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  1. Flickr: Elspeth and Evan’s stuff tagged with digitalcollage

    These are very interesting, although they don’t feel like they’re quite there. It’s almost a shame that they’re based on existing photos (and that a lot are naken women (ooh, Art!)). It feels like it’s close to something though. (via Kottke)

  2. Our Banana Republic -

    “From 1980 to 2005, more than four-fifths of the total increase in American incomes went to the richest 1 percent.” And yet still many average people vote for the Republicans. (via Daring Fireball)

  3. 5 Torrent Files That Broke Mind Boggling Records | TorrentFreak

    The most data, largest swarm, longest-lived, etc.

  4. War Cabinet (ukwarcabinet) on Twitter

    World War II told daily in tweets and links to web pages where you can add free PDFs to your shopping cart, check out, give your email address, and finally download them. Nice idea, spoiled by execution. (via @blech)

  5. Modern Two-Party System in the Senate Timeline

    Fascinating and detailed graph of shifts in Republican/Democrat senators from 1857-2006. I’d love to see something similar for the UK.

  6. JQuery Cycle Plugin

    Another nice, fancy slideshow thing. (via Infovore)

  7. Coming Home to Vim / Steve Losh

    Another handy Vim thing, this time about how one guy’s set up his environment. (via Tom Taylor again)

  8. MapCrunch - Random Google Street View

    Really simple idea, everyone’s linking to it, and it’s still very lovely. Instant momentary holiday.

  9. Django-messages - Project Hosting on Google Code

    App for allowing the sending of private messages between users of a site. Looks good at first glance.

  10. Blogging Ottinger (tim) :: Use VIM Like a Pro

    I may start working through this. I’ve never quite got over that vi learning hump. (via Tom Taylor)

  11. The World’s Wannabe Silicon Valleys | Foreign Policy

    “Silicon Roundabout” in ‘Foreign Policy’ magazine. Off-the-cuff-idea + time = international technological free trade investment zone.

  12. Actroid F Female Telepresence Robot Looks Super Real, Creepy (video)

    Watch the videos. Yes, a bit creepy but also amazing progress with making human-like expressions with machines.

  13. Outbreak! The Encyclopedia of Extraordinary Social Behavior

    Sounds like an awesome read. Just look at that table of contents: it reads like something John Hodgman would write, but it’s real! (via Beyond the Beyond)

  14. Nathansearles’s Faded at master - GitHub

    “A super simple fading image and content viewer for jQuery” Looks good. (via Infovore)

  15. Flipboard | Beyond The Beyond

    Bruce Sterling on Flipboard, magazines, etc. “Why not send me [Lady Gaga’s] Flipboard? Why not sell me that? By subscription. Then it’s magazines all over again. What fun!”

  16. ASCII by Jason Scott / Archiveteam! The Geocities Torrent

    There will be a 900GB torrent of all of the Geocities content that Archiveteam managed to save before the idiots at Yahoo turned it off. Wonderful. Wonderful. Could host it…? (via @antimega)

  17. Izi / django-admin-tools / wiki / Home – Bitbucket

    Another way of making Django’s admin nicer.

  18. Django-grappelli - Project Hosting on Google Code

    Skin for making Django admin look nicer.

  19. » Toxic Brew

    [Slight ‘Rubicon’ spoiler ahead.] Interesting, scary stuff about Koch Industries, the Tea Party, and astro-turfing. But, pessimistically, I can’t help thinking of ‘Rubicon’s Spengler saying: “Make your report Will. Knock ‘em dead … Do you really think anyone is going to give a shit?” (via @edmittance)

  20. Google LatLong: History in the Unmaking

    Very nice - Google Earth layers of London and Paris in 1945. I also didn’t know Google Earth had lots of different post-2000 layers (for London at least). (via Booktwo)

  21. Gallery - Brilliant SF books that got away - Image 1 - New Scientist

    I’ve only read one of these. So much to read! (via @GreatDismal)

  22. Mac Bundy Said He Was ‘All Wrong’ by William Pfaff | The New York Review of Books

    About the Vietnam War, but also good on parallels with Iraq/Afghanistan, and how only one or two ideas can shape events that affect continents, very similar to that Adam Curtis article about a “global terror network”.

  23. Will Bad CGI Breath Cost The Social Network a Visual Effects Oscar Nomination? | Movieline

    Glad it wasn’t just me that found that weird CGI breath distracting. It looked like some weird Harry Potter-esque evil spirits escaping from their mouths.

  24. Some thoughts on Lightroom Keywords – Chuqui 3.0

    I’m fascinated, amused and horrified that people have to spend so much time on thinking about the kind of thing that was once a relatively obscure part of a small profession. (via John Beardsworth)

  25. Facebook News Feed Settings: Random or Not, Biggest Secrets Revealed - The Daily Beast

    Reverse engineering how Facebook’s Top News feed decides what to show you. (via Kottke)

  26. The Participant Observer » Blog Archive » Cyborganic and the Birth of Networked Social Media (It’s here!)

    PhD thesis from a couple of years ago, on Cyborganic and other things (like Wired/Hotwired) that its members were involved in.

  27. K-punk: The Great Bullingdon Club Swindle

    Trying to find some optimism for the left from this almighty mess. (via @moleitau)