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  1. Prince Charles Cinema - Slackers presents… Singles

    Nostalgic retromania events have definitely reached the early 90s. “Not only will we be presenting the film, but there will also be a selection of music videos with lyrics on the screen for you to sing along to before the film…”

  2. Barbican - Urban Wandering – Film and the London Landscape

    Loads of interesting London-related films at the Barbican in September. Includes a new film about the pedways/highwalks! (via @antimega)

  3. Breeze is closing on August 1, 2013

    Oh, that’s a shame. Seemed a nice, simple implementation of group email lists from what I’d read.

  4. ‘Fuck that film’ « LRB blog

    A few interesting, and critical views on ‘The East’. I found the film better than I feared, and enjoyed it, but I now find myself agreeing with most of the points here.

  5. Antimeridian Cutting

    From that previous d3 examples talk, simply because moving your mouse over this map is extremely satisfying. Wheeeee…

  6. For Example

    A transcript of a talk Mike Bostock gave at Eyeo about good examples, using lots of good, live, examples of d3 diagrams, maps, etc. Really good. Also, made my iPad 1 completely restart… (via The Functional Art)

  7. William Joseph Exodus

    A really cool-looking front-and-back-pack in a I’d-never-actually-wear-one kind of way. Looks a bit Starship Troopers. (via Carryology)

  8. ‘Kitten kitten kitten kittens’, Medium & TED(x) and RSSing since 2003.

    I don’t really understand Medium. Or, I don’t understand why people write on/for it. I don’t understand why it makes me uneasy and why I feel regret when someone writes there rather than their own blog. Rev Dan Catt has more thoughts.

  9. “Peter Thiel pulled an iPhone out of his jeans pocket and held it up. “I don’t consider this to be a…”

    For the thought exercise of comparing the “breakthroughness” and impact of the Apollo programme and the iPhone, and Paul’s (for him) almost contrary (but not wrong) position.

  10. Evo 2013: your very, very vague guide

    Tom Armitage on the major fighting video game tournament. I’m fascinated by these things. Not enough that I watch them, but still. Worth knowing something about what goes on.

  11. Lead Poisoning: The Ignored Scandal by Helen Epstein | The New York Review of Books

    “America’s failure to address the lead paint problem early on may well have cost the American population, on average, five IQ points.” If you ever need another example of why government regulation of industries is necessary.

  12. LPChart: JavaScript charts for Little Printer publications | Robots and Clouds

    A thing I wrote for work about a thing I made at work to help make more things.

  13. Where is the Roger Ebert’s commissioning editor of games? - newsmary

    I’m always bemused by the game coverage in newspapers etc being relegated to a tiny corner (at best) when, for example, “alternative” music and “art house” films get prominent coverage, when both are less mainstream than popular games.

  14. Jack Nicholson+The Brunswick Centre=V. cool. From… | Modernist Estates

    A snippet from ‘The Passenger’ (1981), with Jack Nicholson walking through the Brunswick Centre.

  15. How to learn how to dance in a year

    I’m fascinated by people switching careers and/or learning new skills. Because so many people think it’s too late, when it rarely is if you’re persistent.

  16. RSS commission new research into public perceptions of statistics | RSSeNews

    The British public thinks it lives in Daily Mail fantasy horror world. (via @wonderlandblog)

  17. Django 1.3 vs Rails 3: A not so final showdown - (think)

    A couple of years old, but a pretty good comparison (from a limited field).

  18. Lacuna Books

    Online tool for writing books and papers. Long content, footnotes etc, output to HTML and, for $10, EPUB and PDF. Looks good. (via Tom Taylor)

  19. Packagr

    Promises to make it easy to repurpose blogs etc, and output to Kindle, iBooks, App Store etc. Not properly launched yet, looks interesting. By Ben Brown et al.

  20. Indietracks Compilation 2013 | Indietracks Festival

    Only £2 (or more) for 47 tracks of nice twee pop, with proceeds going to old trains.

  21. What’s musician, entrepreneur and philanthropist been up to recently? - Popjustice

    A fun look at the “co-curator” of the latest edition of ‘Wired’ (which to be fair, has often had less-than technologically-savvy cover stars). “This man is a lunatic.” (via @beekernortham)

  22. Getting ALL your data out of Google Reader

    What it says. QUICK! A command line tool. (via @antimega)

  23. Horace the Alresford Bear

    Alresford bears are very good, speaking from personal childhood experience, and this one seems a fine chap.

  24. The Great Gatsby VFX on Vimeo

    Quite amazing how little of some of those scenes are real, but completely work in the movie.

  25. HTML5 Genetic Algorithm 2D Car Thingy - Chrome recommended

    I could probably watch this all day. Like the older ones that had a single car, but seeing several “race” each other is nice. Algorithmic Olympics. (via @neb)

  26. ArchiveTeam OPML/Feed URL Collector

    ArchiveTeam need your lists of current and old RSS feed URLs, to archive posts from Google Reader’s cache before it closes. Fucking Google. (via @waxpancake)

  27. Boil Up

    A nice description of someone working out how to animate an underwater scene. The ambitions, discoveries and compromises involved. (via Infovore)

  28. The Society - The Makers of Things

    Some really lovely short films about the Society for Model and Experimental Engineers by my friend Anne Hollowday.

  29. Eigengrau - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    ‘Eigengrau (German: “intrinsic gray”), also called Eigenlicht (“intrinsic light”), dark light, or brain gray, is the color seen by the eye in perfect darkness.’ #16161D. (via Stellar)

  30. xkcd: The Pace of Modern Life

    Quotes from 1871 to 1915 about the increasing pace of modern life. (via Kottke)