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  1. Rejectamentalist manifesto

    China Mieville with questions addressed to a hypothetical Liberal Democrat voter who still believes in a progressive agenda. “So it has to be asked of you: WTF?”

  2. HTML Purifier - Filter your HTML the standards-compliant way!

    PHP library for whitelisting certain HTML, protecting against XSS, etc. (via @simonw)

  3. Johann Hari: A colder, crueller country – for no gain - Johann Hari, Commentators - The Independent

    I’ve just been trying to avoid the news, pretend it’s not happening. I was lured into reading this. Fuckers.

  4. Movies, Downloads, Blu Ray, DVDs, Cinema & TV Listings | Find Any Film

    Alerts for when films you want to see appear in the formats you want. Good idea but ugly, confusing, unintuitive, Lottery-funded. Needs a slap with the Web 2.0 stick.

  5. Kardashev scale - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    “The scale has three designated categories called Type I, II, and III. These are based on the amount of usable energy a civilization has at its disposal, and the degree of space colonization.” (via The Speculist)

  6. The Pope and the Axis of Terror

    Adam Curtis on the manufacturing of the idea of a “global terror network” from the 1970s to today. Fascinating story, worth the time to read. Shame the BBC’s video clips are only in Flash though.

  7. Belstaff | Official Website

    Heavily retro rather than futury, although there’s still something slightly SF about some of the jackets. Also, the coat Sherlock wore.

  8. Saul Griffith and Jonathan Bachrach’s algorithmically-designed “DARPA Hoodie” - Boing Boing

    Interesting. Want to find more modern/future-y but still wearable clothes. Any ideas? (via @GreatDismal)

  9. Dataists

    “Our goal is to bring well-written articles on big data processing, statistics and statistical programming, and machine learning to one place.” (via BERG)

  10. Evom - Convert and Download Videos to iTunes

    “Download internet videos (YouTube and more) to iTunes and iPod.” Handy. (via Ben Hammersley and more)

  11. Carlos Bueno: A Paper Internet

    Instructions for printing stuff out and encasing them in resin to bury in the ground, as the best way to preserve bits of the Internet. (via Tom Taylor)

  12. 45cat - Vinyl Database - Records - Music Reviews - Discographies, Discoveries, Discussions

    Scans, credits, etc for (currently) 73,788 UK-released seven-inch singles. Blimey. (via @dorianfm)

  13. Today’s News • on iPhone & iPad • Powered by the Guardian

    An iPad app that gives you a way to read The Guardian very much like my “Today’s Guardian” site. The sincerest form of flattery, I guess.

  14. The Unsorting Office

    Leaving aside the making-my-blood-boil mess of the Royal Mail, that bit at the end about recording all the knowledge of posties about short-cuts, hills, gates, etc is interesting.

  15. Backbone.js

    What looks like a lovely way to structure large JavaScript projects into an MVC structure. (via Simon Willison)

  16. A radical pessimist’s guide to the next 10 years - The Globe and Mail

    While my favourite Vancouver-based science fiction author (William Gibson) is writing about the present, my favourite Vancouver-based chronicler of the now (Douglas Coupland) has written this about the future. (via @moleitau)

  17. Workflow smart collections - John Beardsworth

    I don’t need anything this complicated, but I find this ability to create complicated but very custom workflows fascinating.

  18. Incompetence, Malice and ereading

    Yes, this. So many iPad magazines are focusing on the whizziness. I’d just want the easy-to-read-ness.

  19. Walter Benjamin’s Aura: Open Bookmarks and the future eBook

    James Bridle again, saying and proposing wonderful things.

  20. Ubu Web (ubuweb) on Twitter

    Lots of dodgy (in a legal sense) and intriguing (in an aural sense) listening on Ubu Web’s stream.

  21. U B U W E B - Film & Video: John Berger - Ways of Seeing (1972)

    Ooh, all four episodes for download. I’ve never seen the TV version.

  22. Core77 - The True Story of Automoblox

    From 2005, about the struggles to get a toy car product line manufactured in China. A good read. (via Kottke, a while ago)

  23. Human landscapes in SW Florida - The Big Picture -

    Every single aerial photo is stunning, go look. Photos of housing developments, many undeveloped. I wouldn’t want to live in any of them. (via Kottke)

  24. Git ready » learn git one commit at a time

    Very handy collection of git tips. Enough information to make sense, not too much to confuse.


    Lovely kind of cross-section of psycho-geographic-neighbourhoods or something. I’d love to see lots more of these. (via Tom Taylor)

  26. Hacker News | I’m done building Facebook apps for clients

    More people discussing the frustrations of developing for Facebook.