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  1. Cornerstone vs. Versions, Again

    Comparing Mac Subversion clients. (via Daring Fireball)

  2. Exclusive: The Lego Minifig Timeline

    I think they started going downhill after 1986. Entirely coincidentally, that’s when I stopped buying them. (via Chris Heathcote)

  3. How people really use the iPhone - SlideShare

    Presentation on a company’s user testing with iPhones. One thing not mentioned: although some people made mistakes, did they immediately learn from them, or did they keep making the same mistakes? Big difference I think. (via Chris Heathcote)

  4. Main Page - John Peel Wiki - a Wikia wiki

    More Peel info than you could ever need. I had no idea there were quite so many tapes (now MP3s) of complete Peel shows in existence. (via Ted Mills)

  5. Alex is blogging, too: Tumblr Friendfeed Theme Release

    A theme for Tumblr that incorporates your Friendfeed stuff into a sidebar.

  6. Sprint: Plug into Now.

    Quite absorbing “dashboard” about the state of the world. Some of it’s obviously whizzy and not entirely factual. But I want one for me. (via Russell Davies)

  7. The Ladder at the Church of the Holy Sepulchre

    There’s been a ladder perched on a balcony at the church since at least 1835. Fascinating story. (via Haddock)

  8. Barack Obama: How He Did It | Newsweek Politics: Campaign 2008 |

    A series of seven articles about the campaigns. Worth a long read. (via Kottke)

  9. TruSim :: Division of Blitz Games Studios Ltd

    Saw these videos of CGI humans at Playful. Very impressive. The second one was very unsettling — I’ve never had an emotional reaction like that to computer graphics.

  10. Changing the short username in Leopard | Macworld

    This was very useful after Migration Assistant insisted I couldn’t have the same username on my new MacBook as on my old PowerBook. Grrrr.

  11. Battle of the CSS Frameworks | Capsize Designs

    Handy summary of several CSS frameworks, pros and cons. (via Infovore)

  12. YouTube - The Day Today - Britain in Crisis

    Always worth a watch when it looks like things are tanking. “This is Britain and everything’s alright. Everything’s alright. It’s OK. It’s fine.”

  13. Code: Flickr Developer Blog » Lessons Learned while Building an iPhone Site

    Great practical advice for building a website for iPhones. (via Infovore)

  14. SS09 Piers Atkinson

    Amazing (and sometimes scary) “hats” by my friend Piers.

  15. LRB · Mark Greif: You’ll Love the Way It Makes You Feel

    Great article on ‘Mad Men’, nailing some (but not all) of the things that annoy me about it. But so many people rave about it, despite all this, that we’re going to try again…

  16. Jackets from Scottevest - Vests and Jackets by SeV - Men’s and Women’s Jacket Store

    Good looking jackets designed for geeks with requirements for many, many pockets. Shame it’s mail order only. (via TUAW)

  17. Beanstalk — Version Control with a Human Face

    Hosted Subversion. Looks very nice. (via TUAW)

  18. Versions - Mac Subversion Client (SVN)

    Nice looking Subversion client for the Mac (er, like it says). (via TUAW)

  19. Back to the Garden: 1958 TV show on Global Warming!

    It’s more than a little galling to see a TV programme from 1958 explaining global warming. We’re only doing something about it now!? (via Boing Boing)

  20. Sweetcron - The Automated Lifestream Blog Software

    Self-hosted aggregation of things you do elsewhere on the web. Not convinced about the design of the example. You have to sign up to find out more. Oh well.

  21. ReBlog by Eyebeam R&D

    A way of aggregating RSS feeds and publishing them through weblog software. All a bit vague.

  22. Urban Sketchers

    I’m very much enjoying this so far. A group weblog from dozens of sketching people in cities around the world. Some inspiring stuff.

  23. Photographic collection homepage from London transport museum

    More than 16,000 historical photos of London, nicely browsable. You can even add comments to each one. Would be nice if they enlarged bigger, but otherwise fab.

  24. BBC News | Health | Bee Gees hit could save your life

    I’m amazed this non-news story got so much traction on blogs and news sites. There’s nothing to it at all. (Plus, surely Soul II Soul’s ‘Back to Life’ (102 BPM) would be even better.)

  25. The Atlantic Online | November 2008 | The Things He Carried | Jeffrey Goldberg

    Describing how easy it is to get stuff past US airline security. “Security theatre”: it’s all just for show. (via everywhere)

  26. Conditional classnames

    An easy way to apply Internet Explorer CSS hacks. So simple that, in retrospect, it’s hard to believe no one’s thought of it before. Smashing.

  27. Custom Earphones by Etymotic Research and ACS

    Reseller of aforementioned custom earphone sleeves bundled with ER-6is. Which you have to buy via further resellers. I’ll never understand business.

  28. Advanced Communication Solutions - Custom Earphone Sleeves

    Very tempted by these, but not quite tempted enough at the price. Yet.