Comments I've posted on other sites
Best aids for learning acting? - Ask Cool Tools
Like Tim Donahue said, you can’t learn how to act from a book. But they can give you some ideas to…
Our Incredible Journey | MetaFilter
Thanks all for the interest. And, yes, I was aware of the irony of hosting the thing on Tumblr, but…
The Online Photographer: Open Mike: Editions
I’ve been intrigued by the idea of The Best Books on any one (or all!) subject(s) for a while. Some…
I had a brainwave… I went to Facebook and logged out, then tried Soul Sides again and it loaded…
I’ve found the site really slow to load - to the point of not loading at all - for weeks, using…
Said the Gramophone: Best Songs Of 2012
Thanks, as ever, for this Sean. So, so much I missed. That Pat Jordache track sounds very, very…
8 reasons you should give talks | Final Bullet
On the negative side… while it’s great for the speaker, for all the reasons you cite, the idea that…
Going to dConstruct? Help test our latest feature | The Lanyrd Blog
I realise it’s a tricky balance and this is an interesting thing to try and get right. For me, as…
Going to dConstruct? Help test our latest feature | The Lanyrd Blog
What if you’re antisocial and unfriendly and don’t want to meet strangers…? It feels a bit creepy…
I Miss The Guardian Editors | fabric of things
I enjoy the iPad edition, because I like just clicking through from one story to the next, so the…
Britain flooded with ‘brand police’ to protect sponsors - Home News - UK - The Independent
It would be nice if the journalist (and commenters) didn’t over-simplify something to make a point.…
Markdown Editing for Sublime Text 2: humble beginning - Brett Terpstra
No, the settings file stays in the same place (Packages/MarkdownEditing/). But I made a copy,…
Markdown Editing for Sublime Text 2: humble beginning - Brett Terpstra
I figured it out! I copied the Markdown.sublime-settings file into Packages/User/ , removed all the…
Markdown Editing for Sublime Text 2: humble beginning - Brett Terpstra
I might be missing something, as no one else seems to have this problem, but I can’t work out how…
Olympicat | Flickr - Photo Sharing!
I thought about taking a photo of that and then thought someone must have already done it for me.…
In Search of a Small Biz Accounting Program « Simple Living in Suffolk
Another accounting application, for Mac, Windows and Linux is Moneydance:…
Flickr Dad Announcement | Flickr - Photo Sharing!
Happy Birthday Ben’s Dad!
Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center visit (Noisy Decent Graphics)
I used to live just round the corner! Near the junction of Bay Area Blvd and Space Center Blvd. I…
Easiest way to add GPS lat/long to photos in field? - ASK COOL TOOLS
My wife and I have tried a few solutions. I currently rely on taking a photo with my iPhone at the…
#inspectorspacetime #darsit | Flickr - Photo Sharing!
Was this at the Inspector Spacetime exhibition? What series was the striped suit from? I don’t…
Less typing more drawing (Noisy Decent Graphics)
Maybe you’re doing the wrong kind of typing?
There Is No Way These Are the Most Annoying Words of 2011
I’m pleased you liked my photo enough to use it, although you should have asked first. Unless…
#occupy London | Flickr - Photo Sharing!
Scars, arms and saying thank you « anneiskeepingbusy
I had a similar accident as a child. Playing war in my neighbours’ garden, I was standing on a…
Rip it up! « Matthew Sheret
As we tweeted yesterday, I really liked those chapters. For me, the bits that didn’t quite fit were…