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  1. Extremist Makeover - Homeland Edition - The Daily Show with Jon Stewart - 08/19/2010 - Video Clip | Comedy Central

    On the “ground zero” mosque nonsense. Even better than usual. (But video won’t play in UK. Why can’t I show this to people? How is this good for the Daily Show?)

  2. OCA TAoP Assignment 3: Neighbourhood - a set on Flickr

    A set of lovely photos of Walton-on-the-Naze, better than the usual holiday snapshots that crop up there. Very British Seaside.

  3. ESPN - OTL: The Franchise - E-ticket

    I like American football but have never played Madden (until trying the demo this evening). I enjoyed this article about the history of the game, and trying to make the first version work on early consoles.

  4. BBC - About the BBC: BBC Genome: The Complete Broadcast History of the BBC

    Wonderful - the BBC is OCRing and making computer-readable, all the programme listings from the ‘Radio Times’ going back to 1922. (via @catfunt)

  5. Alex’s django-taggit at master - GitHub

    Hopefully more reliable than whatever that other django tagging app I used a while ago was.

  6. I have tried to be happy with django, I really have. : django

    I’m finding this quite reasoned discussion about what’s good/bad about Django really interesting.

  7. Instapaper: Simon Reynolds (Phil Gyford)

    I put all those Simon Reynolds articles in a folder in Instapaper and here’s the RSS feed. (I’m on Instapaper, btw, but don’t use it a *huge* amount.)

  8. Dancecult: Journal of Electronic Dance Music Culture | Reynolds: The History of Our World: The Hardcore Continuum Debate

    More Simon Reynolds to read after that last lot, looking back at debates over The Hardcore Continuum. (via Beyond the Beyond)

  9. Energy Flash

    More from Simon Reynolds on “the Hardcore Continuum”.

  10. The Wire: Adventures in Modern Music: Issues

    Search the page for links to seven articles (and an introduction) by Simon Reynolds from 1992-2005 on the “hardcore continuum”.

  11. When Internet businesses don’t work out as planned… | Ask MetaFilter

    I’m fascinated (and horrified) by this kind of “Internet business” which… does nothing but SEO, “content generation”, ads, auctions… what’s it *for*?

  12. BeaTunes ~ build better playlists

    Interesting metadata editor/finder for music in your iTunes library. Can also do some kind of Genius-like playlist creation.

  13. LRB · Rebecca Solnit · Diary

    If you’re feeling too happy, well worth a read. “A bayou redneck told him: ‘Osama fuckin’ bin Laden could not have imagined, planned or executed more devastation than BP has.’”

  14. This Window: Close It - Safari 5 Port of Helvetireader

    Helvetireader as a Safari Extension, yum. The version of Helvetireader I’d been using was quite old; the latest one is gorgeous.

  15. The Online Photographer: The Best Photography How-To Books

    Excellent, a short list of practical photography book recommendations by someone who knows their stuff.

  16. DecisionLab » FacilitationCamp

    Next Friday and Saturday in Vauxhall. Might be interesting / useful? (via @wendyinfutures)

  17. 陳 Jon Tan

    Designer, web stuff, based in Bristol

  18. The best five books on everything | FiveBooks

    “Every day an eminent writer, thinker, commentator, politician, academic chooses five books on their specialist subject. From Einstein to Keynes, Iraq to the Andes, Communism to Empire. Share in the knowledge and buy the books.” Interesting. (via @suegyford)

  19. BLDGBLOG: On the Road Again

    A bunch of links that, while fascinating, you shouldn’t read if you’re feeling at all pessimistic about things. This isn’t the future I was hoping for.

  20. London Cycle Hire Explorer

    Tom Taylor’s nice site for exploring data about London’s cycle hire stations - graphs showing their activity over time.

  21. HTML5 Boilerplate - A rock-solid default for HTML5 awesome.

    Even if you don’t use the whole thing, it’s a nice collection of handy little JavaScript/CSS/.htaccess techniques in one place.

  22. My Cooking Diary - Granola bars

    Beautiful HTML/CSS/Javascript coverflow-like site that you’re better off looking at than me trying to describe. (via Daring Fireball)

  23. Yakuza 3 reviewed by Yakuza - Boing Boing

    As @revdancatt said, news organisations should do features with custom designs, like Boing Boing have done with this one. Lovely. Interesting. Doesn’t look like the front end to a database.

  24. My Large Google Maps tool

    Not pretty, but handy for drawing polylines and shapes on Google Maps and getting the coordinates.

  25. The Sweeney Forum • View topic - London Wall

    Stills from films/shows like ‘Blow Up’, ‘The Italian Job’ and ‘The Return of the Saint’ featuring London Wall and Barbican highwalks, compared with photos from 2010.

  26. Django via fastCGI on Lighttpd | App Delegate Inc

    This description of how to set it up sounds comprehensible.

  27. Erwtenpeller - War of the Worlds - SoundCloud

    “A dubstep mix retelling Jeff Wayne’s musical version of war of the worlds, sampling the original narratives by Richard Burton, Phil Lynott and David Essex.” I keep wanting to hear Jeff Wayne’s music but this is very good. (via Meg)

  28. Scaling startups

    Chad Dickerson on how to grow while maintaining a startup culture. Hire well, IRC, deploy very frequently, experiment, love engineers, external transparency, embrace failure. (via Waxy)

  29. 10 Things I Learned from the jQuery Source « Paul Irish

    I generally dislike screencasts — seems like an inefficient way to deliver information about code — but this was pretty good.