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  1. How Not To Sort By Average Rating

    Some maths, which I’m assuming is good. (via Infovore)

  2. The Architects Who Made London with Maxwell Hutchinson - Architecture Programme - Royal Academy of Arts

    Series of six discussions about twentieth century architects who have done important stuff in London. On Mondays, first was last night, no online booking *rolls eyes*.

  3. Mapping the Brainysphere: 29 blogs switched-on gamers should read « Subject Navigator

    I was looking for one or two good games blogs to follow and found too many. Choices choices.

  4. Discount thoughts: critical thinking compilation

    Collections of intelligent writing about video games. Only two so far, but promising.

  5. When can I use…

    “Compatibility tables for features in HTML5, CSS3, SVG and other upcoming web technologies.” A lot of waiting involved. (via Dotcode)

  6. Watermarks Project

    Lovely idea to make it obvious how disastrous rising sea levels could be. All the photos are mock-ups though unfortunately. (via Noisy Decent Graphics)

  7. Font Matrix

    Nice grid of what fonts are available in different OSes with different installs of software.

  8. Unit Interactive :: Blog :: Better CSS Font Stacks

    Sensible examples of lists of fonts to use in CSS.

  9. The Online Photographer: The Trough of No Value

    It’s lovely when you find a phrase to name a thing you’ve always known but never been able to reduce to a handful of words. (via Kottke)

  10. Facing up to Fonts | Slides and notes

    Interesting presentation on which fonts are available to use on the web, and how best to specify combinations of them. (via Blech)

  11. Recreating the button | stopdesign

    Doug Bowman on how buttons were developed on Google apps. Good HTML/CSS cleverness. (via Simon Willison)

  12. YouTube - Band of Brothers (BOB) gets Pwned in Alliance Trounament 4

    I’d never seen commentary on a game before. I have no idea what’s going on, but it’s still somehow thrilling. (via Oblinks)

  13. Breaking: Goonfleet stomps Band of Brothers in biggest EVE takedown ever

    “Can you smell that? That sort of eau du ozone, rubber, and dust? That smell is the goddamn future, friends. We are, all of us, finally living in the world our grandfathers wrote pulp novels about.”

  14. Support OpenStreetMap Donate Now

    OpenStreetMap are trying to raise £10,000 to buy a new API database server for their fantastic work. (via Simon Willison)

  15. iCraig » Geotagger

    A Mac app for using Google Earth to add GPS coordinates to photos’ EXIF data. A shame iPhoto doesn’t update its cached data though. (via Lee)

  16. Write to Reply

    Aims to provide a way to comment on individual paragraphs of public reports (starting with ‘Digital Britain’). Great stuff (not sure about the way comments are integrated (or not) though).

  17. Ma.gnolia Suffers Major Data Loss, Site Taken Offline | Epicenter from

    Another week another case of people losing data they’ve entrusted to a hosted service. (via Lee)

  18. Snarkmarket: A Snarkmarket Book Project: The New Liberal Arts

    Writing a book about “the new liberal arts” and asking “what are they?” Also, the most pointless use of video ever. (via Kottke)

  19. ColorSchemer - Online Color Scheme Generator

    Simple way of generating twelve complementary colours.

  20. Color Combinations | Color Schemes | Color Palettes

    The ‘Combo Tester’ provides a way of viewing up to eight colours together, and automatically creating complementary ranges of up to eight colours.

  21. The little page of TRANSPORT CHAOS

    Great idea. Love the descriptions of chaos levels. Longer-term graphs would be nice.

  22. 140 Characters » How Twitter Was Born

    How Twitter went from idea to product. I love stories like this because you know how much it means to the people involved. (via Preoccupations)

  23. A daily diary of Depression-era life, told on Twitter.: The Social Path

    Entries from a line-a-day diary kept from 1937 to 1941 posted daily to Twitter. (via Infovore)

  24. Global Futures Studies & Research by the MILLENNIUM PROJECT

    “Functions under the auspices of the World Federation of UN Associations.”

  25. RubyFrontier Documentation

    Another CMS… imitating Userland Frontier. I can’t decide if this is brilliance and/or madness. (via Daring Fireball)

  26. Nanoc: a Ruby CMS that generates static HTML » home

    Another little CMS. “runs on your local computer and compiles Markdown, Textile, Haml, etc. documents into static web pages, ready for uploading to any web host.” (via Daring Fireball)

  27. Webby :: Webby

    Mini CMS in Ruby. Mainly just converts text into web pages using a variety of templating languages. (via Daring Fireball)