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  1. Office Naps: Fresh 45 rpm curios every Monday

    Very much enjoying all these 1960s singles (the most recent post is a bit unexciting, but others are fab). And the images look great in iTunes’ Cover Flow view.

  2. The Fate of the Artist - Alan Moore’s London

    Eddie Campbell on the photographic references he used to draw ‘From Hell’. (via Rodcorp)

  3. Old Photos 1968 - a photoset on Flickr

    Anything pre-1990s, like Ted’s photos, look twice as old when displayed on the web where everything is new.

  4. > English Version

    Crane industry news and discussion. (via Monocle)

  5. Apple - Pro - Tips - Become the Ultimate Menu Master

    I never knew that. If only I could get a Control key working on my non-Apple external keyboard.

  6. Russell Moccasin Co.

    I’m a sucker for American practical clothing. These custom-made shoes and boots sounded good in a glowing Monocle article.

  7. ABICI

    Simply-designed, Italian, old-fashioned looking bikes. Stupid Flash site. (via Monocle)

  8. Wonderland: LA-LON route

    The bit about Helen Mirren sends a happy tingle down my spine. Yay!

  9. The Monumental Task of Warning Future Generations

    Because I’ve looked for stuff like this in the past (having heard about it years ago, offline) and never found it.

  10. PrintFetish

    Weblog about magazines, zines, small press books, etc.

  11. GOOD Magazine | Goodmagazine - The 51 Best* Magazines Ever

    Ones I liked, or wish I’d read: Wired (‘93-‘98), Colors, Might, The Face (1980s), Ray Gun (‘92-‘96).

  12. TV Guide Community: Of Office Emmy Cheers and Acting Careers

    Interesting stuff on how to be an actor in LA. Her professor said, “If you can think of anything else you are passionate about besides acting, do that. Your life will be better for it.” (via Kottke)

  13. Yahoo! Photos - Photos de pvolant - Space Lab

    Pierre’s photos from our class in which we had to make a sculpture representing an anodyne Trashcan Sinatras tune.

  14. Die Stadt, Frans Masereel, 1925

    Great wood cuts. (via City of Sound)

  15. New National Office for Arts Council England

    Interesting site about the history of offices. (via City Of Sound)

  16. Common fonts to all versions of Windows & Mac equivalents (Browser safe fonts) - Web design tips & tricks

    Because I’m always using losing this and having to Google for it or something similar.

  17. Gwenergy: Stage Fright

    A good New Yorker article on stage fright and how it affects different people.

  18. Mixing It on Resonance FM

    The show will be continuing on Resonance FM.

  19. Mixing It

    How ‘Mixing It’ was nastily dropped from Radio 3’s schedules after years and years.

  20. Sony Ericsson W810i Walkman phone BRAND NEW BOXED (item 180084368793 end time 17-Feb-07 10:06:03 GMT)

    The fourth time I’ve tried to sell this. Want a phone? Please bid, unless you’re another Nigerian scammer.

  21. London Theatre Blog

    Looks like good stuff. (via Encore Theatre Magazine)

  22. | Google Groups - Wired UK to Cease Publication

    Ten years ago. It feels like both yesterday and another life.

  23. Art MoCo: “Delete! - Delettering the Public Space”

    Art project that blanks out all the signs in a street. Got lots of linkage ages ago but it took me a while to find it again this week.

  24. The Perfumed Garden

    I’ve been very much enjoying this weblog that posts Peel Session MP3s (there’s a long list in the sidebar under ‘Active Sessions’).

  25. CD/Album Cover Art Search

    Might be useful at some point in the future, like so many things. (via Meish)

  26. Index to Poetry by Title

    Lots of Rilke’s poems. Might be handy when I need some poetry for college classes. (via Ben Hammersley)

  27. Chez pim: Pad Thai for beginners

    Sounds tasty and feasible. (via MegP)

  28. A Low Impact Woodland Home

    The houses are a bit cutesy for my liking, but working on them (or something similarly self-buildy) over the summer would be interesting. If, you know, one didn’t have to work.

  29. Review: iDefrag for OS X -

    Raves for a disk defragging tool for Macs, and discussion about the fact it is needed despite what many think.