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  1. Install Movable Type on a Mac - Adventures in Movable Type

    This is always more pain than it should be. A handy guide.

  2. The Death Of The Blog Post - Smashing Magazine

    Ignore the stupid title as it’s worth a read. About people who do custom page designs for every blog post.

  3. Royal Society - Trailblazing

    A little thin in content so far, and overly flashy for me, and the original articles are all but hidden. But otherwise a good start on making this old material more accessible.

  4. Mr Bojangles: Worshipping workshops

    I enjoy brainstorming workshoppy things but they always feel like a sport that I’m doing badly at, watching the sporty boys have fun.

  5. Cormac McCarthy on The Road -

    All good, but mainly for “I hear people talking about going on a vacation or something and I think, what is that about? … My perfect day is sitting in a room with some blank paper … That’s gold and anything else is just a waste of time.”

  6. Augmented Reality Does Time Travel Tourism | Singularity Hub

    I remember 20ish years ago walking round my home town wanting something like this (only portable, and working everywhere).

  7. Copy©unts

    Showing where advertisers steal their ideas from. Which wouldn’t be so bad if they didn’t still claim to be innovative. (via Haddock)

  8. Channelography

    “Creates statistics about BBC Programmes by reading and analysing the captions.” Like the start of a way to search the “text” of programmes.

  9. Thematic, A WordPress Theme Framework

    Looks very interesting as a basis from which to build. (via Haddock)

  10. An elegant, flexible WordPress theme · Tarski

    Not bad, not sure about the serif subheads myself, but a good base. (via Haddock)

  11. Basic Maths | A new theme for WordPress designed and developed by Khoi Vinh with Allan Cole.

    Somehow both simple and busy at the same time. (via Daring Fireball)

  12. IT Jobs Watch, Tracking the IT Contractor Job Market

    Tracks rates offered for different categories of IT jobs in the UK (permanent as well as contract).

  13. Ie6-upgrade-warning - Project Hosting on Google Code

    Easy-to-slot-in warning to users of Internet Explorer 6 to upgrade. Please.

  14. The Space Elevator Games

    $4,000,000(?) up for grabs at the current games. The beginnings of a possible bit of future right here.

  15. Giving What We Can

    A pledge to give 10% of one’s income to what they reckon are the most cost-effective charities. (via Preoccupations)

  16. Cool Tools: Printed Space

    You too can have your own Hilda Ogden style mural. Apparently that’s “cool” now.

  17. Word Spy - parahawking

    “A sport where paragliders follow birds of prey that have been trained to look for and follow thermal updrafts that enable the pilots to stay aloft.”

  18. Techtech2009

    I was never hugely into techno, but I’m enjoying this mp3 blog. Great for working to. (via Haddock)

  19. What Mother never told you about SVN Branching and Merging « Design By Gravity

    This kind of stuff scares me, but this is a technique that’s supposed to work.

  20. Facebook | SAVE THE FOUNDRY CAMPAIGN !!! The Foundry - re-house/re-locate

    You can have all the fancy urban theories you like, but I’m increasingly thinking that if you don’t own lots of expensive property, you can’t control anything.

  21. Penalty! Unnecessary Blandness! Redesigning the Worst NFL Helmet Graphics | Yes to Less | Fast Company

    I’ve noticed that most of the more recent helmet designs (eg, Patriots, Buccaneers, Panthers, Jaguars, Ravens) are a bit rubbish. (via Daring Fireball)

  22. BBC News | World | Audio slideshow: Night witches

    About Russia’s World War II female fighter pilots, what I was in a play about three years ago.

  23. The Online Photographer: Panasonic GF1 vs. Olympus E-P1, Part I

    Solely for this quote: “These two [bundled] applications just can’t possibly be as lame and useless as they appear to be … They can’t be—right? Because if faced with a choice of working day in, day out in one of these environments or picking up trash by the side of the freeway with a pointy stick guarded by a fat man with a shotgun and a big wad of tobacco in his cheek, I would need time to decide. They both seem like they’d be torture, but least in a chain gang I’d be outdoors.”

  24. Doonesbury@Slate - Daily Dose - 8 November 2009

    “Dad, you make it sound like social media is ruining my life! It’s NOT!”

  25. Vintage Posters — SSPL Prints

    Hundreds of old rail posters etc reprinted for the purchasing of. Very tempting.