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  1. Welcome, ‘Wired’. We call this land “Internet” | Boing Boing Gadgets

    Interesting thread on Wired mag vs, the relative importance and worth of each, their writers, conflicts of differing deadlines, content length, etc. No easy answers.

  2. Bits & Pixels – Blog Archive – Cross-browser transparent columns

    How to make the background of a block semi-transparent but have the content opaque. Bit of a palaver, but it works.

  3. The Little Manual of API Design (PDF)

    Sounds like a handy thing for future reference. (via Simon Willison)

  4. Raph’s Website » The perfect geek age?

    “Was being born in 1971 the perfect time to be born a geek?” Well duh, of course! It’s a well known FACT. (via Boing Boing)

  5. Five Geek Social Fallacies

    Old, but I’d forgotten them if I ever saw them before. #5 particularly relevant to the question of whether to organise things via Twitter.

  6. Bug 247193 – imap quota notification is displayed again and again

    Great. The problem I’m having with Thunderbird has remained unfixed for FIVE YEARS. Go team! May have to switch.

  7. LittleSnapper - Screenshot and Website Capture for Mac OS X Leopard

    Extremely handy for taking screenshots of websites. Very slightly flaky in places but otherwise a joy.

  8. BBC News | Programmes | Newsnight | Stephen Fry dismisses MPs’ expenses row

    Exactly what I needed. Stephen Fry putting the infuriating and angry-making MPs’ expenses stuff into perspective. It’s a very bad thing but there are more important things to get angry about. (via Tom Taylor)

  9. How do I stop the “Mailbox is at 90% of quota” alerts?

    No, really, how do I do this in Thunderbird? Anyone? Or anyone know somewhere else I can ask where I might get an answer? It’s driving me nuts enough to consider switching to Apple Mail.

  10. YouTube - Unit Four Plus Two — Concrete and Clay

    1965(?) video for the song, filmed on the building site that was to become the Barbican.

  11. William Heath’s blog » Customer service

    His amazing battle to get Orange to stop chasing him for debts incurred by someone who started an account in his name while he was in another part of the country. Stunningly poor and dumb service.

  12. The Straight Choice | The election leaflet project

    I’m slightly unsure about the “why” of this project but it has a great pedigree so I’m sure it will be a Good Thing.

  13. Pepys on Twitter (Pepys’ Diary)

    Samuel Pepys will now be updating his Twitter feed several times a day from 343 years ago.

  14. NameThis :: projects

    Nice idea… pay $99 for people to suggest names for your new thing. (via Haddock)

  15. Philgyford’s mailman-archive-scraper at master - GitHub

    My first Python code and my first attempt at using GitHub. Suggestions for things I’ve done wrong are welcome, but please be gentle.

  16. The Measures Taken: Penthouse and Pavement

    Longer version of his ‘Guardian’ article, with pictures and links, about the BBC 2 documentary about Sheffield’s brutalist Park Hill estate (worth catching on iPlayer). I wish the developers weren’t able to destroy so much of the place. (via City of Sound)

  17. Schmusic [House is a Feeling]

    An interesting write-up of a talk, with lots of YouTube examples, about Chuck Roberts’ “In the beginning there was jack…” a capella “My House” sermon and how well it works over different instrumentals. (via Soul Sides)

  18. Here & There — a horizonless projection in Manhattan

    I’ve seen these in the flesh and they are very lovely. And a satisfying size. Well done Jack.

  19. | The Remotest place on Earth

    Lovely images. I guess it’s something like Space Syntax but for the entire planet. (via Matt Jones)

  20. “Petty” » Rescued Geocities ‘Fry and Laurie’ Scripts

    It’s not only nice that he’s rescued another GeoCities site, but that it’s one I remember visiting a lot back in the day and had completely forgotten.

  21. DreamHost Blog » They’re Internet History

    More stuff about the history of GeoCities and WebRing. (via Waxy)

  22. Festive 50 - Lists between 1976 and 2000 «

    Spotify playlists for (incomplete) John Peel’s Festive Fifties. (via Paulpod on Twitter)

  23. ASCII by Jason Scott / Geocities: Lessons So Far

    Not just for the good stuff about archiving Geocities, but also about the history of the site and its structure. (via Waxy)

  24. BBC News | Technology | Vacuum-powered rubbish disposal

    “Britain’s first vacuum-powered waste-disposal system.” What, aside, for example, from Quarry Hill Flats in Leeds in the 1930s or the Barbican in the 1960s? BBC News mindlessly regurgitating press releases? Who’d have thought!

  25. Royal Academy of Arts Events

    Podcast of Royal Academy talks, including all of this and last year’s ‘The Architects Who Made London’ lectures. Good stuff.

  26. Simple online time tracking, timesheet and reporting software: Harvest

    I’ve never used any of these kinds of sites I post but they all sound interesting in a productivity porn kind of way. (via Haddock)

  27. London Underground Tube Diary - Going Underground’s Blog

    Inside those tube carriages you can see on top of a viaduct in Shoreditch. Shame the video’s no longer available. (via Blech)

  28. LISPA - School - Information - Film

    LISPA has a new website and a promotional film. The pictures at the top are people from my year, the film features people from the year above. Very strange, and lovely, to see and hear all this stuff again.