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  1. Confessions of a Tea Party Casualty | Mother Jones

    Fascinating to read about the “tea party-isation” of the Republican party, with more reasonable office-holders running scared. Scary, but fascinating. (via Daring Fireball)

  2. Twist in the sale as Whitecross Street shops go for £3.5m | Islington Tribune

    Those derelict shops/flats on Whitecross Street have been sold at auction.

  3. The Twitter Times: philgyford

    Similar to, things friends have linked to on Twitter. But… again, it assumes I’m more interested in the articles than what my friends say about them, the context. At least article text is inline, so quick to read.

  4. WebFaction : Hosts : Djangofriendly

    Sounds like a really good place to go for hosting Django websites. (Shame about the comment spam on the Djangofriendly site though.)

  5. The Twitter Phil Gyford Daily ( is very interesting but… suffers from every problem I wrote about re finishability, readability, friction… I don’t want to read any of it. It also obscures the context (the tweets).

  6. Massive Censorship Of Digg Uncovered « OOO

    Fascinating look at a group of conservative Digg members who vote down Digg stories they disagree with. A few years ago this would be science fiction. (via Waxy)

  7. Space Cadets - Charlie’s Diary

    Space colonisation would require a huge organised effort in an uninhabitable environment and so is “incompatible with both libertarian ideology and the myth of the American frontier.” (via Warren Ellis)

  8. Songkick - Concerts, tour dates, and festivals for your favorite artists

    Wow, a good, historical listing of gigs. I looked up a couple I went to in Bristol in the early 1990s and they were there (and easy to find). (via @tomtaylor)

  9. Panic Blog » Coda Notes for Safari: Now Available!

    That is very, very nicely done. And useful. (via Daring Fireball)

  10. keith flett (kmflett) on Twitter

    Champion letter writer is on Twitter. Of course!

  11. London cycle hire launch – live updates | UK news |

    For Boris’s Big Society gag and “If you can’t turn the clock back to 1904 ladies and gentlemen, what is the point of being a Conservative?” (via Haddock)

  12. The return of Expect: 100-continue « gnegg

    I was sending data via a big POST request using PHP’s curl and getting nothing back. I had to do this to fix it. (Wake up at the back!)

  13. 11 years old, on the pill and sexually active? The media loses the news again

    I’m increasingly interested in the real stories behind shouty news headlines. The kind of background digging Ben Goldacre, and Dr Petra here, does with science reporting needs to be done with most stories. (via Alice)

  14. Kung fu grippe — Making the Clackity Noise

    “Make the clackity noise until a little story falls out. Just a little bit and just for a little while. Just until you notice one tiny, dumb, pointless story that the keyboard wanted you to remember.”

  15. If Britain decides to ban the burqa I might just start wearing one | David Mitchell | Comment is free | The Observer

    All wonderfully, beautifully sensible. “It’s not bigoted to disagree vociferously with people’s choices, as long as you’re even more vociferous in defending their right to make them.”

  16. A Vision of Britain through Time | Your national on-line library for local history | Maps, Statistics, Travel Writing and more

    This is interesting. Seems to be a collection of historic texts and maps and data, all searchable by location. Some nicely done stuff.

  17. Communists and Nazis: Just as Evil? | The New York Review of Books

    Interesting comparison of the relative morality of communism and nazism, and the decisions around WWII. (Subscribers only.)

  18. Jonathan Gems on the abolition of the UKFC - Pleased Sheep Forum

    All those “Save the UK Film Council” tweets from people who (like me) have no idea how the industry works really pissed me off. Here’s a different point of view.

  19. Barbican - Explore Barbican

    90 minute guided tours of the Barbican, every couple of days for the rest of the year.

  20. Jeffrey Friedl’s Blog » An Analysis of Lightroom JPEG Export Quality Settings

    Even if you’re not directly interested in Lightroom, it’s interesting to look at the many examples here to see how different levels of JPEG compression affect quality/file size.

  21. Ariel Flesler: jQuery.ScrollTo

    This is very lovely: super easy to automatically scroll the window to a specific point, a DOM element, a selector… easily adjustable.

  22. JavaScript Compressor and Comparison Tool

    Paste some JavaScript in and get it compressed by various compressors.

  23. Ben Alman » jQuery Misc plugins - jQuery queueFn

    “Execute any jQuery method or arbitrary function in the animation queue.” Handy, and I keep forgetting where to find it. (via Simon Willison a while back)

  24. Who is this guy? Mystery man keeps appearing on live news reports |

    Quite fascinating. Although the correct reaction these days is probably “Is this an ARG?” (via @megpickard)

  25. Connecting Historical Authorities with Links, Contexts and Entities

    “We want to help create an historic placename gazetteer for the UK, publish it as Linked Data and link it to other widely-used sources of placename reference information on the semantic web.”

  26. On Danny O’Brien on Shift Run Stop « Enemy of Chaos

    Leila’s reflections on Danny and NTK and geek culture and everything, plus a fascinating exchange between them over the past couple of days in the comments.