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  1. Chrome’s Console API: Greatest Hits

    Lots of things I didn’t know you could do in the Google Chrome console. (via Brett Terpstra)

  2. The Economist’s Tom Standage on digital strategy and the limits of a model based on advertising » Nieman Journalism Lab

    Really good interview, on finishability, advertising, types of digital news models. (via Tom Taylor)

  3. Acrux² FL GTX Approach Shoe / Men’s / Footwear / Shoes / Arc’teryx / Arc’teryx

    Possibly the first walking/”approach” shoe/boot that doesn’t look hideous.

  4. Ishkur’s Guide to Electronic Music | New Home on

    I first bookmarked this in 2004, at its old URL and it’s still going. Explore genres of electronic music in a whizzy interface.

  5. Every Noise at Once

    Clickable, listenable, expandable map of musical genres from Echonest data. Nice. (via @tomtaylor)

  6. Wikitten

    Simple PHP-based wiki, uses Markdown or HTML syntax, has syntax highlighting for code blocks. (via @benbrown)

  7. No Dickheads! A Guide To Building Happy, Healthy, And Creative Teams. — Medium

    So good. Sounds like such a great place to work and do good work.

  8. A Message to the 21st Century by Isaiah Berlin | The New York Review of Books

    “If you are truly convinced that there is some solution to all human problems, that one can conceive an ideal society which men can reach if only they do what is necessary to attain it, then you and your followers must believe that no price can be too high to pay in order to open the gates of such a paradise.”

  9. ‘Yoga Pants are Ruining Women’ and Other Style Advice From Fran Lebowitz

    “I wish that real estate were cheaper and clothes were more expensive.” “Designers now, they all have these things called mood boards. I suppose they think a sense of discovery equals invention.” “If you walked around New York you would think there was a terrible mirror famine.” (via Kottke)

  10. MyWord Editor is open source

    Could be good. Who knows. I like the idea anyway. Blog-hosting server and client, both open source. (via @benbrown)

  11. The New Euston Station 1968 (PDF)

    It looks so modern and clean and spacious and pleasant. Unlike today’s reality.

  12. Paradise Lost: How Moreover Won & Lost The Real-Time Web – RicMac

    I’d forgotten about Moreover. Seems such a long, long time ago.

  13. Deep Springs College - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    26 students, no fees, isolated location, students and staff all work on the ranch/farm. (via The New York Review of Books)

  14. 2015-03-18 Bernard Morgan House Brochure.pdf - Google Drive

    On Golden Lane. I really like this understated post-war police section house. I may be pessimistic, but I assume it will be replaced with something much bulkier, less human-feeling. We’ll see. (via The Ben Jonson House Blog)

  15. How to traffic - Album on Imgur

    I’d never even heard of the ‘Cities: Skylines’ game but I like this description of how to make traffic work. (via Infovore)

  16. How Apple Makes the Watch — Atomic Delights

    An explanation of the shots in Apple’s video about making their Watch, for those of us who know little about manufacturing or how impressive the processes might be. (via Tom Taylor)

  17. HTTrack Website Copier - Free Software Offline Browser (GNU GPL)

    I keep forgetting the name of this whenever I want it. For downloading all the pages of a website and making a browsable version of it. Versions for Windows, Linux, Mac, etc.

  18. edds/browser-matrix

    A really useful way of viewing your Google Analytics’ browser data, to work out what your site should be supporting. I like how it groups versions of browsers. Nicely done.

  19. Code Guide by @mdo

    “Standards for developing flexible, durable, and sustainable HTML and CSS,” by Mark Otto, creator of Bootstrap. Not all my preference, but I do enjoy some rigour.

  20. Pharmacie

    Sock subscription service, made in Italy. I’d like to see more examples of the designs first. (via Lineage of Influence)

  21. Bartender | Mac Menu Bar Item Control

    I didn’t expect this to make much difference, but within minutes of tidying up that mess of pointless, ugly icons I already feel more relaxed. (via Useful Mac)

  22. Useful Mac

    Really enjoying this blog, because it reminds me of the olden days of trying out lots of useful, or less useful, Mac utilities from magazine cover discs.

  23. Marionette.js – The Backbone Framework

    “Marionette simplifies your Backbone application code with robust views and architecture solutions.” Sounds good… (via Code as Craft)

  24. Work with me – CSS Wizardry – consultancy, CSS code reviews, speaking, workshops, CSS, OOCSS, front-end architecture, performance and more, by Harry Roberts

    Another way to do CSS class naming. Here are so many names. All of them feel like they’re trying to make up for fundamental deficiencies.

  25. mroth/unindexed · GitHub

    “A website that irrevocably deletes itself once indexed by Google.” Anti-archiving. (Via Waxy)

  26. Transitioning to SCSS at Scale

    How Etsy moved from “400,000+ lines of CSS split over 2000+ files” to using SCSS.

  27. What We Wore — A People’s Style History

    I do love some of these photos. (via Put This On)

  28. Favicons, Touch Icons, Tile Icons, etc. Which Do You Need? | CSS-Tricks

    This is both very handy and, if you scroll down to “Example #3: Support for everything” rather dispiriting. Can’t help thinking something’s gone wrong somewhere.