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  1. Smell of Data

    File under “physical manifestations of internet activity”. (via Prosthetic Knowledge)

  2. Abandoned States: Places In Idyllic 1960s Postcards Have Transformed Into Scenes Of Abandonment : DCist

    I’m a sucker for lined-up “now and then” photos and these of holiday spots in the Catskills are nice. (via The Online Photographer)

  3. The Premium Mediocre Life of Maya Millennial

    Once you’ve read about premium mediocre you realise it’s a thing you see everywhere but hasn’t yet defined. (via a few places)

  4. GSElevator on Wall Street watches - Business Insider

    I love things like this where outside of that little world you’d have no idea about the distinctions.

  5. 8 Lessons from 20 Years of Hype Cycles | Michael Mullany | LinkedIn

    Reviewing past Gartner Hype Cycles. They could do with an alternative line that forks from the trough of disillusionment down into the abyss of failure. (via @tomtaylor)

  6. Paul Regan - Artist

    I love my friend Paul’s paintings of mundane urban/suburban scenes at night.

  7. kbaum/heroku-database-backups: Heroku database backups and copies to S3

    I tried three versions of “back up your Heroku postgres database to S3” and this is the one that works.

  8. A Year in the Metabolist Future of 1972 — Failed Architecture

    Mostly good because it’s so nice to read architecture writing based on having spent a year living in the building. More of this kind of thing.

  9. CASH Music - The Secret Lives of Playlists

    On how record labels make and influence Spotify playlists. In case you want to feel a little bit used. (via Buckslip)

  10. Creative Alibis | Daniel Brook

    Being critical of Richard Florida’s Creative Class stuff. Impossible to tell when this was published. (via Buckslip)

  11. Django Service Objects

    I like keeping stuff like this out of views and models, and this seems like a nice way to do it. (via @simonwillison)

  12. OpenBenches - by @edent & @summerbeth

    I’m so glad this exists because (a) it’s a lovely thing and (b) I just had the same idea and now I don’t have to make it.

  13. HyperCard On The Archive (Celebrating 30 Years of HyperCard) | Internet Archive Blogs

    Like magic. If only I’d Stuffit’d my HyperCard stacks… the only two I have may have lost their resource forks over the past 25 years.

  14. Surging Seas: Risk Zone Map

    I don’t think I’d seen these sea-level rise maps by Stamen before. Nice. Scary, but nice.

  15. So, about this Googler’s manifesto. – Yonatan Zunger – Medium

    Aside from the sense about that Googler’s document, this is good on what being a high-level engineer means. Confirms for me that, really, I’m a hobbyist.

  16. Considerations On Cost Disease | Slate Star Codex

    On why (American) housing costs, teaching, healthcare, universities, etc cost much, much more than they did a few decades ago, but are, if anything, worse. (via @genmon)

  17. Inappropriate Gavels

    A relentlessly-focused campaign. I approve! (via @gwire)

  18. Typeplate » A typographic starter kit encouraging great type on the Web

    Looks like a nice bit of CSS for styling readable text.

  19. Nighttime

    Nice illustrations, sold as prints, of some mostly London buildings.

  20. edent/SuperTinySocialIcons

    “Under 1KB each! Super Tiny Social Icons are miniscule SVG versions of your favourite logos.” The completist in me would like to see these for every major corporate logo. (via @simonw)

  21. Walton’s Telephone Exchange | Walton Tales

    Nice reminisces of an Essex telephone exchange in the 1960s.

  22. A breach of trust |

    On the mistakes of a small theatre company. “There’s a big difference between pushing boundaries artistically … and pushing boundaries ethically.” (via @alexforey)

  23. Who’s killing the (self-driving) electric car? – Startup Grind – Medium

    Good on predictions about self-driving and/or electric cars, and why the two improvements may not happen together. (via @cityofsound)

  24. How we make a game called Hidden Folks - Album on Imgur

    Really nice description of how parts of this game are put together, from graphics to translations. (via Kottke)

  25. Gerhard Steidl Is Making Books an Art Form - The New Yorker

    Profile of the German book-maker, a description that undersells this article. (via Russell Davies)

  26. Monty Don: Dirty dressing | Life and style | The Guardian

    On gardening clothes, from 2005. (via Die Workwear)

  27. performance notes

    A good write-up of making the fast, simple site even faster.