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  1. Car Hire Secondary Insurance, Rental Car Insurances.

    Dull link, but might be useful next time we go away. Cheaper than rental companies’ extortionate excess insurance.

  2. Coudal Partners - The 2012 Olympic Logo: A Rant: London Broil

    I hate the ‘London’ text, and I’m *slightly* nervous about it overall, but generally I agree with every point here. By 2012 the logo will be a familiar friend and few people will hate it. Certainly better than the usual naff Olympic logos. (via Haddock)

  3. The Science Creative Quarterly » The Social Norm of Leaving the Toilet Seat Down: A Game Theoretic Analysis

    My efficiency theory has always been that everyone shouldn’t move the seat after they’ve finished. (via Boing Boing)

  4. TV Links

    Lots and lots of TV that’s been on in the UK to (presumably illegally) watch online. (via Haddock)

  5. Oona Hassim

    A friend whose private view I went to this week. Wonderful not-quite-abstract paintings of crowds.

  6. Skoob Homepage

    Skoob Books (good second hand bookshop) is back at the Brunswick Centre at last.

  7. London’s lack of Mexican (Phil Gyford: Writing)

    Someone is looking to get involved in “the next big growth market” of Mexican/Latin American food with “funding/strategic development” help.

  8. CABE - Design review reports - New Milton Court

    Thoroughly scathing review by the Commission for Architecture and the Built Environment of the now rejected plans for the Barbican’s Milton Court.

  9. LRB | Andrew O’Hagan : The Things We Throw Away

    Wonderful essay about the UK’s rubbish and recycling. Well worth reading. “Throwing things away has been so essential to our sense of how to live that we forget we invented the process just to increase our pleasures.”

  10. The Actor Works » Home

    Acting school in London that a friend is currently at.

  11. Mark Fowler’s Journal - Plain Text Wiki, Reworked

    A change to Matt Webb’s plain text wiki in TextMate thingy, to make links [[like this]]. (via Blech)

  12. Meish dot org » Things my new commute has taught me #1

    Meg Pickard on the hierarchy of positions in a Hammersmith & City Line carriage. It annoys me that I already know this stuff. I don’t want to.

  13. Particletree » Rediscovering the Button Element

    Very handy alternative to Submit buttons, and I feel I should have already known this, but it appears to have problems in IE. Like most things. (via Kottke)

  14. Running the Numbers - An American Self-Portrait

    Images showing the number of things used by Americans every day/week/month/etc. Amazing, scary, etc. (via Haddock)

  15. Raymond Waring Photos - Yahoo! Movies

    This chap is in ‘28 Weeks Later’ and I *think* he used to work on the counter in Holmes Place gym, Barbican. He was very helpful and pleasant if it’s him.

  16. Plain text wiki (20 May 2007, Interconnected)

    Great idea from Matt Webb: make wiki-style linked pages in TextMate. I think I’ve wanted exactly this without realising it before.

  17. TED | Talks | Sir Ken Robinson: Do schools kill creativity? (video)

    A talk about education sounded very dull. But no, this is really good, well worth watching, and lots of fun. He’s a bit like Tommy Cooper at times. (via Tomski)

  18. Em-K :: Emily Ketteringham :: Screen print gallery

    My favourite work seen on the ‘Southville Art & Performance Trail’ in Bristol last weekend.

  19. Philippe Jusforgues - Home

    Excellent photo collage illustrations. Very simple, very effective. (via Ted Mills)

  20. :: View topic - Milton Court - the tower has been rejected

    Excellent — the proposed plan to redevelop the Barbican’s Milton Court has been “sent back” by the planning committee.

  21. SMS Text News » 07624* is billed by Three and T-Mobile as an international text?

    Twitter’s new UK SMS number will, on T-Mobile and maybe Three, still cost you silly money to use and won’t be included in your bundle.

  22. Testy Copy Editors :: Index

    Copy Editors’ forum. I’m getting obsessed with finding niche forums. phpBB (via Kottke)

  23. Timbuk2 Bags - Pro Series Backpack

    Should I need a cycling backpack, looks good.

  24. Moving Target Forum - All Discussions

    UK cycle courier forum. (Vanilla seems like the forum software of choice.)

  25. All Discussions - London Fixed Gear & Single Speed

    Bicycles. Mostly seem to know each other from real life. Uses Vanilla.

  26. Tamrac - Adventure Series photo backpacks

    Holds SLR and laptop. For when I need to replace my ageing backpack.

  27. Hide & Seek

    Pervasive gaming weekend based on the South Bank this weekend. Sounds a lot of fun; I’d go if I was in town. (via Haddock)

  28. Why the BBC Trust’s decision on iPlayer sells us all short from Guardian Unlimited: Technology

    If Cory’s too much for you, Bobbie’s more English in his disgust. Gahhh. 86% of the public respondents are obviously far less important than the precious “industry stakeholders”. Angry. (via Wonderland)