods

    This kind of thing makes me angry. Companies are dead set against regulation until they need it. “We’d like a free market please, but only when it suits us.”

  5. The Hemingway Challenge « Gauravonomics

    25 six word stories from famous authors, plenty better than this week’s much-linked-to few in Wired, but still non as good as Hemingway’s.

  6. Google Maps - Treo

    Official Google Maps app for the Treo. Works a treat. All it needs now is walking directions…

  7. Potion Factory Blog » Blog Archive » Introducing Tangerine

    Interesting Mac app for creating iTunes playlists organised by BPM. It’s BPM-working-out algorithm needs some tweaking though, as it’s more miss than hit for me (eg, it thinks a few slow acoustic guitar tracks are 180 BPM). (via Plasticbag)

  8. Comment is free: Religions don’t deserve special treatment

    It’s a shame this needs saying, but still, great stuff. “It is time to refuse to tip-toe around people who claim respect, consideration, special treatment, or any other kind of immunity, on the grounds that they have a religious faith.” (via Haddock)

  9. Simon Willison: Graphing requests with Tamper Data

    Very nice thing found by Simon - a graph showing when elements of a webpage load, and how long they take. (via Daring Fireball)

  10. YouTube - Olbermann: the beginning of the end of America

    Awesome rant about Bush’s irresonsibility. Fantastic and relentless. I love how Americans still refer to the subject of their ire as “sir”. (via Haddock)

  11. YouTube - Extras - Episode 5 - Acting by Sir Ian

    I’m very much enjoying ‘Extras’. Some great bits, like Ian McKellen’s description of acting. Wonderful, and so straight-faced.

  12. UBUWEB :: Alvin Lucier

    Lucier’s ‘I Am Sitting in a Room’ track, which Paul Morley goes on (and on and on) about in his ‘Words and Music’ book, as MP3. 1969 tape recording avant-garde.

  13. The 18 Mistakes That Kill Startups

    I also love reading about how to have a successful (or unsuccessful) startup. (via Kottke)

  14. YouTube - Battle of The Bands

    Oodles of album art animated Gilliam style. Very nicely done. (via Haddock)

  15. Walk It - A step in the right direction

    Fantastic. Gives you walking directions from A to B in central London. Google et al only do driving directions, which are very different. (via Haddock)

  16. Wallflower at the Web Party - New York Times

    Why Friendster floundered. I love reading technology failure (or not quite success) stories. (via ChrisDodo)

  17. Doom_1.php

    Graphic illustrating what would happen to Earth if humans vanished.

  18. Imagine Earth without people - life - 12 October 2006 - New Scientist

    What would happen to the world if we all vanished. (via Boing Boing)

  19. Make.text

    Bookmarklet to convert a web page into Markdown syntax (which I’ve started to use almost everywhere). Could be handy. (via Daring Fireball)

  20. TidBITS - Eudora to Become Open Source Collaboration with Mozilla

    Bugger. I’ve been using Eudora since early 1995. At some point the current version will no doubt stop working with future versions of OS X. (via Daring Fireball and others)

  21. SimpleXML processing with PHP

    Nice clear explanation and examples (for PHP5). Will be handy sometime I’m sure. If only it was as simple in PHP4. (via Daring Fireball)

  22. Coelacanth (2005)

    More about Ben Moor’s ‘Coelacanth’ to whet your whatever.

  23. BBC- Radio 4 - Afternoon Play

    Ben Moor’s ‘Coelacanth’ is the Afternoon Play today, and you can listen again for a week. I saw him do it live and it was both very funny and very touching. So do tune in.

  24. Earth Day Footprint Quiz

    Nicely done. My lifestyle uses up 3.6 “Global Hectares” (most on food and shelter) and if everyone lived like me we’d need two Earths to get by. (via Kottke)

  25. Core77 - 1000 Words of Advice for Design Teachers

    Links to 1000 Words for Design Students (via Kottke)

  26. Cool Running :: The Couch-to-5K Running Plan

    Just in case running becomes more appealing one day, now I’ve cancelled my gym membership. (via Yoz)

  27. Peter Sellers doing various English accents (

    I wish I was this good (or any good) at doing accents. Impressive because it seems so effortless.

  28. Generation X Neo-logisms

    One of my favourite books, but noted again because I’d forgotten the phrase “option paralysis” came from it. (via Francis)

  29. Maps of War

    Excellent animated map showing who’s inhabited and carved up the Middle East over millennia. (via Haddock)