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  1. Mexican Food, Chilies, Tomatillos at

    New UK store - delivering Mexican food and ingredients to you. (via my page on London’s lack of Mexican restaurants.)

  2. July 2006 - Issue 391 | New Internationalist

    Why carbon offsets and buying trees aren’t the answer to global warming. This is my instinct too but I’d like to find a more objective and scientific source. (via Haddock)

  3. WizbangTech - MT Plugin: Naughtytext 1.0

    Movable Type plugin to strip ugly characters (like those from Microsoft Word) from entries and comments.

  4. NSLog(@”Erik J. Barzeski”); - iTunes Artwork in ID3

    AppleScript to move the artwork iTunes can fetch for you into the MP3 file itself. (via Daring Fireball)

  5. CoComment - Join the conversation

    Maybe this would be a more useful place to store where I make comments on sites, rather than a text file. (via Haddock)

  6. Piecing IT together » Blog Archive » Why Calendars are hard

    In the unlikely event I need a summary of why it’s difficult to code decent calendaring. (via Blech)

  7. Guardian Unlimited | Comment is free | Supposing … Subversive genius Banksy is actually rubbish

    I do like Banksy’s images, but I hate how people fawn over his criminal and not-really-political acts. (via Blech)

  8. Surfin’ Safari - Blog Archive » Understanding HTML, XML and XHTML

    Why you (and I) should probably be using HTML 4 rather than XHTML. Oops. (via Daring Fireball)

  9. Mind Hacks: Why email is addictive (and what to do about it)

    I’ve got this bad. I need to replace my Apple-M habit with Apple-Q. (via Yoz)

  10. Taming Your Multiple IE Standalones

    If you’ve installed several versions of Internet Explorer in Windows XP, here’s how to make them work better.

  11. Today’s Blog Music / The Hype Machine - discover, listen and buy music discussed on the best mp3 blogs

    MP3 blog aggregator that lets you play the aggregated music in a Flash player.

  12. CD Times - Various (compiled by Chris Coco & Rob Da Bank)

    Bugger. Blue Room is the only radio I’ve regularly listened to (on Listen Again) since Peel died, and it finishes this month. The last corner of radio that felt like home. What do I listen to now? Suggestions very welcome.

  13. YouTube - skinnyCorp on CNN

    I had no idea Threadless was such big business — expecting $18-20 million in sales this year. Blimey. (via ChrisDodo)

  14. Hotwired Search

    The saddest thing I’ve seen this week (even though I first saw it a few weeks ago but completely forgot about it because I must be going senile).

  15. Improv Everywhere Mission: Slo-Mo Home Depot

    Lots of people go into a store as shoppers and, in unison, all move in slow motion. Shortly after, they all stand motionless, which is even better. (via Kottke)

  16. How to Read - Nick Hornby

    “If you don’t read the classics, or the novel that won this year’s Booker Prize, then nothing bad will happen to you; more importantly, nothing good will happen to you if you do” (via Kottke)

  17. Vimeo / everyday video clip (from Noah K.)

    A photo of himself every day for six years, made into a movie. Awesome. If he continued this into old age, until he died… wow, it would be hard to like any work of art more. Stunning. (via Kottke)

  18. The New York Review of Books: The Case for Decency

    “The belief in unity that has fueled so many utopian dreams is an effort to reconcile the irreconcilable that ends in repression. Berlin suggests we renounce this venerable faith, and learn how to live with intractable conflict.” (Subscribers only)

  19. Mocking Music: NME C86: Side B

    This makes me very happy. MP3s of all tracks on the NME’s C86 tape. I only started listening to jangly indie stuff a year or two later, so this is nearly all new to me. Twenty years, blimey.

  20. Gregarius » A Free, Web-based Feed Aggregator

    Nice-looking, install-it-yourself, personal Bloglines (only less ugly).

  21. The New York Review of Books: Cosmopolitans

    Ethics, identity, violence, justice. “Why do we succumb so readily to appeals based on the irrational forms of identity — ethnic, racial, religious — rather than to appeals based on the rational forms — economic above all?”

  22. Corunet. El blog » The definitive heatmap

    How to make your own clickmap thing using Javascript, Ruby, ImageMagick. (via Kottke)

  23. 55 word stories

    Some lovely stories here, conveniently short and ideally suited to the short-haul commuter or the busy housewife. (via Said the Gramophone)

  24. Analog audio tape cassette nostalgia -

    Pictures of tapes. There used to be a huge Japanese page that had all the pictures on one page, but that’s gone and this is more convenient. How quaint. (via City of Sound)

  25. Phil Gyford’s blog

    I’ve been trying Vox out and have posted a few things there recently. Not sure I’ll continue though - one weblog’s more than enough.

  26. :: View topic - milton court

    Building Design article about the proposed replacement of the Barbican’s Milton Court building (“43 storey residential tower”!), and the resistance to the plans.

  27. Roger Federer as Religious Experience - Tennis - New York Times

    I have no interest in sport but David Foster Wallace always makes tennis fascinating. Not that I’ve got round to reading this yet. (via Kottke)

  28. Flickr: Archive of Strand Building Hackney’s photos posted to Flickr on 16th July 2006

    The Strand Building, where I used to live, has finally had its central courtyard remodelled (necessary due to leakage into the garage below). Beautifully done, although the fountain looks odd.

  29. LRB | David Edgar : Stalking Out

    Review of a John Osborne biography with lots of interesting history about 1950s/60s London theatre, especially ‘Look Back in Anger’, Stratford East, and the Royal Court, and whether theatre was shaken up or not.

  30. LRB | E.S. Turner : Catchers in the Rye

    Interesting article about the history of animal and human traps (subscribers only).