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  1. Modernist Estates

    A blog collecting modernist homes in the UK that are for sale. Nice stuff.

  2. Margaret Thatcher and misapplied death etiquette | Glenn Greenwald

    “There’s something distinctively creepy - in a Roman sort of way - about this mandated ritual that our political leaders must be heralded and consecrated as saints upon death.” Yes. No heralding happening here.

  3. Welcome to Toytown: what life is like in new-build Britain | Society | The Guardian

    ‘“It’s referred to as a village, but it’s an estate,” Terri insists. “The fact that it was all built at the same time means it’s an estate. Villages evolve, don’t they?”’

  4. Recycled Movie Costumes

    It’s hard enough recognising actors that have been in something before, never mind their clothes. Oddly fascinating. (via @pkqk)

  5. Geocities as Style and Marketing Gimmick @divshot | One Terabyte of Kilobyte Age

    I’ve had “Geocities WordPress theme” as a “someday” project for ages. Maybe I should cross it off now. Geocities styles for Twitter Bootstrap and Tumblr.

  6. An acquisition is always a failure

    “Big companies aren’t just big versions of small companies. They’re another class of entity entirely, more concerned with sustaining their own rhythms and control structures than experimenting with strange ideas from acquired ex-founders.” (via @aden_76)

  7. Archived Music Press | Scans from the Melody Maker and N.M.E. circa 1987-1996

    Lots of blasts from the past here. The couple of copies of MM/NME that I still have are intriguing, mainly the small and unimportant bits rather than the high-profile interviews etc usually featured here.

  8. Civilian Expander Pack

    Quite a nice, slim backpack. (via Carryology)

  9. How to upgrade tracks to iTunes Match, fast | Macworld

    Handy description of how to work out which of your iTunes Matched tracks can be downloaded at higher quality from the moon. I mean cloud.

  10. EDC Gear

    Oh, way too many cool little things for your pockets, none of which I need at all.

  11. webgamingcentral - YouTube (SimCity)

    I keep meaning to watch some of these SimCity playthrough videos, as I find it fascinating… but if I was wondering how I’d justify the time required to play the game, I’m not sure I can justify watching other people play it.

  12. Find The Thing You’re Most Passionate About, Then Do It On Nights And Weekends For The Rest Of Your Life | The Onion - America’s Finest News Source

    “I can’t stress this enough: Do what you love…in between work commitments, and family commitments, and commitments that tend to pop up and take immediate precedence over doing the thing you love.” (via @secretbean)

  13. Timeline JS - Beautifully crafted timelines that are easy, and intuitive to use.

    Rather nice multimedia timelines. Open source. Twitter Bootstrap aesthetic. (via Mildly Diverting)

  14. Can Hospital Chains Improve the Medical Industry? : The New Yorker

    About new ways large US hospital chains are trying to optimise things, but actually most interesting when talking about how The Cheesecake Factory does its logistics and training. (From August 2012 via ?)

  15. ViziCities development diary #1: One month in | Rawkes

    This is great. Not just an interesting project — making a SimCity-like 3D view of a city’s data, on the web — but a lovely high-level (no actual code) description of learning how to solve and improve something. (via @neb)

  16. Are there any good films on iPlayer?

    Jolly good. Do one thing well. (via Tom Taylor)

  17. TLDRLegal - Open Source Licenses Explained in Plain English

    Very useful. I can never remember this stuff, the rare times I need it. (via @metabrew)

  18. Alan Paine | Alan Paine

    I like some of these jumpers and things. (via Lineage of Influence)

  19. Huhne and Pryce went to jail despite their privilege, not because of it

    Yes, all this. All the “oh, they don’t deserve it, jail will be so hard for them,” talk makes me so angry given the ludicrous sentences given for some other things that we must apparently be “robust” and “firm” in dealing with. (via @matlock)

  20. Dandelion Radio | Mixcloud

    Ooh, Dandelion are putting their previous month’s shows on Mixcloud. Brill. Rocker’s my favourite, but lots of good stuff generally.

  21. AZPianoNews: REVIEW - Classenti CDP1, CDP2, CDP3, GR1 Digital Pianos From China - Not Recommended - Digital Piano Reviews

    Says that the Classenti and Broadway digital piano brands, promoted by the afore-linked UK Pianos, are owned by and exclusive to the man behind UK Pianos, and that they’re not that good, although the writer hasn’t played them… Intriguing.

  22. The Amen break: Just a sample | The Economist

    Finally got round to reading/listening to all of this, 15 months after everyone else linked to it. I love this stuff, because I’m so oblivious to the details of samples normally.

  23. Test-Driven Django Tutorial

    Quite verbose tutorial, in a good way. Assumes very little Django knowledge, which is great/tedious depending on your own level.

  24. Flat UI Free - PSD&HTML User Interface Kit - Designmodo

    Looks interesting for quickly making things look nice. (via @paulpod)

  25. Ocean Quigley’s Projects:

    Blog from the Creative and Art director on the new SimCity. Some lovely details.


    I hope this new series of Adam Curtis posts on fake objectivity and neutrality analyse his own style. Really, that would be fascinating.

  27. Using The New Sim City, 6 Urban Planners Battle For Bragging Rights | Co.Exist: World changing ideas and innovation

    “We brought together some of the most interesting urban thinkers to play the new version of the city planning game to see who would make the best fake metropolis.” I still can’t wait. (via @antimega)