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  1. Brent Black Panama Hats - Photo Tour: How a Panama Hat is Made

    Fascinating multi-page photo essay. Quite a process.

  2. Widgetfinger - Simple Content Management for Simple Websites

    Looks like an awesome thing that would be great for a huge percentage of small business websites. I was a thrown by being asked for ‘Company Name’ first off when creating an account though. (via Infovore)

  3. Russell davies: copy and paste

    Very nice and easily-created rapid slideshow of a month’s worth of photos. Fab idea.

  4. 2.0 Expo 2008: Clay Shirky

    Or watch Clay give that “how do they find the time?” talk in person on this video. Worth it; he’s an awesome speaker. (via Daring Fireballl)

  5. Gin, Television, and Social Surplus - Here Comes Everybody

    Clay on the answer to “where do they [gamers, Wikipedias, bloggers, etc.] find the time?” By watching less TV. Great stuff.

  6. David Weiss: Metacognitive Miscalibration

    Thinking things are easy when you don’t know enough to tell. “There’s a great difference between 50 years of experience and 1 years worth of experience repeated 50 times.” (via Daring Fireball)

  7. Timeframe

    Very nice calendar selector widget. (via Daring Fireball)

  8. Color Wars 2008 » Youngme / Nowme

    People submit a photo of themselves as a child, alongside a photo of themself today in the same pose. Some of these are awesome. Whole lives in two photos. Time travel. Hope.

  9. Soundamus - new and upcoming music releases from the artists you listen to

    Looks at your playlist and tells you when new music by your listened-to artists is released. Could do with some kind of threshold, but still very useful.

  10. Maybe Money Does Buy Happiness After All - New York Times

    A paper rebuts the Easterlin paradox (that above a certain level money doesn’t make one happier). (via Kevin Kelly)

  11. New clearing method needed for IE7? | 456 Berea Street

    So I don’t need to Google the clearfix fix again.

  12. Kbinstuff -perl, Unicode/utf8,, apache, mod_perl and MySQL 

    My Perl scripts were never fetching UTF8 strings from a UTF8 database. Much cursing later, I found this reference to doing $dbh->(“mysql_enable_utf8”) = 1. Seems to work. Finally. Grr.

  13. Postcard from Provence ◊ a painting a day ◊ a daily painting blog

    He paints a painting every day and then auctions it. Lovely paintings. Something like this has been my exit strategy for a while (assuming I found time to improve at painting/drawing/etc). (via Textism)

  14. Cityofsound: Monocle: design notes

    Dan Hill’s fantastic description of the design decisions that went into the Monocle website. Lovely to see a site that manages to be distinctive but still classy.

  15. TweetDumpr

    Exports all your Twitters to a CSV file. (via MegP)

  16. Vote Match

    Help to decide who to vote for in the London elections. For me it says: Paddick, Livingstone, Left List, Greens… Still hard to decide. (via Haddock)

  17. Your London - Living

    “This website lets you search for food businesses across London to find out the hygiene rating they achieved from their last food hygiene inspection.” Am I Being Poisoned Or Not? (via Haddock)

  18. Best Game Ever at Improv Everywhere

    Brings a tear to my eye. Another lovely, lovely event.

  19. Long live Karl Marx! « The Bristol Blogger

    Awww… we used to see this guy at Ashton Court Festival, wandering around in a leather thong with a huge bottle of cider. He was called Colin Toogood and he’s died.

  20. Free Traffic For Your Squidoo Lens on Squidoo

    Instructions for how to spam people via Twitter. As Ian said, wankers, making the Internet a little bit more unpleasant for everyone else.

  21. Zamzar - Free online file conversion

    Convert a file to a different kind. Audio, video, text documents, archives, etc. Plus download YouTube etc videos in a different format. (via Cool Tools)

  22. A List Apart: Articles: Accessible Data Visualization with Web Standards

    Lovely CSS bar charts and sparklines created in HTML and CSS.

  23. Tweet Clouds

    Showing what words you use most on Twitter. Home, College, Day, Work are the unremarkable stand-outs for me. (via Russell Davies)

  24. Python-by-example

    In case I ever get round to Python (via Simon Willison)

  25. Purgatory Creek

    For the “Digital Piano Shootout” — MP3s of dozens of different digital pianos for comparison.

  26. Gumbaby

    Collecting comments left on vaguely-related websites by people thinking they’re contacting a famous person. I still occasionally get comments left by people talking to Jamie Oliver.

  27. YouTube - Design Coding

    Rap: “Please don’t use tables even though they work fine, when it come to indexing they give searches a hard time. Make it easy for the spiders to crawl what you provide, remove font-type, font-color and font-size.” Awesome. (via Haddock)

  28. Freaky People Productions » Blog Archive » Google Maps causes Safari 1.3.2 to crash

    If you use the Google Maps API your Javascript may have recently started crashing Safari 1.3.2. This is how to fix it.

  29. DadHacker » Blog Archive » Donkey Kong and Me

    Lovely early days of computing story about the guy who wrote Donkey Kong for the Atari 400/800 home computer. (via Kottke)