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  1. Peak oil, the next Kondratiev cycle, generational turnings, and ERE Early Retirement Extreme: — The choice nobody ever told you about

    Great thinking on long term futures. Kondratiev cycles, peak oil, the downturn, the next world war, generations. Well worth a read.

  2. The Guardian iPad App | The Ministry of Type

    A comprehensive, and very positive, overview of the user’s experience of the app’s design.

  3. Emptyage — Generation X Doesn’t Want to Hear It

    I’m not quite sure what point this is trying to make, if any, but I like it all the same. (via Waxy)

  4. I took students down to #occupywallst today. I… - Fresser.

    Kevin Slavin: “Tonight, I came across the 99 Percent Tumblr … I’ve spent the last 30 minutes staring at the screen, wondering just what is supposed to happen next.”

  5. The last spasms of a dying business model – Why the Guardian iPad App is a step into the past « The Tall Designer

    Criticisms of the Guardian’s iPad app, almost all of which I entirely disagree with.

  6. How the Guardian’s iPad app changed the way that I consumed news

    Martin Belam on the Guardian’s iPad app, and how it’s… well, it says in the title. (via Preoccupations)

  7. Discombobulated: Guardian iPad: Product challenges

    Jonathan Moore on the process of developing the new app, from a product point of view. (via Preoccupations)

  8. The Guardian iPad edition design evolution | Media |

    Images showing different stages from the process behind developing the new iPad app.

  9. Mark Porter » Blog Archive » New work: The Guardian iPad app

    His description of the design work behind the new app, which is very good indeed.

  10. Amanda Knox: What’s in a face? | World news | The Guardian

    Fascinating article about how quickly, and wrongly, we judge others. “The model we seem to work with is something like this: I am infinitely subtle, complex and never quite what I seem; you are predictable and straightforward, an open book.”

  11. BBC News - ‘Occupy’ is a response to economic permafrost

    Good stuff by Paul Mason. “Occupy Everywhere, then, is the kind of movement you get when people start to believe mainstream politicians have lost their principles, or are trapped by vested interests, or are all crooked.” (via Preoccupations)

  12. Porn blocking: what the big four ISPs are actually doing | Broadband | News | PC Pro

    A good description of what this “porn blocking” actually involves. The filtering actually happens through McAfee Family Protection, installed on the users’ Windows PCs. I wish newspapers, TV, etc were this accurate and less hand wavy. (via @ianbetteridge)

  13. “Secret” Firmware lets Late ‘08 MacBooks use 8GB. | Other World Computing Blog

    Ooh, blimey, looks like I could double the RAM in my three-year-old MacBook. (via Tom Taylor)

  14. London Cycling Campaign | Campaigns | Key campaigns | Blackfriars | People-friendly Blackfriars

    Pretty impressive graphics and animations for an alternative vision of a tricky junction, as competition for the official and protested-against plans.

  15. Noah Raford » Complete PhD Online

    “Large Scale Participatory Futures Systems: a Comparative Study of Online Scenario Planning Approaches” focused on the field of urban planning. I would like to work out how to make time to read this. (via @cityofsound)

  16. The last days of a legendary gay venue | From the Guardian | The Guardian

    Awww, that’s a shame. Gay or not, First Out was a lovely little cafe. Progress, eh?

  17. Rude Britannia is a myth, says report into English manners | Society | The Observer

    “While people care more deeply about bad manners and unkindness from strangers than they do about crime … they are often unaware of how their own behaviour might offend.” The report isn’t yet on the Young Foundation’s site,

  18. The Business of Blogging | The Sartorialist − BoF – The Business of Fashion

    How ‘The Sartorialist’ blog makes money. (Mainly advertising, but a few other sporadic things too.) (via @GreatDismal)

  19. Outlier Tailored Performance Clothing for a Life in Motion

    If you tell me your simple, plain-looking clothes are made out of innovative hi-tech fabrics, I’m half-way there. (via Lineage of Influence)

  20. Cadence App | Your Music. Your Motion. | Cadence BPM Tapper

    Blacktree’s old iTunes-BPM doesn’t work on Lion, but this free app is a decent replacement. Tap in time to a song, click a button to update the tune’s BPM setting in iTunes.

  21. Pinboard: bookmarks for philgyford

    I won’t be saving links to Delicious any more. Head on over to Pinboard if you want to keep seeing new stuff. All my old links are there too.

  22. Last American Who Knew What The Fuck He Was Doing Dies | The Onion - America’s Finest News Source

    Obama: “The reality is none of the 300 million or so Americans who remain can actually get anything done or make things happen. Those days are over.”

  23. Astrogator’s Logs » Blog Archive » If They Come, It Might Get Built

    “If we launch starships, whether of exploration or settlement, they won’t be conquerors; they will be worse off than the Polynesians on their catamarans, the losses will be heavy and their state at planetfall won’t resemble anything depicted in Hollywood SF.” (via Futurismic)

  24. Melin Maildy

    I’m enjoying this blog, chronicling one person preparing to make and sell things they knit. Suppliers, materials, processes, etc. (via @hiutdenim)

  25. Street Fashion Photography Is Messing With Me « Thought Catalog

    Ha, very good. My memories of photos on these blogs does collapse into: women in casually very little; women in expensive smartness; men, usually older, in odd combinations.

  26. Django Deployment Workshop by Jacob Kaplan-Moss

    This looks good. A three hour video tutorial about deploying Django, “including Amazon’s EC2 and S3, Fabric, Varnish, nginx, mod_wsgi, memcached, PostgreSQL, pgpool, pg_standby, and more.” I just need to find three spare hours now.

  27. 00:/Blog - Silicon Roundabout’s ‘Start-up City’

    Ugh. How do you take the really ugly Old Street roundabout and make it even more ugly and hideous and somewhere you really wouldn’t want to be? Like this! (via @antimega)

  28. A New Season of Arrested Development?! - TV News at IGN

    Ooh, exciting. Director and cast have confirmed a new short season to be shot next summer, along with the long-promised movie. Backing not certain yet though. (via @secretbean)