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  1. LRB · Stephen Sedley · Enemies of All Mankind

    For the bit about pirates, the old fashioned kind, and their equitable pay scales.

  2. LRB · Alex de Waal · Dollarised

    Interesting article about the place of patronage, bribery, etc in non-“Western” countries and why simply trying to circumvent it, or stamp it out, isn’t a good route to reform.

  3. CSS3 Transition - iPhoneWebDev | Google Groups

    Occasionally useful thread from 2009 about CSS3 transitions, hardware acceleration, etc on iPhones

  4. Introduction - iui - iUI Introduction Wiki Page. - Project Hosting on Google Code

    A JavaScript/CSS framework thing for making web apps on iPhones etc. Haven’t looked into it yet.

  5. BLDGBLOG: A Design History of Military Airspace

    “A volumetric rendering of military airspace in East Germany during the 1980s, as imaged in Google Earth.” Mapping historical, invisible, 3D spaces. Must be good.

  6. LRB · R.W. Johnson · Sudanitis

    On a Victorian exploration into Africa which required more than 2000 people.

  7. Anthony Lau, Floating City 2030: Thames Estuary Aquatic Urbanism - a set on Flickr

    A project to visualise a floating city in the Thames Estuary. Lovely images. (via BLDGBLOG)

  8. Introducing play DJ Shadow’s “Endtroducing” | KOKO London

    Been wanting to see this for a while now, and looking forward to seeing it later this year. ‘Endtroducing’ played live on instruments.

  9. LRB · Cathy Gere · Dying and Not Dying

    About Henrietta Lacks, who died in 1951, but whose cells, named HeLa, are still being used today.

  10. LRB · Rosemary Hill · Keep Calm

    From 2007, an article that keeps coming back to me, about the Co-operative Correspondence Club, a distributed newsletter for women that lasted most of the twentieth century.

  11. How to be a beer historian in just 10 books « Zythophile

    Reading lists about really specific fields of knowledge by people who know their stuff are good. (via Chris Heathcote)

  12. The art of noise refined - Times Online

    When I’m having to read about new musical genres (“hauntology”) in three-year-old ‘Sunday Times’ articles, something’s gone very, very wrong.

  13. Night | The New York Review of Books

    Tony Judt has been writing some wonderful memoirs in the NYRB over recent months. But you should start with this account of his increasingly paralysing motor neuron disorder.

  14. Growing Up Female | The New York Review of Books

    For the sometimes jaw-dropping examples of sexism from not so long ago.

  15. Can Science Explain Religion? | The New York Review of Books

    I remember finding this interesting when I read it, but was offline at the time. Similarities and things between the major religions.

  16. The Design of Understanding

    This looks like it’ll be good, Max Gadney’s one-day conference at St Bride Library in 2011 about “how ideas are designed to be more understandable”.

  17. Home - ExtensionFM

    This is rather slick — a Google Chrome extension that makes a nice iTunes-style library of MP3s on web pages you visit. (via Yoz)

  18. LRB · Christopher Turner · Missionary Work

    On Henry Wellcome’s amazingly vast collection of stuff from around the world, most of which was sold off in the mid-20th century. Huge.

  19. DNA/How to Stop Worrying and Learn to Love the Internet

    All good, but particularly the points from “everything that’s already in the world when you’re born is just normal.” Very good. (via Russell Davies)

  20. The Solitary Life of Cranes - 4oD - Channel 4

    A beautiful documentary about what it’s like to work as a crane driver, looking down on London. And you can watch it. Free. The Internet is good.

  21. New Media Knowledge - Channel 4 Education Launches Online Project Aimed at Teens

    This is what I’ve been working on at Somethin’ Else for a while. (via Alice)

  22. Welcome to our new story pages -

    Bravo for trying something a bit new. But it still looks cluttered, slightly baffling, has pop-under adverts… Feels like “LOOK AT ALL OUR STUFF!” rather than being easy to read/view. (via Daring Fireball)

  23. Helvetica: Old and Neue -

    I’ve never got round to looking up the differences between Helvetica and Helvetica Neue. Now I know. (via Daring Fireball)

  24. Home | Yahoo! Style Guide

    Looks like it could be good for a web-friendly writers’ style guide. (via Crackunit)

  25. Dunning–Kruger effect - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    The unskilled think they’re much better than they are, while the highly skilled underrate their own abilities.

  26. Python Package Index : Mezzanine 0.2.2

    “A content management platform built using the Django framework” and with a nice WordPress-style admin interface.

  27. The arrow of WordPress time « Jon Udell

    On trying to do something a little Pepys’ Diary-esque using a standard site.