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  1. Frinton-on-Sea’s historic railway gates removed ‘under cover of darkness’ by Network Rail | UK news |

    Yes, it’s a bit quaint to want to hang on to this stuff. But it’s also a shame objects and practices important to a place and its inhabitants get ditched in favour of efficiency and money.

  2. All Change On Oxford Street.

    Paul Mison on planned improvements to the Oxford Street / Regent Street junction and the horror that is the junction by Centre Point. All looking good (but it’d be hard to be worse).

  3. G20 protest videos: Growing catalogue of evidence against police | UK news |

    As Charlie Brooker said on Newswipe, how come all the press and TV crews failed to catch the real story at the time. And they wonder why many of them are doomed. (via Tom Taylor)

  4. The Long Now Blog » Blog Archive » All you need to jump start civilization…

    “On this one graphic is all the stuff you need to know to jump start a civilization (or get super rich if you travel back in time).” Fun.

  5. TV Writing - Pilot School

    Scripts for loads of pilot episodes of (mostly) US TV shows. (via John August)

  6. Johann Hari: You are being lied to about pirates - Johann Hari, Commentators - The Independent

    Interesting, regarding the “West” treating developing countries badly (dumping nuclear waste, catching their fish) and then beginning to suffer consequences. (via Boing Boing)

  7. » #50 - Advice for new managers: pt. 1

    A good couple of essays on being a manager. I find this stuff fascinating, although I’m not a manager.

  8. Readernaut

    Nicely done site for not only logging your reading but keeping notes on it too.

  9. Modern History

    Awesome stuff: “a series of collages assembled exclusively from screen grabs of Youtube videos.” Free printable versions too. Remind me of John Martin paintings. (via Kottke)

  10. Buildings and Food: How to look at billboards

    Brilliant essay from 1960 about how outdoor advertising is entirely wrong. Wish I’d written it. When I rule the world outdoor advertising will be banned. (via Kottke)

  11. Dubai bashing and ‘what-aboutery’ - Joi Ito’s Web

    Criticising that Independent article for offering no solutions to human rights violations. But such articles are worthwhile simply for bringing such violations to a wider audience. (via Preoccupations)

  12. » You Stand for Nothing But Election

    Using TheyWorkForYou data to demonstrate Hazel Blears’ spineless voting record. “You create an impenetrable political monoculture, then moan that people don’t engage in politics.” (via Stef on Twitter)

  13. Simon Jenkins: Here’s proof. The innocent do have something to fear | Comment is free | The Guardian

    “One of the few home secretaries who dominated his department rather than be cowed by it was Lord Whitelaw in the 1980s. He boasted how after any security lapse, the police would come to beg for new and draconian powers. He laughed and sent them packing…” (via Preoccupations)

  14. Richard Nicholson Photography - ‘Last One Out, Please Turn On the Light’

    Lovely and sad photos of disappearing darkrooms. A good accompaniment to those photos of Soho record shops that went round a while back. I miss darkrooms. (via Infovore)

  15. Antigraffiti - a set on Flickr

    More painted-over graffiti creating its own blank graffiti from Adam/Vert.

  16. Internet records to be stored for a year - Telegraph

    Another day another invasion of privacy. Hard to believe this stuff. I should start tagging these things. #fuckingupthecountry? (via Infovore)

  17. Neuwanstein site - Primer Timeline

    For the wonderful and confusing movie ‘Primer’. Contains spoilers. (via Haddock)

  18. The Eyewash Station: Odds of Dying in a Terrorist Attack

    “You are 12 times more likely to die from accidental suffocation in bed than from a terrorist attack.” (via Kottke)

  19. Buzz Image | Making Of

    Fantastic demonstration of how some of the CGI effects on ‘Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind’ were done. (via Haddock)

  20. Witopia :: Welcome

    VPNs, about $40-60 per year. I’m considering one to avoid my ISP logging all my activity, and people on open wifi networks snooping. Bonus: A US IP address = access to Hulu. (via Ian Betteridge on Twitter)

  21. Books

    Ooh, Ben Moor has a book out, short story versions of his wonderful one man shows.

  22. Buffed on Flickr - Photo Sharing!

    “I never understand why this doesn’t count as graffiti….” Indeed.

  23. Sennheiser PX200 Closed Mini Headphone: Electronics & Photo

    I tried the PX100s which sounded good, and these closed ones might be better.

  24. G20: Did police containment cause more trouble than it prevented? | World news |

    “…people thinking about embarking on demonstrations in the future may have to decide whether they want to be effectively locked up for eight hours without food or water and, when leaving, to be photographed and identified.” I’m increasingly disliking this country. (via Preoccupations)

  25. Indymedia London | Videos | Show | film of police attack on G20 climate camp

    There have been worse examples of police violence, but this still isn’t good. (via Boing Boing)

  26. Streetphoto :: View topic - G20 riot posed photo

    A good description of how scenes like the two guys smashing the windows of a branch of RBS surrounded by photographers happen. (via Moleitau on Twitter)

  27. April Fool Funeral at Improv Everywhere

    For the clip of the US TV news show lifting an April Fool from the Improv Everywhere site and reporting it as if it was real, without doing any checking.