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  1. Secret Underground

    “Smart ways around the tube system.” I’ll never remember these, but interesting and handy nonetheless. (via @antimega)

  2. User Guide: Getting the most out of the Olympus E-M5: Digital Photography Review

    For future reference. (One can dream.) But also, blimey, are cameras the most complicated and complexly configurable items of consumer electronics available today? With the most clumsy interfaces?

  3. LUV & HAT: Love and hate and hilarious disagreements • PINTEREST

    Pinterest? “…it’s just Tumblr. It’s just Tumblr in a grid. And Tumblr is already woeful enough. Look, there are already enough Instagrammed pictures of sad girls holding balloons on the internet.” (via @benhammersley)

  4. An Interview With James Bridle of the New Aesthetic - The Huffington Post

    Brilliant: “a lot of people out there have basically gone ‘the New Aesthetic is wrong’ and it can be many things but it can’t be wrong because I just made it up.”

  5. Writing About Music is Like Dancing About Architecture | Quote Investigator

    Quite lengthy investigation of the elusive origins of that quote. (via @alanconnor)

  6. White Negro for Mayor

    Adam Curtis on Normal Mailer and the rise of hipsters. “Today it is possible to argue that we have all become gay white negroes.”

  7. Early Modern Texts - Philosophers and Philosophy Topics

    Lots of older philosophy works translated into more modern English to make them easier going today. (via The Online Photographer)

  8. The Online Photographer: Blog Note

    I keep hearing an ad at the cinema with a cover of ‘Little Boxes’ on it. No idea what it’s for, but I enjoyed the Featured Comment from Ctein on this post, who lives in Daly City, which is where the song was about.

  9. Jenna Wortham: What I Read - Entertainment - The Atlantic Wire

    Having just had ten days off social media and blogs etc, this daily schedule of keeping up with tech news sounds exhausting. Really. (via Snarkmarket)

  10. The rise of bokeh photography

    The BBC’s Paul Mason on using SLRs to shoot news footage, and the different kinds of video quality there are now (cf Charlie Brooker’s recent article on news footage quality).

  11. The 21st-Century TV Shows That Get 21st-Century Tech Right - Technology - The Atlantic Wire

    Looks at a few US TV shows and the ways people in them use consumer technologies, rightly or wrongly.

  12. Visiting NYC? Where to Eat in New York, The Best Restaurants And More | Serious Eats : New York

    Because one day I’ll visit again, and this looks a good list. (via Kottke)

  13. Timeline of the far future - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    Starts in 10,000 years time and goes on from there. (via Dan Hon)

  14. Jacqueline Rose · A Rumbling of Things Unknown: Marilyn Monroe · LRB 26 April 2012

    I know very little about Monroe but she sounds brilliant, sadness aside. This is a great, long article about how she was always reading and learning and trying to do things the right way.

  15. Life after Seinfeld | Television & radio | The Guardian

    Not really about life after Seinfeld at all, just a really nice appreciation of the show, including lots of sitcom writers saying how they copied its structure etc. It’s still my happy place.

  16. A Profile of London by A.A. Gill -

    “The natives may, occasionally, if backed against a wall, be rudimentarily helpful, but mostly they’ll ignore you with the huffing sighs of people in a hurry.” “She furiously bellowed; ‘Oh my God, is there no end to these improvements?’” (via Haddock)

  17. Towards a Socially Conscientiousness Lifestyle Design Movement | Beyond Growth

    Not an appealing title, but quite a good 2010 post about whether solo “lifestyle businesses” are a good thing, for people or society.

  18. CityDashboard: London

    Not the prettiest thing in the world, but really nice as a “state of a place” display.

  19. Oids.X

    Typical. There was, in 2003, a version of ‘Oids’ for Mac. I only realise this after Macs stopped running Power PC apps.

  20. New Plan To Redevelop Centre Point

    Interesting in itself but also for the developer saying that in the long term, Centre Point will only be sustainable if turned into flats. Nice!

  21. Modern Web Development

    Pretty comprehensive and good look at the Chrome developer tools. A bunch of things I didn’t know or had simply ignored. (via @simonw)

  22. Descriptive Camera

    A “camera” that outputs descriptions of the scene using Mechanical Turk. Very lovely. (via @tomtaylor)

  23. Barbican Cinema’s Official Tumblog

    Documenting the creation of the new cinemas.

  24. Nick Sweeney: work and non work

    Nick on the Instagram/Facebook thing, the value of work/play and user contributions. the CDDB comparison’s an interesting one.

  25. 24 ways: Rock Solid HTML Emails

    2009, but I assume this is still a good overview of what you should and shouldn’t do when making HTML emails.

  26. Magazine Modernisms | Dedicated to Modern Periodical Studies

    A blog about interesting old magazines and journals.

  27. MCEngine – The micro-comment engine |

    Another WordPress plugin for adding ability to comment on paragraphs (or just add “Winer Links” linkable paragraphs). Ah, it’s a newer, better version of feedbackBP. Sounds very good, can’t see any example though.

  28. WordPress › Feedback by Paragraph (feedbackBP) « WordPress Plugins

    “This plugin allows users to leave comments at paragraph level as well as post level.” One of a few things that do this. Last updated in 2009… Update: Oh, replaced by MCEngine now.

  29. EightMedia/hammer.js

    “A javascript library that can be used to control gestures on touch devices. It supports the following gestures: Tap; Double tap; Hold; Drag; Transform (pinch).” Seems to work well.