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  1. County of london plan 1945 - a set on Flickr

    “excerpts from a small booklet explaining the ideas behind the official County of London Plan.” Lovely.

  2. Muse: Ununited Eurasia

    Something I made recently with Six to Start, which went very well. It was a busy week.

  3. Preoccupations: Berlin

    I keep meaning to go to Berlin, and David’s collected some great tips and links and background.

  4. Read it and weep: Evan Williams of Twitter on Newsnight - the transcript | Technology |

    What’s more depressing: The bored inanity of the Newsnight interview? That an event this unimportant is reported by the Guardian? Or the Guardian’s relentlessly anti-Twitter commenters? Tough call.

  5. Free Movies: Watch movies online legally

    A bunch of full “indie” movies to watch online. Looks like there might be some good stuff.

  6. Senator Charles Grassley on the costs of health care (C-SPAN video)

    In case you missed the clips on The Daily Show, here’s the full video of Grassley’s bizarre cartoon-powered Arthurian mixed metaphors. It’s stunning that this nonsense happens in government.

  7. Netflix - Reference Guide on our Freedom & Responsibility Culture

    Interesting readable presentation about Netflix’s culture. Although I haven’t worked in a company for years, I’m fascinated by this kind of thing. (via Kottke)

  8. New ways to save the newspaper - azeem.azhar

    Interesting thoughts from Azeem about what things it’s worth the Observer (or a similar newspaper) doing.

  9. Run Internet Explorer 6 (or IE7, or IE8) images in VMware Fusion on Mac OS X - Ryan Parman

    I’ve avoided IE 8 so far, but guess I’ll need to give it a whirl soon. Harrumph. (via Tom Taylor)

  10. Op-Ed Columnist - Swan Songs? -

    On the changing state of the recorded music industry, mostly for the fascinating ‘Music Sales’ graphic on the left. (via Daring Fireball)

  11. Paul Morley’s showing off … Classical | Music |

    Somehow I was unaware of the BBC programme and now it’s off iPlayer. Grrr. Sounds awesome and I’ve only read ‘Critic to Composer’ so far. (via Blackbeltjones)

  12. SWFUpload jQuery Plugin : Adam Royle

    A nice jQuery way to implement the SWFUpload thingummy. (via Yoz)

  13. Letter posters

    Embroidery doesn’t usually do much for me, but combine with typography and CMYK screens and it’s all geek friendly! (via Haddock)

  14. Søren Vind >> pc_user

    “A lightweight authentication library for CodeIgniter. It focuses on simplicity and security.” I used this recently and, like the CodeIgniter PHP framework, it just worked.

  15. jQuery slideViewer 1.1

    Wonderfully simple looking javascript slideshow thing. (via Infovore)

  16. Maker’s Schedule, Manager’s Schedule

    Seems so obvious now it’s been put into words. If I have a meeting in a morning or afternoon I know that half of the day will be a right-off for all other useful work. (via Daring Fireball)

  17. Spotify playlist: Chart Hits 83

    I made a playlist of that K-Tel double cassette compilation I was banging on about a while back. A few omissions, but otherwise it’s all there.

  18. Spotify + = good

    I had exactly the same problem with Spotify — unsure what to listen to. ShareMyPlaylists does seem like a good way in.

  19. IanVisits London Events Guide

    Fantastic guide of interesting things going on in London. I’d like an iCal file, but otherwise, handy stuff. (via Simon Willison)

  20. Developer Color Picker

    Quite handy, although I wish it gave the option to display the Color Values in CSS friendly hex too. (via Daring Fireball)

  21. Mattb’s git and workflow Bookmarks on Delicious

    Links to examples of how people use Git. I still find it hard to get my head round this kind of stuff, and reading things like this helps.

  22. Cufón - fonts for the people

    A way to do pretty fonts nicely in web pages other than sIFR. (I haven’t tried it.)

  23. 100 Years of Design Manifestos — Social Design Notes

    I wish there were more early twentieth century manifestos (there must be more, right?) but a good list otherwise. (via Kottke)

  24. Facebook | News Feed and Wall Privacy

    Opt out of having your photos appear in advertisements shown to your friends. YOUR PHOTOS APPEAR IN ADVERTISEMENTS SHOWN TO YOUR FRIENDS. ffs. (via Haddock)

  25. BBC - BBC Internet Blog: A Christmas Present from the HD Channel!

    A way to calibrate your HD TV, but mostly for the links to Flickr pictures of HD-sized versions of the traditional BBC test card with girl and clown.

  26. New York Review of Ideas

    Looks like rather a nice new online journal thing, marred only by having its articles split over several pages. Maddening. (via Kottke)

  27. New Liberal Arts // Snarkmarket & Revelator Press

    A free PDF book on many interesting-sounding topics. No idea what the quality’s like, but it’s another PDF to never quite get round to reading. (via Kottke)

  28. The Secret Diary of Steve Jobs: I’m really thinking maybe I shouldn’t have yelled at that Chinese guy so much

    Can we have the second and third paragraph printed in big letters as the first thing anyone sees when they open the packaging on a new shiny thing? (via Daring Fireball)

  29. Lighthouse - Beautifully Simple Issue Tracking

    Another simple, pretty bug tracking web app thingummy.

  30. Simple Bug and Issue Tracking | Sifter

    Looks pretty and simple which is always a bonus.