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  1. Issue #3057: bootstrap-dropdown.js clearMenus() needs ; at the end · twitter/bootstrap

    Long, long discussion over whether to use a semi-colon or not. Saved to show non-coders how important the smallest details can be. And, also, USE SEMI-COLONS, WHAT’S WRONG WITH YOU PEOPLE?!

  2. Essential JavaScript Design Patterns

    Looks very, very good. But seeing this all on one page, rather than in book format makes my brain shake like it’s about to explode. Too. Much. Stuff. To. Know. (via Tom Taylor)

  3. List of windmills in London - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    “A list of existing and former windmills whose sites fall within Greater London.” Lists 15 locations in Clerkenwell alone. Internet is brilliant.

  4. BBC - Weather - Get BBC Weather on your mobile

    “Go to the web application on your mobile phone menu and type in” I’M IN THE WEB APPLICATION! THIS IS A WEB PAGE! It’s not even a clickable link.

  5. Olympics 2012: branding ‘police’ to protect sponsors’ exclusive rights | Sport | The Guardian

    If you were wavering over your opinion of them, every paragraph here takes you closer to thinking “fuck the London Olympic Games 2012.”

  6. A Baseline for Front-End Developers - Adventures in JavaScript Development

    All good stuff. But I must admit, after doing front end dev work (not solely, but a lot) over the past, what, 17 years, these days it’s really, really hard to keep up. (via Dotcode)

  7. PHP: a fractal of bad design - fuzzy notepad

    This is all true, and so it would be good to read something about why PHP has been *so* popular despite being so bad. (via Paul Mison)

  8. Edit Flow

    This WordPress plugin looks like the bee’s knees. Calendar, editorial comments, custom statuses, editorial metadata. And the site looks like it’s been made by competent, caring people.


    This looks nice, and seems popular, although I wonder if it’s overkill. Promising. Need to actually try these things.

  10. Simple:Press

    Another WordPress forum plugin. I dream of seeing one of these that looks simple and beautiful.

  11. WordPress › Mingle Forum « WordPress Plugins

    WordPress forum plugin that claims to be simple and good. Still looks like an old fashioned phpBB style forum though. (If you have a recommendation for a good WP forum plugin, do let me know!)

  12. Envac – Residential areas

    Vacuum-powered “waste handling”. Maybe this is what the proposed Ikea development would use. Presumably more modern than the Barbican’s old Garchey system.

  13. Your Choices | YourOnlineChoices UK

    Opting out of ads that creepily follow you round the web. Includes advertising services that weren’t on the Network Advertising Initiative page I linked to a couple of weeks back. (via @rooreynolds)

  14. Why the New Aesthetic isn’t about 8bit retro, the Robot Readable World, computer vision and pirates

    Rev. Dan Catt on the distinction between computer graphics and computer vision, as regards the New Aesthetic. A good distinction.

  15. Caine’s Arcade on Vimeo

    Lovely. Tears of happiness by the second half. (via Kottke)

  16. Authenticity/Access | One Terabyte of Kilobyte Age

    On how historical web pages (such as Geocities) appear differently now, even if you have all the original assets. eg, browser rendering, text anti-aliasing, MIDI audio, screen resolutions, etc.

  17. [this is aaronland] haystack triptychs

    More brilliance from Aaron - code to backup and make a lovely standalone site out of your Instagram photos.

  18. The Reaction To ‘Girls Around Me’ Was Far More Disturbing Than The ‘Creepy’ App Itself - Forbes

    Yeah, this I think. There is creepiness around the app but, also, I can use my *eyes* to *see* girls around me but not many people are suggesting we put out our eyes or make all women hide themselves when out in public.

  19. Luxurious Animals Blog - Combining Easel.js and Box2d in Canvas

    I have no plans to use this stuff, but it seems good, so if I bookmark it, it’s as good as learned!

  20. EaselJS: A Javascript Library for Working with the HTML5 Canvas Element.

    What it says in the title. “The API is loosely based on Flash’s display list, and should be easy to pick up for both JS and AS3 developers.”

  21. Seth Ladd’s Blog: Box2D orientation for the JavaScript developer

    A series of posts describing how to use Box2D, “an open source 2D physics engine” with JavaScript.

  22. Theresa May’s Internet History - a Freedom of Information request to Home Office - WhatDoTheyKnow

    Very good. If she’s done nothing wrong, she’s got nothing to hide, so there should be no problem, so they say. (via @gwire)

  23. Bestinvest | Fund Search | Comments | Ethical | ISA | page 1

    Aha, Besinvest’s Fund Search tool’s Advanced search options lets you filter by “Investment Themes”, such as Ethical. It’s a start.

  24. Chris Heathcote: anti-mega: a new fashion aesthetic

    Brilliant. Yes, all this. It saddens me when I look in trendy little fashion shops and it’s all button-up shirts and brogues. Where are the new, wearable clothes of the 21st century?

  25. An Essay on the New Aesthetic | Beyond The Beyond |

    Long, excellent essay from Bruce Sterling on the New Aesthetic, why it’s very interesting, and the problems it faces. Well worth a read.

  26. Ethical Funds | Save up to 100% on Initial Charges!

    Lists of Ethical Funds for ISAs (more categories in left-hand menu. It’s been hard just to find what’s available anywhere.

  27. » Update 1 – From the Windy City Early Retirement Extreme: — a combination of simple living, anticonsumerism, DIY ethics, self-reliance, and applied capitalism

    Just for the metaphor about why it can be good to have a slightly popular blog, but not too popular: “if you’re living in the 16th century, discussing your round earth theory with fellow scientists is good. However, being publicly known as the round-earth guy will get you burned at the stake.”

  28. The Online Photographer: Open Mike: Hobbies and Interests

    Lovely post on working out which pastimes you consistently enjoy, and what it is about them you love. “Free yourself of the ideas that don’t actually fit you, even if they’re ‘supposed’ to be central to the hobby.”