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  1. Six degrees of IMDb founder Col Needham | Film | The Guardian

    On the success of the IMDb’s “creator”. Doesn’t even mention that the site’s value to Amazon in 1998 was all the data contributed by volunteers. Imagine if Wikipedia was solely the work of Jimmy Wales and Larry Sanger. Grrrrrr. Still angry.

  2. CSS Architecture | Appfolio Engineering

    Lots of good thoughts on structuring CSS. (via Tom Taylor)

  3. The Sublime Cluelessness of Throwing Lavish Great Gatsby Parties - Zachary M. Seward - The Atlantic

    For the line: “It’s like throwing a Lolita-themed children’s birthday party.”

  4. Every Every Every Generation Has Been the Me Me Me Generation - Elspeth Reeve - The Atlantic Wire

    Scroll down for the examples of 100+ years of oldsters moaning about kids being spoiled narcissists. (via @timoarnall)


    Updated hi-res version of the heavily used tiny dancing woman animated gif from the 1990s.

  6. The Online Photographer: (OT) How Do You Build A Starship-Building Organization?

    About last September’s first conference by the 100 Year Starship foundation, starting to work out what kind of organisation would be required to launch a starship 100 years from now.

  7. GeoGuessr - Let’s explore the world!

    And this is good fun, while you’re waiting for your collection of candies to grow. I got 7457 on my first and, so far, only round. (via @antimega)

  8. Candy box !

    Really, stupidly, dumbly addictive. Be patient. And don’t forget to Save frequently. (via @nickludlam)

  9. Sim City: An Interview with Stone Librande - Venue

    “We realized… our game was going to be really boring if it was proportional in terms of parking lots.” A real shame. An opportunity to make people notice just how much a car-reliant society needs for parking. Feels like whitewashing. (via @timoarnall)

  10. Whitecross Street Estate - 2010 - Publica (PDF)

    A report on the Peabody estate that spans Whitecross Street, from 2010. An interesting read. It sounded like a quite reasonable amount of work would make a big different to a lot of the public/residents’ spaces which are neither car park or useful/enjoyable space. But I’m not sure how much has actually changed since.

  11. An Independent Appraisal of Henderson Global Investor’s Ltd’s Proposals for Redevelopment of the Western Market Buildings, Smithfield (PDF)

    Lots of photos etc, describing the proposals. Mainly: Keep the most of the shallow, street-facing brick buildings (or just the facades?), and replace the large 19th century market space inside with a seven-storey office block. This assessment seems unsurprisingly critical.

  12. Spoogeworld lost musical documentation

    Includes a scan of a page from ‘Keyboard’ magazine in 1987 which shows you Brian Eno’s favourite patches for the Yamaha DX7 for you to tap in.

  13. My First Bookmarks

    The web bookmarks I used in 1995. They were originally written out on sheets of A4 paper, then at some point I made them into a web page. I don’t think browsers had bookmarking as a feature at first.

  14. The best burritos and tacos in London – 55 burritos, 83 tacos, 59 eateries, one verdict | The Picky Glutton

    Ten years ago I wrote a post wondering why there was so little Mexican food in London. Now look. (via Antimega)

  15. DWP - Services and benefits online - What do I need?

    Staggeringly shit. The service was designed to work with Internet Explorer versions 5 through 6 on (old) Windows only. One assumes the GOV.UK accessibility shock troops will roll into town eventually.

  16. David Rumsey Historical Map Collection

    Old maps overlaid on their modern Google Maps. I want to add something like this, using a 17th-ish century map of London, to the Pepys site. Somehow. (via Kottke)

  17. The Amanda Palmer Problem — Vulture

    A “thing the web has done is erode the ability to put something into the world that is directed only at interested parties.” It’s hard to avoid the people who will (vocally) dislike something you’re trying to share. (via Waxy)

  18. The Shrieking Violet: The Would Be’s - I’m Hardly Ever Wrong

    An interview with the Would Be’s from 2009. I had no idea they were so young when ‘I’m Hardly Ever Wrong’ came out. (Also, they have an album out in May!)

  19. From the generalized resource curse to communism | An und für sich

    I think the group I was in, in a class in Houston in 2000, proposed a guaranteed basic income like this for our imagined future society on Mars. (via @cshirky)

  20. WebPagetest - Website Performance and Optimization Test

    Very detailed graphs and stuff. (via @tomtaylor)

  21. Time travel on Behance

    I rather like these, the artist inserting herself taking a photo into old photos. (via Kottke)

  22. HINT.FM: The Art Of Reproduction

    I like this idea - making a famous image out of a mosaic of different versions of it found online - but i hate that needless faux-3D tiled effect. Odd. (via The Online Photographer)

  23. How You Can Help Save, Posterous, and More

    Solely for the phrase “companies like Yahoo work to destroy as much human history as possible.” Must suck to work somewhere like that.

  24. Boys Clubs

    Highlighting all the 100% male boards, etc, etc. Very good. Also: Tumblrs as a hyper-focused lens on the rest of the web. (via Waxy)

  25. Exquisite Tweets from @quantick

    David Quantick’s imagined mourners at Thatcher’s funeral.

  26. China’s Ghost Cities? Not so ghost-like. | Tobias Buckell Online

    Those news reports about empty Chinese cities appear to be not entirely accurate. (via @GreatDismal)

  27. Spark • Spark 213: Longevity, Integration, Disposal

    Interview with me on CBC Radio about Our Incredible Journey.

  28. How the Banner Ad Was Born | Digiday

    On the first banner ad, created at HotWired in 1994. (via Daring Fireball)