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  1. HuBoard

    Nice Trello-style interface for GitHub issues. Hosted, pay-for for non-open source projects. But code is also available for self-hosting.

  2. The JR James Archive - Sets

    The University of Sheffield’s planning archive has been digitised and put on Flickr. Post-war town and regional planning porn. (via @benterrett)

  3. Centering in the Unknown

    For future reference, another thing about vertically centering text using CSS.

  4. Designing CSS Layouts With Flexbox Is As Easy As Pie

    I ended up using something like this to vertically centre text, falling back to using JavaScript for browsers that Modernizr suggested didn’t have flexbox.

  5. What are the best resources ( sites or books or tutorials ) for learning programming ?

    For future reference when someone asks this question, mainly for the first couple of answers.

  6. ngrok - secure introspectable tunnels to localhost

    Alternative to localtunnel, for making sites on your local machine visible to the world. (via Infovore)

  7. 8-bit reggae project

    Links to several 8-bit reggae tunes at the end of the post.

  8. Photo scanning made easy. We collect from you | Vintage Photo Lab

    They scan your old photos. Not extortionate, given how long it’d take to do yourself. (via Noisy Decent Graphics)

  9. Europe etymology maps 1

    Maps showing which European countries use different common-ish words for something, and where those terms originated. (via @tomcoates)

  10. Jay Porter | Observations From A Tipless Restaurant, Part 1: Overview

    I didn’t bookmark this when I read it, but it keeps springing to mind. All parts are worth a read, on the nature of restaurant tipping, differences between good and bad waiters, the male patron / female waiter relationship, etc. (via Kottke)

  11. Reader question: Differences between bespoke tailors - Permanent Style

    While I’m at it, this from 2010 is also a good read.

  12. A new (dashing) tailor discovered - Permanent Style

    A post from 2009. Sounds vaguely affordable. Well, compared to Saville Row. And this writer seems very happy with them. Loads of good stuff in this blog’s archives; an education.

  13. They may have the money, but we have the tools of technology.

    James Darling. I’ll be upfront about this: I find any, “We’re doing amazing worthwhile things at the government, doing Good, and it’s your duty to join us,” rhetoric really, really annoying. But this is still good stuff. And *such* an antidote if you’ve read one too many Silicon Valley boosterism posts on Medium.

  14. Babelmark 2 - Compare markdown implementations

    See how a load of different Markdown libraries generate HTML from the same input. The FAQ has a long list of examples that show differences. (via @aanand)

  15. ‘The Matt Ward Manoeuvre’ Part 2: Techniques and tips… exercises in drawing

    As with the previous part, this makes me want to do more drawing. Maybe this time…

  16. The Online Photographer: Open Mike: Photo Essay (Part I)

    I love this photo essay of Mike Johnston getting a reconditioned pool table installed. So much skill and attention to detail. Also, it makes me wish I was there with them all, hanging out, chatting. I could happily read this site even if it never mentioned photography.

  17. How Yahoo Killed Flickr and Lost the Internet

    “Build something good, and the buyout offers start rolling in. But while selling out in most other fields of creative endeavor is frowned upon, it’s a given on the Web.” True, but this assumes you think of a start-up as a creative endeavour, not a business. But still.

  18. Kapowaz: Cargo Cult CSS

    Good article on the drawbacks of OOCSS and some tips for good practice. I like the need to use descriptive selectors, rather than terse ones; these make much more sense to me coming to a CSS file written by someone else.

  19. Ian Penman reviews ‘Mod’ by Richard Weight · LRB 29 August 2013

    This is packed with good stuff. The differences between the fans of trad and modern jazz. Mods as continental modernists, aesthetes. Mods compared to other subcultures. “Tellyology”: shaping history with both eyes on a potential TV series. Ray Davies. Miles Davis. Blur. Noel Gallagaher. Today’s Mod revival as a ploddy “dad rock” conservatism. The British Music Experience.

  20. Karma

    “Test Runner for JavaScript”. (via @yoz)

  21. Mocha

    “A feature-rich JavaScript test framework running on node.js and the browser”. (via @yoz)

  22. A Typographic Survey of the City of London: Part One

    Part One of a revised, longer, edition of a film about the City’s typography which was around a few years back but was taken offline. Other part(s) to come, apparently.

  23. Veldtschoen Variations

    My years-long inability to find waterproof and light-walking shoes/boots I like has currently come to this.

  24. Scott Adams on success

    On why “follow your passion” is bad advice. I wish I could remember the tags I’ve used for this kind of thing before though.

  25. Arresting the Unjustly Homeless while they Learn to Code — Weird Future — Medium

    Good stuff, on that well-intentioned but myopic vanity project to help a homeless man to code. Hey, why not use your energy to change the system? Even less chance of success and glory, but if enough of you do it you might just make a sodding difference you. Gah, angry.

  26. The Bouletcorp » Our Toyota was Fantastic.

    This is lovely. A comic, with the panels looping minimal animation. Gorgeous. (via Russell Davies)