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  1. How we manage design work in Pivotal Tracker - Pivotal Tracker

    How Pivotal Labs use Pivotal Tracker to manage design work, as opposed to development work, in an agile process (much of it isn’t specific to Pivotal Tracker). (via @antimega)

  2. Development Aesthetics

    Relentless images of and comment on the hoardings surrounding new developments, mostly in London.

  3. How to save a web page to the Internet Archive

    Bookmarklet and Chrome extension. (via @textfiles)

  4. The Entrant’s Guide to The Automobile Industry | Asymco

    Fascinating to realise quite how different the (mainly) US car industry is to so many other more dynamic, less consolidated ones. (via Daring Fireball)

  5. Gemnasium

    “Parses your project’s dependencies and notifies you when new versions are released or they need to be updated.” For python, ruby, node, php, etc. (via @dracos)

  6. | Monitor your dependencies

    “Monitors the requirements of your project and notify you whenever a dependency is outdated.” (via @mrchrisadams)

  7. There’s nothing sinister about Guardian stories going missing online | Open door | Comment is free | The Guardian

    A bug in the automated rights system led to a lot of articles disappearing. Another one for the “transitory nature of the web” file.

  8. Shoegaze: An Oral History

    What it says. Not *hugely* interesting to be honest.

  9. Hardware by the Numbers (Part 1: Team + Prototyping) — Medium

    Four parts. I’m not overly fascinated by making hardware, but enjoy reading general starting/growing-a-business experience, even if it’s focused on making a business with the aim of exiting. (via Tom Taylor)

  10. A Year of Reflection — Today’s Office — Medium

    Jan Chipchase on design studios, taking risks, his year of “creat[ing] the minimum viable process and infrastructure to be able to take on challenging projects that can have significant impact, and do good work.” (via @cityofsound)

  11. Home - Annotator - Annotating the Web

    “An open-source JavaScript library to easily add annotation functionality to any webpage.” Used on

  12. How to Write a Book in Three Days: Lessons from Michael Moorcock | Wet Asphalt

    I spent a lot of teenage time reading these books. (via Boing Boing via Interconnected)

  13. Male pattern boldness

    “I started sewing in 2009 and today make all my own clothes using mainly vintage patterns and vintage sewing machines.”

  14. TaylorTailor

    “I’m on a mission to design and create my entire wardrobe from scratch. It’s going to take a while.” Also, bags.

  15. · Work Better on GitHub Issues

    A nice columnlar front-end on to GitHub issues. Free for public repos.

  16. Learning to Make Your Own Clothes, Part Two

    Tips and resources from two men who make their own clothes.

  17. Alievens

    A guy in Belgium who makes his own shirts, trousers, jackets. (via Put This On)

  18. Best Work Backpack Finalists :: Third Annual Carry Awards

    Some nice-looking backpacks there, which don’t look like you’re about to go hiking.

  19. All My Blogs Are Dead - The Awl

    A writer on all the blogs and news sites he’s written for which no longer exist online. Paper magazines and newspapers ultimately have greater longevity. (via Waxy)

  20. zupamarket_en

    Brutalist tower block paper cut-out models, with a set of London buildings. (via @cityofsound)

  21. Time Travel

    Search for a URL and a date and this aggregates results from lots of different web archives.

  22. What the Web Said Yesterday - The New Yorker

    On the Internet Archive, Brewster Kahle, and attempts to archive the web in general.


    A way to create an archived copy of a page for citation purposes. T&Cs say “WE MAKE NO REPRESENTATIONS, WARRANTIES, OR UNDERTAKINGS AS TO PERMANENCE OR THE DURATION OF PRESERVATION.” Brilliant.

  24. The Knowledge, London’s Legendary Taxi-Driver Test, Puts Up a Fight in the Age of GPS

    This long, good article everyone linked to a while back is indeed long and good.

  25. Mr. Miller Doesn’t Go to Washington - Matt Miller - POLITICO Magazine

    “A candidate’s memoir.” Being a candidate sounds like even less fun than I ever thought it would be.

  26. CABINET // Whitewood under Siege

    Another good article I’ve finally caught up with via PaperLater. All about the big world of shipping pallets.

  27. The Ambush at Sheridan Springs — Medium

    “How Gary Gygax Lost Control of Dungeons & Dragons.” Possibly more detailed than it needs to be, but a good read if you are/were into that. I was, as a teenager, entirely oblivious to every bit of this, even though I played D&D.

  28. The Most Fascinating Profile You’ll Ever Read About a Guy and His Boring Startup | WIRED

    Got round to reading this piece about Stewart Butterfield and Slack. So nice to read about nice start-ups.


    Chrome extension and bookmarklet for annotating web pages.