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  1. Bristol UWE - In Pictures - Bower Ashton development gallery

    My old college has got a swanky new hi-tech building.

  2. Joining the register

    Sign yourself up to the (UK) organ donor register now. Very simple and easy. (via Richard Herring)

  3. Chyrp

    Simple-looking, open-source, decently-featured PHP/MySQL-based weblog engine with built-in support for different kinds of Tumblr-like posts. (via Daring Fireball)

  4. HyperPort - HyperCard Export Utility

    Handy. I must try this while I still have a Mac that can run Classic. (via Daring Fireball)

  5. Creative Generalist - What Specifically Do Generalists Do?

    Wander & Wonder, Synthesize & Summarize, Link & Leap, Mix & Match, Experience & Empathize. (via Russell Davies)

  6. Charlie’s Diary: Youth of today

    I love things like this, reminding those of us a little older what the world is like from a young person’s point of view. (via Mildly Diverting)

  7. Complete® MoisturePLUS™ Contact lens solution recall notice

    Oh, that’ll be why I couldn’t find my usual solution last time I looked…

  8. Is the Tipping Point Toast? — Duncan Watts — Trendsetting

    Much-linked-to article saying that Influentials aren’t as influential as ‘The Tipping Point’ would have us believe.”When you test the way marketers say the world works, it falls apart.”

  9. MySociety » Travel-time maps

    Very, very tasty interactive London maps looking at travel times and house prices. (via Haddock)

  10. Melamed

    Some great illustrations by Victor Melamed. (via Drawn!)

  11. Associate Email Addresses with a Google Account

    I’ve wanted to do this for ages and didn’t know you could. So you can, for example, get your Google Groups messages sent to different email addresses. (via Technovia)

  12. Measuring Worth - Calculators

    Tools for calculating things like the current value of historical UK pounds or US dollars.

  13. LRB · Thomas Jones: Short Cuts

    “The best of the lot, though, is the diary of Samuel Pepys, which a web designer called Phil Gyford has been posting in daily instalments since 2003…” Hurrah!

  14. With friends like these … Tom Hodgkinson on the politics of the people behind Facebook | Technology | The Guardian

    Yes, all very well, but I’m guessing Hodgkinson hasn’t analysed the beliefs of the bosses of every company he has any interaction with, only the most attention-grabbing.

  15. The Believer - Interview with David Simon

    Creator-Writer-Producer of ‘The Wire’ interviewed by Nick Hornby. (via Kottke)

  16. Datejs - A JavaScript Date Library » About…

    I’m sure this will come in handy sometime. (via Yoz)

  17. Bristol Then and Now Photographs - Page One

    Lots of animated images with photos of past and (nearly) present Bristol. A shame more of them don’t line up better, but still interesting.

  18. “You Don’t Understand Our Audience” by John Hockenberry

    “…a series of lessons I learned about how television news had lost its most basic journalistic instincts in its search for the audience-driven sweet spot, the ‘emotional center’ of the American people.” (via Oblinks)

  19. How to Read a Book (PDF)

    Sounds like good advice. I mostly read for pleasure at the moment, rather than for just learning stuff, but this’ll be handy one day…

  20. Death and Underachievement: A Guide to Happiness in Work | 43 Folders

    Maybe my resolution should be “just be content”. But then I’d try too hard to achieve it.

  21. The Personal MBA Manifesto: Mastering Business Through Self-Education (Recommended Business Books)

    First time I’ve thought “that looks awesome” about something MBA related. (via Cool Tools)

  22. Advice for clearing literary clutter | Ask MetaFilter

    Old thread on how to reduce the number of books one owns (or why not to bother). (via 43 Folders)

  23. Luggage Pr0n: Five Head-Turning Bags for Your Notebook | 43 Folders

    Yet another geek bag discussion. Comments probably more practical than the main article. For when my 11 year old bag dies.

  24. WideMail

    Another plugin that gives you a three column interface. Better / worse / different to Letterbox?

  25. » Letterbox

    A plugin for that rearranges the interface into three columns, which might help me survive the switch from Eudora.

  26. Eudora Mailbox Cleaner

    After nearly 14 years with Eudora I might switch to when I upgrade to Leopard. This looks like just what I need for exporting and importing my life safely.

  27. YouTube - Los Campesinos - You! Me! Dancing!

    Fun animated video for one of my favourite tunes of 2006 AND 2007. The animation bears no relation to the song, but still… (via Drawn!)