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  1. Previously, On Arrested Development : NPR

    Charting all the running gags over four seasons, including their foreshadowing events. So good. (via Kottke)

  2. Open Addresses UK - Alpha : Can We Make Address Entry Work For More Of Us

    This, and the previous post that it links to, are a bit interesting about making more usable address inputs. I wished it could have explored more options though.

  3. PCA Predict, formerly Postcode Anywhere - Address lookup and verification web services

    Some people on Twitter recommended this for this kind of thing. Works for international addresses.

  4. 龙焰 Dragon Burn

    I was thinking how interesting a Chinese Burning Man might be… of course, they’ve already made a start.

  5. London, England - Google Maps

    My second appearance (that I know of) on Google Street View.

  6. The Death of Reddit | Chuq Von Rospach • Writing & Commentary

    I haven’t read many of the recent pieces about Reddit, but this is a good one about where Reddit went wrong and why it’s unsalvageable.

  7. Watch Our Holidays 1932 — BFI Player

    Lovely old home movie of holidays in Walton-on-the-Naze, Essex. Lots of smiles and clothing.


    Nice, minimal, Outlier-esque clothing. (Online only, US-based.)

  9. - Agile Project Management inside GitHub

    Turns GitHub Issues into an agile/kanban board, with story points and burndown chart. Looks nice. $5 / user / month, minimum five users. (via Brett Terpstra)

  10. Hotjar – Heatmaps, Visitor Recordings, Conversion Funnels, Form Analytics, Feedback Polls and Proactive Chat in One Platform

    Website stats. Uses a sample of visitors, rather than all of them. Some nice features. For future reference. (via Brett Terpstra)

  11. Coder’s Block Blog / Checkbox Trickery with CSS

    Lots of scope for doing this horribly, but some of this CSS-styling of radio buttons and checkboxes is nice for > IE8.

  12. Dang I’m Old

    Purely because I laughed out loud at the end.

  13. Greetings from a Ghost Town | Technoccult

    On having a code name for the area where you live. (via Warren Ellis’s newsletter)

  14. The God Login

    I thought I’d bookmarked this at the time. Some thoughts on making better login forms. I don’t agree with all of it, but good for a starting point for thinking.

  15. On conversational UIs

    Matt Webb. My initial reaction to this stuff is that I like *finding* information and conversational interfaces seem frustratingly clunky. But maybe that’s just because they’re not good enough yet. Lots to ponder here.

  16. Fontello - icon fonts generator

    Create your own icon font using only the icons you need, select from Font Awesome and other free libraries.

  17. A New Yorker walks into a San Francisco start up… — Medium

    A rant about how “Design can change the world” is nonsense. I think it *can* change the world, but that *very* much doesn’t mean any and all design can change the world. Is your design empowering people who have little power? Enabling people who are less able?

  18. Minimum salary required in London: £500k? | FIRE v London

    Staggering. You might need something to take out your anger on.

  19. The Early Days of a Better Nation

    Mainly for Régis Debray’s gloomy description of May 1968, written in 1979: “We had to imagine ourselves as Chinese, in order to become Californians.”

  20. English Buildings

    A blog about interesting buildings around England. (via Wowhaus)

  21. Municipal Dreams

    A blog with long posts about the history of UK social housing, planning, etc. (via Wowhaus)

  22. The Future Is A Confidence Trick

    “The industry of futurism is bad at the future.”

  23. Luster - Mobile Web App Checklist

    Loads of good tips for making websites feel more native on touch-based devices.

  24. Backup PostgreSQL to Amazon S3 |

    Did this last week and have already forgotten which instructions I followed. These, Phil, these!

  25. The Shield - The Wallflower Collection

    As infovore describes it: “A spreadsheet cataloguing all of “wallflower“‘s episode-by-episode guide to The Shield - his writing on it is so, so good.”

  26. Adactio: Journal—Web! What is it good for?

    Another smashing post from Jeremy Keith. “What attracted me to the web was its remarkable ability to allow anyone to share anything, not just for the here and now, but for the future too.”

  27. Adactio: Journal—Instantiation

    Jeremy Keith on how people who complain the web is slow and rubbish are right to the extent that many people making websites have made them more slow and more rubbish than they should be.

  28. QBlog - FLGS

    Aww… Games and Puzzles in Colchester was where I used to buy RPG stuff in the 1980s. It apparently became Lingard’s Games, and closed down five years ago.

  29. Deploying Django 1.7 on Ubuntu with DigitalOcean - with PostgreSQL, Nginx, and Gunicorn |

    This seems reasonably thorough. Maybe I can face it. But part of me is thinking, “I wish I could just FTP some PHP files to a server.”