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  1. Flogr - Project Hosting on Google Code

    Looks like a nice way to make a portfolio site from your photos stored on Flickr. Example: (via Infovore)

  2. BLDGBLOG: One Million Years of Isolation: An Interview with Abraham Van Luik

    On planning nuclear waste disposal, designed to be stable and safe for one million years. Longest-term futures work ever?

  3. Why do we have an IMG element? [dive into mark]

    The history of the image element in HTML. A great bit of documenting internet history. (via Waxy)

  4. Illicit filesharing - p2p - government evidence to the culture committee | Tom Watson MP

    Good questioning from Tom Watson. I’m continually gob-smacked by the craven corporate backwardness of the government. I wish there was a Labour party.

  5. Facebook Developers | Platform Live Status

    Current status of the Facebook platform.

  6. K-punk: London litened

    A nice description from 2008 of a London where everyone is reading those bloody free newspapers. (via City of Sound)

  7. Cartographer.js – thematic mapping for Google Maps

    Javascript library for mapping data nicely onto Google Maps. Area-scaled circles, choropleth, etc. (via Simon Willison)

  8. Misfits -

    Click ‘Play’ to see what I’ve been making with Six To Start for the past few weeks.

  9. In which Phil uses his loaf for once « West End Whingers

    (A different Phil.) The National Theatre made out of bread.

  10. My DebugBar | CompanionJS / HomePage

    More tools with which to beat IE into submission. (via Haddock)

  11. Playdar - Music Content Resolver

    The idea is to play any song that’s available on your computer or anywhere online. Requires compiling. Oh well.

  12. Diagnose and Prevent AJAX Performance Issues - dynaTrace AJAX Edition

    Tool for “diagnosing and preventing AJAX performance issues”. Annoyingly on Windows, for Internet Explorer, but free and could be useful. (via Yoz)

  13. Mu — Mu Connect

    A JavaScript library for making interaction with Facebook Connect easier. Which I somehow didn’t find when it would have been useful to me.

  14. Video Monkey

    “A free video encoding application exclusively for Mac … it borrows heavily from the Visual Hub video conversion tool.” (via Yoz)

  15. Statistical analysis, data and graphing | Timetric: making data useful

    Datagasm. Loads of data sets available for analysing, exporting, monitoring, fiddling with, etc. (via Blackbeltjones)

  16. Memories of Friends Departed Endure on Facebook | Facebook

    After hearing, a while back, about Yahoo denying access to relatives and then closing accounts of the deceased, this sounds very good. (via Preoccupations)

  17. What Startups Are Really Like

    I love descriptions of start-ups and businesses like this. (via Daring Fireball)

  18. Reocities , rising from the ashes - RIP Geocities…

    Wonderful - one guy raced to copy all of GeoCities. Worth reading ‘Making of’. He should win medals, awards, certificates, etc. (via Kottke)

  19. Theatricalia

    Matthew Somerville’s new theatre database site. It already features nearly 19,000 productions, and you can add more.

  20. LRB · Bridget Riley: At the End of My Pencil

    Bridget Riley on why she draws and how her paintings developed. Good, although it all sounds more straighforward than I imagine it was.

  21. Click opera - Hanging gardens of Barbican

    Momus on growing to love the Barbican. (via Blackbeltjones)

  22. Is the Magazine Dead? « Jimmy Wales

    Wikipedia’s founder on small groups making their own magazines with a MagCloud/Wikia partnership.

  23. Free PDF Printer

    I failed to get Windows XP running on VMWare to print. Grrr. But this allowed me to print to a PDF, which I could drag to the Mac and print from there.

  24. Hiddenloop’s paging_keys_js at master - GitHub

    Could be handy - javascript for doing the j/k up/down navigation thing through a page. (via Kottke)

  25. LRB · Roy Mayall: Diary

    A good day to finally read this report from a pseudonymous postman. “Figures are down” but volumes are up; companies are important, ordinary people aren’t.