Comments I've posted on other sites
Compare the UK’s cheapest online brokers
A while ago I’d clocked that iWeb is run by Halifax, which is worth bearing in mind for those…
Design Route D: Protocol - Mozilla Open Design
I like the Moz://a idea, but don’t understand why the shortened M:// version isn’t then read as…
Returning officer - Telly Addict
My first thought after reaching the end was how much it reminded me of ‘London Spy’. Lots of great…
Why do they bury the booking ref description? (Noisy Decent Graphics)
Except sometimes you don’t want the booking reference at all, because that’s not the number you…
The Guardian view on online abuse: building the web we want | Editorial | Technology | The Guardian
I’m not entirely sure what it is that you’re after, as the article seems a bit confusing. Are you…
David Bowie: legendary rock star dies of cancer aged 69
Re ‘Can we just get one thing straight before we go on? It’s pronounced Bowie as in “oh”, not as in…
Decide Where To Live In London Using The Coffee And Chicken Method | Londonist
Providing a link to Sam Floy’s original article would be both useful and polite:…
You reach for the stars, I go to the flicks | Brief letters | Global | The Guardian
Just off London’s City Road there used to be a “Britannia College of Excellence”, whose motto was…
On the market: Contemporary art deco-inspired property in Frinton-On-Sea, Essex « WowHaus
It’s an odd one this - I *think* it’s actually a converted more conventional house, rather than a…
Surprise post (Noisy Decent Graphics)
I hope it’s a design for a website for chatting to friends called FACEBOOKS
Berlin Wall to be Rebuilt With Glowing White Helium Balloons for 25th Anniversary of Fall
@philgyford I was wrong!
Improvements to smart answers | Inside GOV.UK
Having recently built a quick demo version of something similar to a Smart Answer at Citizens…
Berlin Wall to be Rebuilt With Glowing White Helium Balloons for 25th Anniversary of Fall
They’re not “helium” balloons. If they were they wouldn’t have lights inside them, and wouldn’t…
How designers prototype at GDS | GDS design notes
Thanks for writing this - I’m fascinated by the idea of designers who design in code, because I’ve…
Reviewing, Digital Style | Historically Us
Thanks for the review - I’m glad you like the site. Regarding “Older versions of the site also…
Who are the longest running UK bloggers? | troubled diva
“although the Haddock Directory closed in February 2007, and there don’t appear to be any archives”…
The Ben Jonson House Group Blog: External Redecorations: Week 3
In the interests of keeping a record… On Monday a polite man sanded and undercoated our roof…
The Online Photographer: The Morning Coffee 8/12/14
I’ve been using Feedbin since Google Reader closed, and love it. So many RSS-following people makes…
Cool Tools - Feedly RSS reader
It would be useful to know why you consider Feedly to be better than other similar services you’ve…
Crossword blog: are super-solvers born, not made? | Crosswords |
We’ve been trying to solve one a week (Monday’s, so usually Rufus) over lunchtimes at work, usually…
Sherlock Phone-Box Shrine Desecrated | Londonist
I’m not sure why this is news - the phone box is cleaned up quite often, only to have the post-its…
Shorter films (Noisy Decent Graphics)
How about trailers for movies, or the “Previously, on…” summaries at the start of TV episodes, as…
Boat Race protester Trenton Oldfield ordered to leave UK | World news | The Guardian
This is outrageous. I can’t believe things could go this wrong in this day and age. “…he wrote a…
Letters: Peerless Wigan | From the Guardian | The Guardian
Catherine Shoard describes Col Needham as the man who “created the Internet Movie Database” (G2, 13…
Six degrees of IMDb founder Col Needham | Film | The Guardian
Catherine Shoard fails to even mention the huge number of volunteers who contributed the data which…