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  1. Corner Cottage, St Ives

    We stayed here this past week. Lovely little place, great location, sleeps up to five. St Ives was great, if wet, this time of year: quiet, friendly, beautiful and tasty.

  2. Fraser Speirs – On the Flickr support in iPhoto ‘09

    I know Speirs could be accused of bias but it doesn’t sound like iPhoto ‘09’s Flickr integration is going to be any use to me at all. Sounds awful. (via Daring Fireball)

  3. Mathusalem - Google Code

    Interesting-sounding backup utility for Mac OS X. Backs up in the background to “local drives, iDisk, WebDAV, AFP, SMB, FTP, SFTP or Amazon S3”. Maybe for when StrongSpace finally disappears. (via Tom Taylor on Twitter)

  4. FreeAgent - Online accounting for freelancers and small businesses

    Another online thing for freelance types, this one for accounting. Lots of UK-specific stuff.

  5. YouTube - The T-Mobile Dance

    An IprovEverywhere type stunt as an advert but very nicely done. I love how the participants only gradually join in. (via Preoccupations)

  6. ASCII by Jason Scott / FUCK THE CLOUD

    A follow-up to the previous link on why keeping your stuff on servers run by other companies is a recipe for trouble. I try to avoid this but some things, like Flickr, make me nervous. (via Blech)

  7. ASCII by Jason Scott / Eviction, or the Coming Datapocalypse

    Catching up on stuff… AOL Hometown shut down and wiped all its users’ sites with four weeks’ notice. It’s bad enough when chunks of the web disappear, but worse like this. (via Simon Willison)

  8. Xero is the world’s easiest accounting system.

    And one more for good measure. (via Haddock)

  9. FreshBooks - Online Invoicing, Time Tracking and Expense Service

    Looks interesting, for possible future use. (via Haddock)

  10. TDO Mini Forms Wordpress Plugin (v0.12.6) []

    Very flexible plugin that lets you create custom forms which create new WordPress posts with their data. Confusing and ugly UI, but nicely powerful.


    Launching soon, a backup for Flickr and weblogs. Google Docs, Twitter, YouTube and Facebook backup promised. As I said earlier, all these sites should offer this service by default. (via Blech)

  12. ChangeDetection - Know when any web page changes

    I’m sure there are similar services but if I don’t save this I’ll forget which one I signed up with to watch a page.

  13. Google Open Source Blog: Google Blog Converters 1.0 Released

    Excellent - scripts to convert between Blogger, LiveJournal, MovableType and WordPress. I reckon every single online service should have an “Export” button and nag you if you haven’t backed-up in a while. (via Tom Taylor)

  14. Reduced Circumstances - Current showcase

    Run actors’ showcases at Soho Theatre twice a year.

  15. The Printed Blog | Home

    A trial of a twice-daily very local newspaper in some US locations using content from blogs. It would be difficult to be any worse than, say, Metro, London Lite, Evening Standard, etc. in London.

  16. Noisy Decent Graphics: All the ephemera that’s fit to print

    I haven’t even seen one of these (yet) but it’s already one of my favourite objects. I’ve wanted to do something like this for ages but Russell and Ben actually did it, and did it much better than I’d ever have done it.

  17. Tabbloid

    Will regularly email you a PDF of your chosen RSS feeds. Couldn’t be much simpler. (via Russell Davies)

  18. Russell Davies: meet the new schtick (2)

    Part two of a write-up of a talk Russell gave. Real-world things derived from the internet’s good stuff make me excited.

  19. A Typographic Survey of the City of London on Vimeo

    Lovely little video about the typography used in public throughout the City. Only criticism: sound recording is very poor quality. Otherwise, fab. (via Blech)

  20. Twee as Fuck

    Fanzine, monthly London club night, record label. Looks great. (Warning: the naughty page plays music when it loads.)

  21. The Django Book: Version 2.0 (English)

    Lets people attach comments to individual paragraphs. Quite nicely done compared to some similar implementations (eg, BookGlutton, CommentPress).

  22. Requirements for an invoice | Business Link

    Not thrilling, but useful and clearly presented, for UK businesses.

  23. Preoccupations: Our work (so far) this year

    Going to talk to those pupils was great fun and this describes how incredibly lucky and clever they are. Very impressive (David and them, not me).

  24. Home ‎(Barbican restaurants‎)

    Wiki for restaurants local to the Barbican.

  25. MediaShift . Can Crowdfunding Help Save the Journalism Business? | PBS

    I had this great idea… turns out it’s far from original, but it still sounds good. (via Haddock)

  26. Doodle: Easy Scheduling

    Another way to arrange group events. (via Haddock)

  27. Meet With Approval

    “Work out which day is good for everyone and keep track of who is coming…” Great idea, but I wonder if it works in practice. (via Haddock)

  28. Rands In Repose: The Nerd Handbook

    A worrying amount of that seems to fit.