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  1. Emprise JavaScript Charts™ :: 100% Pure JavaScript Charts

    Another charting library. Looks good too I think. Non-watermarked version is $100 upwards.

  2. JS Charts - Free JavaScript charts

    Looks like a good library for drawing charts/graphs in JavaScript. Costs $39 upwards for a non-watermarked version.

  3. New Statesman - The tax haven in the heart of Britain

    Not sure why I didn’t save this link at the time, in February. Nicholas Shaxson on the City of London.

  4. Observations on film art : Pandora’s digital box: In the multiplex

    Great in-depth look at digital cinemas, the technology and business. Next year more than half the world’s cinema screens will be digital, not film. (via Snarkmarket)

  5. Home - Scalable and Modular Architecture for CSS

    Interesting as an in-depth discussion of structuring CSS for a large project, something I’d like to see more of. (via Tom Taylor)

  6. Stoke-on-Trent Community News & Politics | Pits n Pots

    The “hyper-local” one(?) man news website that’s one of two projects to receive funding from Simon Kelner’s new Journalism Foundation.

  7. NFL: The All-22 Football Footage the League Won’t Show You -

    Almost funny, how the NFL doesn’t want fans to see footage that would help them understand the game better, because then the mistakes of players and coaches might be more obvious. (via Kottke)

  8. OSM terrain layer (tecznotes)

    Some lovely looking terrain maps, and lots of words I don’t understand. it’s hard to remember what online maps were like only ten years ago, and now the ability to tinker with stuff like this.

  9. HTML5 Doctor, helping you implement HTML5 today

    Some nice, sensible discussion on individual HTML5 elements.

  10. LocalWiki - The open-content, open-source effort to share the world’s local knowledge

    This looks very nice. Open source, nicely designed, good idea. (via @mala)

  11. Holy Joan! | One Terabyte of Kilobyte Age

    A handful of GeoCities pages still exist at… and the possibility that maybe this means all the rest exist, and are just blocked, rather than deleted.

  12. Git How-To: Remove Your Password from a Repository | David Verhasselt

    I’m so going to need to do this at some point. (via Cal)

  13. Designswarm thoughts » Blog Archive » FRSTEE: Making a business out of rapid prototyping

    Alex on the business of getting our FRSTEE Twitter snowman to market.

  14. Print-Process / Artist - Melissa Price

    I imagine that if you did a lot of driving you might have some attachment to particular junctions. Even without that, I like these posters of junctions on the M1.

  15. Home | The British Newspaper Archive

    Looks very impressive - loads of scanned and searchable British newspapers from the 18th, 19th and early 20th centuries. It costs to view the results though (from £6.95 for two days) so not for casual browsing.

  16. Watch a VC use my name to sell a con. | jwz

    “Instead of that, I recommend that you do what you love because you love doing it. If that means long hours, fantastic. If that means leaving the office by 6pm every day for your underwater basket-weaving class, also fantastic.” (via @agpublic)

  17. Trademark Introduction for Indies <

    Coincidentally timely brief guide to UK/EU trademarking. (via mildlydiverting)

  18. Freelance Rates Ascertaining Quotient, 2011 ~ @cole007

    A calculator based on the aforementioned survey, that suggests what rate you should maybe be charging. It suggest my rate is about OK.

  19. Freelance Rates Survey, 2011 | words from Cole Henley, @cole007

    Results from a smallish, self-selecting, but still worthwhile UK-based survey of the rates charged by web freelancers. (via mildlydiverting)

  20. The Sewing Forum

    “A UK based international forum for crafty people”.

  21. Bootstrap, from Twitter

    Twitter’s CSS/HTML frameworky thing, which I keep forgetting about.

  22. Foundation: Rapid Prototyping and Building Framework from ZURB

    Lots of CSS goodies. Grid, forms, etc. (via @hamstand)

  23. Why I Feel Bad for the Pepper-Spraying Policeman, Lt. John Pike - Atlantic Mobile

    Tracing the increasing militarisation of the US police, and the use of what was once drastic force to stamp out any behaviour deemed slightly abnormal.

  24. 11 Sounds That Your Kids Have Probably Never Heard - Mental Floss

    Sounds of things that you no longer hear. I started making a list of these ages ago, but didn’t even get this many. (via Kottke)

  25. Skeleton: Beautiful Boilerplate for Responsive, Mobile-Friendly Development

    Looks like a nice bunch of CSS/JS, not that I ever get round to using these things. (via Mildlydiverting)

  26. ThinkUp Archives and Analyzes Your Social Media Life | Smarterware

    This looks very good. So much more than just archiving your activity on services, which would be a good thing in itself.

  27. The Dark Side of the Moon - The 8-bit Album : Various Artists : Free Download & Streaming : Internet Archive

    I’m not a huge fan of Pink Floyd or 8-bit music, beyond novelty, but this was actually rather good stuff. (via Dandelion Radio)

  28. Homework and Jacuzzis as Dorms Move to McMansions in California -

    Big, cul-de-sac houses in America rented cheap by students. These cut-off developments are ripe to become the same kind of dead-end ghettos as neglected estates and 60s high-rises. (via @GreatDismal)

  29. IGNOBLE - Backpacks

    Those are some nice looking, slightly different, backpacks. (via Lineage of Influence)