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  1. 10 rules for students and teachers - Global - Imagination

    Good. By John Cage, posted in Merce Cunningham’s studio. (via @matthewward)

  2. Tait Technologies: Moving Images at Olympic Stadium

    About the seat pixel things in the Olympic Stadium. Stunning, and they work so much better than I would have imagined. (via @knolleary)

  3. 1906 Earthquake Blended with Today | Shawn Clover

    Lovely merging of photos of San Francisco from 1906 and today. (via New Aesthetic)

  4. Carbon Sailcloth Bi-Fold wallet - Folksy

    Alternative to the previous wallet, this one made in the UK. (via @timd)

  5. Wa-ben Cuben Fiber Wallet | Stick’s Blog

    For future reference, for when my current 15-year-old Muji wallet gives up the ghost. (via @GreatDismal)

  6. Simon Frith - Post-punk Blues (PDF)

    Another article I don’t think I’ve read, from 1983, also cited by Rebekka Kill.

  7. History is made at night: In Defence of Disco - Richard Dyer

    I somehow haven’t read this 1979 essay. Cited by Rebekka Kill at Improving Reality.

  8. Exquisite Tweets from @pretendoffice, @rooreynolds

    This was a lot of fun. Saving for future reference. (Thanks @blech)

  9. Neal Stephenson Responds With Wit and Humor - Slashdot

    I’ve only read the answer to question 2, but that’s worth linking to alone. On the difference between two different worlds of writers. “The reason she’d never heard of me was because I was famous.” (via @JamesBridle)

  10. Iain Sinclair · Diary: My Olympics · LRB 30 August 2012

    He’s usually an entertaining read, despite his relentless talking-down of even incidental things (I’m not sure Zara Phillips’ Olympic horse can be described as a “sore-hoofed nag”). But, more and more, I wonder, “What does Iain Sinclair *want*? I know what he’s against, but what is he *for*?”

  11. David Conn · Follow the Money · LRB 30 August 2012

    Not following football — the sport or the business — I enjoyed this article about how the leagues have changed, and the effect of vast sums of money flowing in and out of the clubs.

  12. Moment.js | Parse, validate, manipulate, and display dates in javascript.

    An alternative to Datejs, the name of which I will otherwise forget.

  13. Ten Rules for Creating Awful Scenarios

    Good (bad) tips from Jamais Cascio

  14. Create Your Own @font-face Kits | Font Squirrel

    Upload an OTF etc font and it’s turned into a lovely package of webfonts. Like magic.

  15. Testing and Django by Carl Meyer — Marc’s PyCon 2012 Notes 1.0 documentation

    Good, useful, notes on a presentation about testing in Django. (Actually, go up to all of Marc’s PyCon 2012 notes for loads more good stuff.)

  16. Top Ten differences between White Terrorists and Others | Informed Comment

    Brilliant. One for the asymmetry file. (via Daring Fireball)

  17. Not just shit but dangerous « Chris T-T

    This is angry but, yes, unfortunately I agree with pretty much of all of it. We should look at the closing ceremony as epitomising what the opening ceremony, and the brilliant subsequent two weeks, were encouraging us to move away from. (via @blaine)

  18. Is any of us fit to pick up the Olympic baton? | Snowblog

    “I am not alone in detecting a yearning to turn the extraordinary Olympic achievement into an engine for pulling together to deliver Olympic scale achievements with and for the wider Team GB, ourselves no less.” Easier said than done but, yes, this. (via @matlock)

  19. Warren Ellis » Closing

    On the Olympic closing ceremony. Exactly right.

  20. Yesterday, I Went to the American Idol for Startups. It Made Me Want to Die. | Slog

    “Everywhere I look, I see tiny little ideas, ideas that are almost petty in their inconsequentiality.” (via Tom Taylor)

  21. Responsive Web Design Frameworks, Grid Systems and Starter Kits

    Good summary of lots HTML/CSS frameworks. (via mildlydiverting)

  22. | ReKognition

    A replacement for the API? But, judging by the demo, it seems much, much worse at face detection than

  23. D’Blog of ‘Israeli: Lowlife: Creation Part Five: All The Joy I See Through These Architect’s Eyes

    Brief looks at many of the ways different artists have drawn Judge Dredd’s Mega City One. (via Haddock)

  24. Why the Southbank Centre redevelopment plan is sheer folly | Art and design | The Observer

    What is it that makes people want to change pleasant, distinctive locations into chain-filled, plate-glass-fronted, shopping centres? (via everyone with any sense)

  25. Some Practical Writing Advice From Douglas Coupland | LitReactor

    Number one in these lists should probably be, “Don’t spend all your time reading lists of writing advice,” but I still like this.

  26. How low (power) can you go? - Charlie’s Diary

    Charlie Stross takes Moore’s Law and Koomey’s Law (improving power consumption) for a walk and imagines a very, very conmected city. (via blech)