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  1. Chris Heathcote: anti-mega: a new fashion aesthetic

    Brilliant. Yes, all this. It saddens me when I look in trendy little fashion shops and it’s all button-up shirts and brogues. Where are the new, wearable clothes of the 21st century?

  2. An Essay on the New Aesthetic | Beyond The Beyond |

    Long, excellent essay from Bruce Sterling on the New Aesthetic, why it’s very interesting, and the problems it faces. Well worth a read.

  3. Ethical Funds | Save up to 100% on Initial Charges!

    Lists of Ethical Funds for ISAs (more categories in left-hand menu. It’s been hard just to find what’s available anywhere.

  4. » Update 1 – From the Windy City Early Retirement Extreme: — a combination of simple living, anticonsumerism, DIY ethics, self-reliance, and applied capitalism

    Just for the metaphor about why it can be good to have a slightly popular blog, but not too popular: “if you’re living in the 16th century, discussing your round earth theory with fellow scientists is good. However, being publicly known as the round-earth guy will get you burned at the stake.”

  5. The Online Photographer: Open Mike: Hobbies and Interests

    Lovely post on working out which pastimes you consistently enjoy, and what it is about them you love. “Free yourself of the ideas that don’t actually fit you, even if they’re ‘supposed’ to be central to the hobby.”

  6. Network Advertising Initiative - Opt Out of Behavioral Advertising

    “Select all” then “Submit”. In theory I feel I should find targeted ads more useful and interesting. But, no: increasingly creepy.

  7. Stamen design | is live

    If you’re at all interested or curious about maps and what can be done with them online, this and the following four posts are fascinating and well worth a read. Amazing, generous work.

  8. Scottjehl/Hide-Address-Bar · GitHub

    “A normalized approach to hiding the address bar on iOS and Android”


    These new Watercolor map tiles from Stamen are amazing and lovely. I am also very impressed with the URLs. I wish Google Maps did that.

  10. Category:Cuts of beef - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    Translating between the American and British names for cuts of beef. Almost entirely different.

  11. Bring back the 40-hour work week -

    On why working more than 8 hours a day (or, really, 6 for knowledge workers) is not more productive. Tick. (via @tomcoates)

  12. Themify : Awesome WordPress Themes

    More affordable, OK, off-the-shelf templates, for future reference.

  13. Slim Your Wallet - Slim Leather Wallets by Bellroy

    Nice wallets, maybe, for when my 15-year-old Muji one collapses.

  14. London Trails

    “Walking Tours with Old Maps.” Sounds good.

  15. WordPress | ThemeForest

    Also, because I’ll probably forget the name. Oodles and oodles of WordPress themes for not much money. A big variety but no good way to narrow them down (and I’m not sure what tools would help).

  16. StudioPress Themes

    Some solid-looking WordPress themes, for future reference. But I’m glazing over looking through so many themes with a certain kind of middle-of-the-roadness to them.

  17. New Yorker | PressJunkie

    I’m not saying it’s great design, but I like that as an example of a very different front page for a WordPress site.

  18. Why the world needs introverts | Science | The Guardian

    “We live with a value system that I call the Extrovert Ideal – the omnipresent belief that the ideal self is gregarious, alpha and comfortable in the spotlight.” Even if you’re not an extrovert, it’s hard to shake this belief.

  19. Olympics 2012 security: welcome to lockdown London | Stephen Graham | Sport | The Guardian

    I did think that maybe, as the games approached, I would forget any earlier grumpiness over the vast sums of money spent on two weeks of sport but, ah, no. It is nuts.

  20. Learn to speak vim - verbs, nouns, and modifiers!

    A nice general description of vim commands. possibly easier and more useful than trying to remember specifics. (via Dotcode)

  21. Apple Map Tiles

    A viewer for Apple’s new map tiles, as used in iPhoto on iOS. I quite like some of it - a nice change from the norm - but if I could change only one thing… those italicised place names are *hideous*.

  22. Origins of e-mail: My mea culpa - Omblog - The Washington Post

    A good apology but it’s surprising that they could publish something that wrong, twice. Yes, we *do* expect journalists to check everything; isn’t that why they’re better than mere bloggers (or so they tell us)? (via @alanconnor)

  23. The Best WordPress Membership Plugin | WinkPress ;)

    A summary of several subscription / membership plugins for WordPress, from 2011, with lots of recent comments.

  24. – WordPress Membership Plugin with Paypal, Google Checkout and

    Another subscription plugin. (Have you used something like this? I’d love recommendations or warnings.)

  25. The ultimate WordPress membership site plugin - ever feature you need and easy to use

    Plugin that allows users to have pay-for subscriptions and access to subscriber-only content.

  26. Microjs: Fantastic Micro-Frameworks and Micro-Libraries for Fun and Profit!

    A list of small JavaScript libraries for doing very specific things, in contrast to something bigger like jQuery. (via Tom Carden commenting on Mike Migurski’s site)

  27. Ender

    “Ender is a full featured package manager for your browser. It allows you to search, install, manage, and compile front-end javascript packages and their dependencies for the web.” Requires node.js and NPM (via Tom Carden commenting on Mike Migurski’s site)

  28. What does a reality producer do? | A ton of useful information about screenwriting from screenwriter John August

    A US reality TV producer describes how made-up much of the “reality” is, and some detail on how the stories and scripts are put together.

  29. BBC News - Davy Jones, signifier of modernity

    Paul Mason on The Monkees and the 1960s: “If you watch just one episode of [The Monkees] … you will feel just a bit of what it was like before it all went wrong.” Lovely stuff.