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  1. FFFFOUND! - philgyford’s found

    I’m gradually getting used to using Ffffound! Mostly images I’ve seen before so far, but hopefully it’ll inspire me to find new things too.

  2. Adactio: Journal — Hacky holidays on OS X

    How to set up virtual hosts, PHP5 and MySQL on Leopard, for when I upgrade soonish.

  3. Alex Green

    Lovely illustrations (warning: plays music and, like most illustrators’ sites, features an annoying and tiresomely unique interface).

  4. The Adaption to my Generation - A Daily Photo Project ++ c 7 11 23 ++ JK Keller

    Self-portrait photos, daily for eight years. Not as hypnotising as Noah Kalina’s SImpsons-parodied one, but more extensive. Best when he grows his hair. (via Kevin Kelly)

  5. Software projects - For Omnigraffle

    Handy scripts for Omnigraffle. Stars, charts, graphs, spirals, arcs, etc.

  6. The Colorblind James Experience: Absolutely More!

    History of the band, with MP3s to download, by people in the band.

  7. Rickstones Yearbook 1986 - a photoset on Flickr

    Photos and drawings from my school 21 years ago. You can see me in class 4R (the same photo as 4C on the thumbnails). Also, top row of thumbnails, fourth from left. Good work Ted!

  8. Grange Hill Online | Series 31 is coming!

    Being shown “exclusively” on CBBC”, old theme tune returns, age range covered is moving downward for a younger audience, “fantasy sequences” being introduced… doesn’t sound good.

  9. Video - The Best Ever Death Metal Band out of Denton

    (A reluctant) Eddie Argos out of Art Brut singing along with the Mountain Goats at the Union Chapel a week ago. Made me very happy.

  10. Russell davies: conference advice

    Bookmarked in the hope some more obscure conferences are recommended.

  11. Interview: ‘Eine’ and the letters he paints on east London shop shutters | I Shot the Deputy

    I’ve been meaning to look up the story behind the letters I cycle past every day, and a photo by Alice prompted me to do so.

  12. Facebook | My Privacy

    The page for opting out of Facebook’s Beacon “feature” that tells people what you’ve been buying on other sites.

  13. Wired 14.11: The Church of the Non-Believers

    Dawkins, Dennett, Sam Harris. (via The Same River Twice)

  14. Perl on Rails - Why the BBC Fails at the Internet | I Am Seb

    The only surprising thing about this was that so many people were surprised. A lot of BBC employees’ energies are spent trying to circumvent Siemens, from desktop support to website hosting.

  15. The Backlot (Watchmen)

    I was trying not to get my hopes up about the movie, but then I saw this and I’m getting very, very excited. Hopefully this won’t all end in tears.

  16. IT Conversations: Gardner Campbell

    My Pepys’ Diary website is mentioned in glowing terms part way through this podcast by Jon Udell about education weblogs. Which is nice.

  17. Flickr: mills70’s photos tagged with rickstones

    I’m enjoying Ted’s photos from our school in the 1980s. Fashions were strange weren’t they.

  18. Leslie Harpold | 43 Folders

    “What Would Leslie Do” has been a handy mantra for me in awkward situations this past year. Many wise words here. (via Haddock)

  19. The new BBC homepage on Flickr - Photo Sharing!

    Lots of people commenting on one third of a design seen in a photo. So we haven’t got past that “design is what it looks like” phase after all then, eh? Bah. (via Haddock)

  20. Greyworld

    Lots of lovely public art projects. No, really, public art that’s fun and interesting! (via Haddock)

  21. DebugBar - IE extension for web developer : DOM inspector, Javascript debugger, HTTP headers viewer, Cookies viewer

    Looks handy for those times one has to painfully test things in Internet Explorer. (via Simon Willison)

  22. VectorMagic

    Nice, free web-based bitmap to vector graphic convertor. (via Ted Mills)

  23. Indiepop Radio

    Fantastic. “Indie songs with proper tunes and proper lyrics: Indiepop, Sarah Records, Brit-Pop, Shoegaze, Twee…” Streaming radio and a podcast.

  24. Nonesuch to Release Music from Five Years of “The Wire”

    Sounds good… and only six weeks to go until the fifth season begins.

  25. Ben Goldacre: Now for ID cards - and the biometric blues | Comment is free | The Guardian

    Can we all club together and buy Ben Goldacre an award for services to common sense or something? He’s been on fire this year.

  26. Adam Curtis: The TV elite has lost the plot | The Register

    ‘Power of Nightmares’ etc creator on the BBC and other media being scared, the faults of blogs, user-generated content. “It’s a time of great technical invention but it’s a time of [artistic] stagnation.”

  27. A List Apart: Articles: Understanding Web Design

    Zeldman on how too few people understand what web design is. Hence dumb flashy sites winning web design awards. (via Infovore)

  28. - What I Learned in Art School (Is it Design Thinking?)

    A list of skills learned in art school that aren’t hands-on crafting skills. These are the best things about such places I think (via Purse Lip Square Jaw via Rodcorp)

  29. Danny O’Brien’s Oblomovka - Celebrating ORG’s Second Birthday

    The Open Rights Group is doing fantastic things for the UK online world. I joined when they started and if you join now the Joseph Rowntree Reform Trust will match your contribution. Go!