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  1. The Making of a Coat #1 - Introduction on Vimeo

    Currently 24 (short) videos about the process of making a bespoke coat (suit jacket). (via Made by Hand)

  2. dotfiles/.osx at master · mathiasbynens/dotfiles

    An example script for setting loads of OS X system and application preferences. Although I so rarely set up a new computer, I quite enjoy doing it manually. But still, it hadn’t occurred to me to do this before. (via @tomstuart)

  3. IE-friendly mobile-first CSS with Sass 3.2

    Via previous link, on serving separate, slightly different, stylesheets for old IEs and everything else.

  4. Responsive grid system which works in IE6 | Technology at GDS

    Using SCSS. And not an ugly hack. Having been thinking about grids/page structure at work recently, and needing to support old browsers, this is handy. (via @benterrett)

  5. Listening Post Ten Years On ←‍ 

    This was already one of my favourite pieces of art, and reading how clever it is behind the scenes, and how they’ve been updating it (it can now run on data from Twitter, rather than just IRC and forums), it’s even more so. (via @iamdanw)

  6. Office Role-Play? Meet The People Who Pretend To Work At An Office Together | Fast Company | Business + Innovation

    On a Facebook group, and more, of people who pretend to work in an office together, like Pretend Office. (via @hondanhon)

  7. L-vocalization - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    A couple of times I’ve tried to find the term for this (pronouncing an ‘l’ in a word a bit more like ‘w’), and failed. Now I’ve got it.

  8. REDbot: <>

    Shows and reports on HTTP headers. Handy sometime, I’m sure. (via Infovore)

  9. diamond geezer - Friday, October 03, 2014

    On the branding of ‘Midtown’ in London, and other sponsored rebrandings. Some comments date ‘Midtown’ back quite a while in some industries. (via Londonist)

  10. The Top 10 Essays Since 1950

    I’ve previously read 4 of 10, all of which were brilliant. (via Kottke)

  11. Learning Susy | Zell Liew

    This ($39) book’s good if you’re struggling to get to grips with Susy, the SASS/CSS layout framework. Does a nice job of explaining things in a way that makes more sense than the documentation.

  12. Phil Gyford’s Things

    A snapshot of my earliest home on the web, which I started sometime early 1995. This version from December 1996. The ~fabius section was, in retrospect, an early attempt at blogging, although I didn’t manage much.

  13. After the flood | Journal

    Max Gadney on ten things learned after three years in business. Includes “No Hobbies” and “No Babyfoot”. Focus.

  14. What We Talk About When We Talk About What We Talk About When We Talk About Making | Quiet Babylon

    On “independent creators”, who is part of “our community”, who isn’t. Makes me want an at least partly explicit socialist / social democratic tech conference. Although it’d probably be unbearable.

  15. PuPHPet - Online GUI configurator for Puppet & Vagrant

    “A simple GUI to set up virtual machines for Web development.”

  16. The Eggcorn Database

    “This site is devoted to collecting the kind of unusual English spellings that have come to be called eggcorns.” Great reading. (via @joroach)

  17. The Boring Designer

    On why the most boring design is often the best one. Yes. (via @paulpod)

  18. 13 Ways Designers Screw Up Client Presentations — Medium

    Lots of good tips, easily extrapolated to non-designers presenting work to clients too. (via @antimega)

  19. James Ferguson illustrations | The New York Review of Books

    I love these watercolour(?) caricatures/portraits, the solidity of them. (I also love that the NYRB’s search results can generate results like this for one of their illustrators.)

  20. Git: The Safety Net for Your Projects · An A List Apart Article

    I liked this as a clear and pragmatic guide to some Git stuff. Kind of the next steps once someone’s got to grips with add/commit/pull/push.

  21. A Watch Guy’s Thoughts On The Apple Watch After Seeing It In The Metal (Tons Of Live Photos) — HODINKEE - Wristwatch News, Reviews, & Original Stories

    Interesting to read about the Apple Watch as a highish-end watch, ignoring the software. It compares well. A good point is raised though - traditional watches will last a long time, but how short will the life of an Apple Watch be? (via @GreatDismal)

  22. Twitter - @PennyRed - “So where’s good to live in Scotland?…”

    “…I require: weird friendly people, goths, lefties, bookshops, coffee, not too much sun, internet.” Answers are mostly “Edinburgh” or “Glasgow”.

  23. benbalter/jekyll-auth

    Only let people in your organisation (ie, have a GitHub account that’s part of a specified GitHub organisation) access your static Jekyll website hosted on Heroku.

  24. Light, landscape, lives, Kate Kirkwood

    Really lovely photos from the Lake District. Simple but gorgeous. (via The Online Photographer)

  25. suit/ at master · suitcss/suit

    Another CSS class naming convention. I think I like this better than BEM’s, but we’re now quibbling over tiny variations.

  26. MindBEMding – getting your head ’round BEM syntax – CSS Wizardry – CSS, OOCSS, front-end architecture, performance and more, by Harry Roberts

    Forgot to link to this when I read, so for completeness… I kind of like this but the ugliness of the double hyphens and underscores just “smells” bad to me (maybe wrongly?).

  27. Introducing AM - Attribute Modules for CSS - Glen Maddern: Internet Pro

    More stuff about how to do CSS in another new way. I haven’t read this enough times to understand it.

  28. alphagov/prototyping

    GDS’s Jekyll-based prototypes for services.

  29. Limits to Growth was right. New research shows we’re nearing collapse | Cathy Alexander and Graham Turner | Comment is free |

    The “Business As Usual” scenario is looking accurate, 42 years on, although we haven’t yet seen if we reach the turning points, which will be the real (unpleasant) test. (via @agpublic)