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Comments I've posted on other sites

  1. Noisy Decent Graphics: Play Small

    “Working at a really small scale is something you’ll be familiar with if you’ve been lucky enough…

  2. Mac 101: Using your Windows keyboard - The Unofficial Apple Weblog (TUAW)

    If you’re using a UK Windows keyboard (I don’t know about other nationalities) then you’ve only…

  3. …and another thing! - Jesus jumped up christ!

    Yay!Congratulations! Excellent stuff.

  4. Noisy Decent Graphics: Who wins the first set wins

    The previous thing about whoever scores first in football shouldn’t be a surprise. You’re…

  5. Conferences and Corridors - Vox

    Although the idea of a conference with no talks appeals I think it would need some kind of…

  6. Conferences and Corridors - Vox

    While few of dConstruct’s talks thrilled me, the conference is pretty good for the socialising…

  7. Wonderland: Xbox points

    Yup, I had a similar problem when I ordered an iPhone on The order never…

  8. Roo Reynolds - We could be guitar heroes

    Kevin Kelly just posted a bit more about music controllers, specifically mentioning the Guitar Hero…

  9. Seinfeld and Celebrity Computer Endorsements [Updated]

    British comedy duo Morecambe and Wise did some ads for Atari in the 1980s. Here’s one, with a…

  10. Danny O’Brien’s Oblomovka » Blog Archive » on being a bit of an idiot

    For the past few years while I’ve been doing this acting stuff I’ve been failing miserably at…

  11. Traffic cams bring in $250,000/month in a town with a $4.6 million budget - Boing Boing

    Here in the UK, where we lead the world in cameras spying on our citizens, complaints like this…

  12. *cough* on Flickr - Photo Sharing!

    My first written assignment (of very few) when I started Graphic Design was based on reading ‘Ways…

  13. Cityofsound: 2030

    Around the turn of the century most future visions seemed to focus on 2020. I wonder at exactly…

  14. Kevin Kelly — The Technium - Neo-Amish Drop Outs

    In 2007 Tom Hodgkinson, editor of the Idler, wrote about how he’d given up on email:…

  15. Mostly This: iQueue and Queue and Queue

    Oh, and as to “groaning systems”… the sign up process seemed to go smoothly - no hiccups or…

  16. Mostly This: iQueue and Queue and Queue

    You must have taken this not long after I left with my iPhone. The queue was quicker than expected…

  17. Wonderland: R2-D2 USB hub and kite

    I think I remember there being R2-D2 kites back in the day when I lusted after such merchandise.…

  18. Mostly This:

    “Wasabit opens”: Not yet. It’s looked like that for a long, long time, without even removing the…

  19. Running Movable Type on OS X with FastCGI - Neil Turner’s blog

    Thanks for this Neil - very helpful. I had one problem. When installing mod_fastcgi I got an error…

  20. Welcome Movable Type 4.2 | - Home of the MT Community

    “Simply upgrading from Movable Type 4.1 to 4.2 can increase publishing times by 33%” Should be…

  21. Dopplr Blog » Blog Archive » Adding multi-stop trips

    I realise this would be complicating something nice and simple, but… Let’s say I’m going on a trip…

  22. Art and Heart: Place cart before horse, engage

    Coincidence… I’m also feeling relaxed about end of term presentations and I’m enjoying Creation…

  23. Peeling sign (would make nice typeface) on Flickr - Photo Sharing!

    I love peeling signs and have had the same “would make a nice typeface” thought:…

  24. Mildly Diverting: RSS aggregation as a friend filter

    We each need a secretary who can compile a weekly or monthly summary of all the interesting bits of…