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  1. Geocities-izer - Make Any Webpage Look Like It Was Made By A 13 Year-Old In 1996

    “Make Any Webpage Look Like It Was Made By A 13 Year-Old In 1996”

  2. Will Cameron’s call for popular films mean more silent comedies? | Comment is free | The Observer

    Very good Stewart Lee piece on the value of doing things you care about, rather than being all David Cameron and doing something “more commercial”. (via @moleitau)

  3. Freelance Fees Guide: Photography / Books

    As a guide for when companies email you saying, “Can we use your Flickr photo in our book?” (via Haddock)

  4. Open the Future: The Future Isn’t What It Used to Be

    About how so much futurism is about technological change, but how that tech change is very incremental and not as interesting as the bigger, messier societal changes. Yes. (via BERG)

  5. FitText - A plugin for inflating web type

    “Use this [jQuery] plugin on your fluid or responsive layout to achieve scalable headlines that fill the width of a parent element.” Nice. (via @simonw)

  6. Imperica - The future of the future

    Leila Johnston and Chris Heathcote discuss (in text) visions of the future, and advertising’s representation of the future.

  7. Twitter Bootstrap Generator

    Enter colour, font options etc and it generates a compiled CSS file to use with the Twitter Bootstrap framework thing. (via Brett Terpstra)

  8. Google, what were you thinking? ← Mocality Kenya

    Some fine Internet detective work from Stef uncovers Google being, well, evil in Kenya.

  9. Reykjavik Eyes

    Glasses/spectacles, each pair made from a single piece of titanium. No hinges. (via @GreatDismal)

  10. Coutours - Bespoke Tours of London

    “Coutours creates entertaining tailor-made escorted tours of London, urban expeditions that will make your visit to London both special and unforgettable.”

  11. Kettling 2.0: The Olympic State of Exception and TSG Action Figures | Games Monitor

    For the large bit on the portable steel cordons the UK police originally acquired for “Chemical, Biological, Radiological, and Nuclear” situations and are now using to contain protestors. I’d be a bit shocked if I saw police in, say, a Middle Eastern country using these against peaceful protestors, and now…

  12. Financial independence / early retirement / lifestyle design

    While I’m at it, the newish Financial Independence SubReddit is full of this stuff.

  13. Simple Living in Suffolk

    Another UK-based early retirement type blog but, it seems, with very, very long posts.

  14. Monevator — Make more money, invest profitably, retire early

    A UK-based blog along the Early Retirement Extreme lines.

  15. Mr. Money Mustache | Putting the Cash in your Stash

    Along the lines of Early Retirement Extreme, but a bit more lively (for good and bad).

  16. Skratchdot/github-code-search.user.js - GitHub

    “This is a user script that adds a search box to repository pages which allows you to search the code in that repository.” That’ll save me a lot of downloading just to search through a project’s files. (via Brett Terpstra)

  17. Pumpkin risotto with gorgonzola and chestnuts | Angela Hartnett | Life and style | The Guardian

    Tasty, but you’d have to try really hard to make this much butter, parmesan and gorgonzola taste otherwise.

  18. Between the Lines - Features - Los Angeles magazine

    Fascinating long article on the history of parking, parking meters, parking lots, parking costs, and how they all affect towns and cities. (via Kottke)

  19. BBC - Food - Recipes : Hearty party hotpot

    Going to try and start bookmarking recipes I’ve enjoyed as I forget what they were otherwise.

  20. jqPlot Charts and Graphs for jQuery

    I don’t think I noticed this when I was bookmarking similar things a while ago.

  21. British Debt History -

    UK natonal debt as a percentage of GDP since 1830. The current levels, justification for all these cuts, are nothing.

  22. Easy Way to Set the Grind on a Hario Skerton

    Handy. (Trying really hard not to get too sucked down the coffee geek rabbit hole.)

  23. Kern.js - Make web kerning suck less.

    Nice: if you’re using Lettering.js on your page, this lets you adjust the text on the page until it looks right, then gives you the CSS adjustments to match your final look.

  24. Lettering.js - A jQuery plugin for radical web typography.

    Quite nice - adds spans around individual letters, words or lines so you can easily style them with CSS. But all that extra HTML feels “wrong” to me, even if it’s generated automatically. Some pretty examples though.

  25. Scrollorama

    “The jQuery plugin for doing cool scrolly stuff.” Indeed. (via Waxy)

  26. Bartaz/impress.js - GitHub

    Very nice browser-based, JavaScript/CSS thing for making presentations, with all slides held in one 2D (or 3D) space. Try the demo… (via Waxy)

  27. Mohammed el Gorani and Jérôme Tubiana · Diary: Guantánamo · LRB 15 December 2011

    This month it’s ten years since Guantanamo opened. People are still held there indefinitely. This is one former detainee’s account. Yay America! You must all be so proud.

  28. Futurist-blogs.xls

    A spreadsheet of blogs about the future. (via Houston Futures)

  29. Dead Media Beat: tech blogs | Beyond The Beyond

    Sterling on various blog posts wondering Bout the death of blogging. I read a lot of blogs, but I don’t read any of those “professional” blogs the pundits say are dying. I won’t notice.

  30. Solarized - Ethan Schoonover

    I don’t often think “ooh, that’s a nice colour palette.” Sixteen colours “for use with terminal and gui applications”, lots of thought behind it, and lots of implementations. (via Tecznotes)