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  1. HistoryShots Information Graphics - Prints

    Nice posters of timelines and similar infographics, along the lines of that one of Napoleon’s Russian campaign. Mostly American topics. (via Haddock)

  2. CanonicalTomes

    Web Archive version of a site I’ve been trying to remember for years. It tried to create a database of “books … which define their respective domains”. Didn’t get very far.

  3. Ladybird Prints

    Nostalgia prints. Great idea, some lovely illustrations there. (via Blech)

  4. BSA Actor Training

    Part-time courses in London from somewhere I haven’t heard of. (I keep meaning to collate such places in a post. One day.)

  5. Asaph -

    Nice-looking and very simple weblog CMS focused on collecting links, photos and quotes, rather than writing stuff yourself. (via Daring Fireball)


    My Muxtape. Which may or may not update occasionally.

  7. Mail-trends - Google Code

    “Mail Trends lets you analyze and visualize your email (as extracted from an IMAP server)” Haven’t tried it, but it looks purty. (via Haddock)

  8. YouTube - Wills’s Girls

    Interviews with women who used to work at Wills’ tobacco factory in Bristol. Lovely, but would have been much better if we could just see the women being interviewed, instead of all the graphics.

  9. YouTube - Bristol In The 1920s

    Lovely old footage of bits of Bristol. Presumably with sound added more recently. (via the Bristol Blogger)

  10. Lina Scheynius (MS Logan Photographic Agency)

    I like this photo and some of her others. I hope it’s this one; stupid, slow, infuriating Flash interface makes it hard to link to stuff. Who commissions this crap (the website, not the photos)?

  11. Kevin Kelly — The Technium — The Forever Book

    Not just a library of all essential knowledge about human civilisation, but it would contain instructions for how to recreate a version of itself. From 2006.

  12. Kevin Kelly — Help Wanted — The world’s best how-to?

    “What are the best how-to books, videos, software, websites that you’ve ever seen?” From 2004.

  13. Alexandre Day

    I like these drawings. Verge slightly on the too twee, with those winsome eyes, but I love the marks. (via Drawn!)

  14. Archive Player - FourDocs - O Dreamland

    1953 Lindsay Anderson film about a fun fair in Margate. A bit dreamy, with sound added after the filming; no authorial voice over or interviews. (Click ‘Play’ button for tiny but full-length screening.)

  15. We Are The Lambeth Boys

    Really, really lovely 1959 documentary by Karel Reisz about young men and women at a London youth club. Fascinating for both similarities and differences to now. Do watch. 49 mins.


    Awesome little app by Simon Willison that shows you places near you from Wikipedia, using Yahoo! Fire Eagle. Makes me want an iPhone.

  17. Offline folders - MozillaZine Knowledge Base

    The hidden (in that you have to create it) Thunderbird setting to have it store copies of IMAP messages locally.

  18. Abort, Retry, or EPIC FAIL

    On the increasingly annoying “FAIL!” meme. Half my friends on Twitter sound interchangeable these days, as if they must regurgitate this month’s coolest phrases or look like losers.

  19. BBC - BBC Three - TV Listings

    TV listings done as a slowly whizzy (and pointless) Flash thing. Is there really *nothing* more useful that BBC staff could be doing? (via Haddock)

  20. - projects

    “… a native cocoa mail client that uses the Mozilla mail/news library and the gecko browser view that Camino uses.” Early days.

  21. TCPDF - PHP Class for PDF

    Yet another PDF-generating PHP class. An improvement on FPDF (does UTF-8 for a start), but I had some problems getting tables to look just how I wanted.

  22. The Lost Tools of Learning

    Dorothy L. Sayers suggested reviving the Trivium — grammar, rhetoric and dialectic — as children’s education. Learning how to learn, rather than learning subjects.

  23. How to Learn Math and Physics

    Recommendations of books to take you through the main topics of physics and maths. Oh for much, much more time.

  24. Daf Yomi - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    “… a daily regimen undertaken to study the Babylonian Talmud one folio (a daf consists of both sides of the page) each day.” Would take 7.5 years. (via Haddock)

  25. FlickrSLiDR - Embed Flickr Slideshows within Your Site

    Very nice way to include a slideshow of Flickr images in your website.

  26. Food Court Musical at Improv Everywhere

    This video makes me all happy. (via Boing Boing)

  27. Lunch over IP: What social networking site is popular where

    A map and charts showing relative popularity of Facebook, MySpace, Orkut, Friendster, etc in different continents. Amazing how much it varies. (via ChrisDodo)