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  1. Pure CSS opacity and how to have opaque children, css, xhtml, Steven

    Because I keep forgetting this and having to look it up again.

  2. Netflix Reviews |

    Comments from Netflix employees, a good counterpart to that impressive presentation about company culture that went round a few weeks ago. (via Haddock)

  3. It’s double art history with Mr Tate | Will Gompertz - Times Online

    I really like the three paragraph summary of art history (from the word “jottings”). (via Kottke)

  4. Mathematical Studies (Certificate of Higher Education), 2009/2010 entry (part-time study) - Birkbeck, University of London

    Requires at least one evening a week of going to a class, but looks an interesting option.

  5. Realistic to start MST121 from GCSE Maths?! - The Student Room

    “I haven’t touched Maths since GCSE (i’m now 34)…” A question and some answers about the OU’s maths courses.

  6. Mathematics | Undergraduate Courses, Degrees, Diplomas, Certificates and Qualifications - Open University

    The OU have a fairly flexible set of courses. Also, more helpful and flexible about choosing what level to start at.

  7. Mathematics A level - NEC Courses

    Looks like a fairly flexible way to build a self study A level course.

  8. Re: [OpenLayers-Users] Displaying a popup on mouse over AND a different popup on click.

    Code example for having OpenLayers markers that can be hovered over and clicked.


    Another example of clickable images in a vector layer in an OpenLayers map.

  10. Flickr: Contacts Photo Browser

    Example of OpenLayers using clickable images in a vector layer.

  11. The 3 key parts of news stories you usually don’t get at

    We get “What just happened”. We don’t get “The longstanding facts”, “How journalists know what they know” and “The things we don’t know”. Good stuff. (via Daring Fireball)

  12. Narcissism of small differences - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    “The term describes the manner in which our negative feelings are sometimes directed at people who resemble us, while we take pride from the ‘small differences’ that distinguish us from them.” ‘Generation X’s Anti-Victim Device?

  13. GMapCreator, OpenLayers and OpenStreetMap

    “Get data from a shapefile onto OpenStreetMap using OpenLayers and the GMapCreator.” Example includes a method for using image tiles named with keyhole strings into something OpenLayers can use.

  14. Viewing Large Images – OpenLayers, GSIV, ModestMaps, DeepZoom, and Python « Itinerant Source

    Someone looking at different ways to display very large, pannable, zoomable images on the web.

  15. BackupMyTweets Home: Backup Your Twitter Account

    I suppose backing one bit of the cloud up to another unaccountable, third-party bit of it is better than nothing, but…

  16. RipIt

    I used this to rip some DVDs a couple of weeks ago and it Just Worked, where others failed.

  17. Untitled on Vimeo

    A (low quality) video history of HotWired, HotBot, etc. up to 1998 or so.

  18. Facebook Connect CodeIgniter Library « Elliot Haughin

    That photo does not endear me to the chap but this is still quite handy if you’re after that kind of thing.

  19. Ajax with Codeigniter | Setting Up Jquery | Tools for Ajax | Web Lee

    I usually like reading docs rather than screencasts, but, while these weren’t *quite* what I was after, they’re quite good. And it’s nice to have an English accent on these things.

  20. Government Beyond Obama? - The New York Review of Books

    A review of ‘The Case for Big Government’ from March 2009, good at putting levels of US federal government spending in a historical perspective.

  21. Simonw’s mytweets at master - GitHub

    “Script for saving a JSON archive of your tweets.” I’m already archiving mine another way, but a handy thing nonetheless.

  22. Art Fag City » IMG MGMT: The Nine Eyes of Google Street View

    First, interesting essay on Google Street View as photography/art. Second, really wonderful photos found around the world on it. (via Blech)

  23. Hilobrow | Middlebrow is not the solution

    (Re)Naming the generations from 1844 onwards. I’m fascinated by these kinds of divisions and identifications. (via Kottke)

  24. Web design Q&A - Doctype

    “A free question and answer site for web designers. You can ask questions about CSS, HTML, web design and email design.”

  25. Deathwatch - Archiveteam

    “a central indicator of websites and networks that are shutting down, or to serve as an indicator of what happened to particular sites that shut down quickly.” (via Haddock)

  26. The Google Maps Image Cutter (UCL Centre for Advanced Spatial Analysis)

    “An application designed to take any image or digital photo and cut it into tiles which are displayed on a Google Map.”

  27. YouTube - NHS - Marr’s Modern Britain

    Andrew Marr on the introduction of the wonderful NHS.

  28. Linking Facebook Connect - Stack Overflow

    “how do I make it so I can store the facebook user ID into my MySQL database as part of the current users information?”

  29. Cars parked illegally in bike lanes in London -

    It’s vehicles stopping in the advance cycle boxes that annoy me most, because it’s so easy not to do.

  30. Fujinon Binoculars

    View Source. Scroll down. The HTML is something else. (via Haddock)