Comments I've posted on other sites: 2014
Berlin Wall to be Rebuilt With Glowing White Helium Balloons for 25th Anniversary of Fall
@philgyford I was wrong!
Improvements to smart answers | Inside GOV.UK
Having recently built a quick demo version of something similar to a Smart Answer at Citizens…
Berlin Wall to be Rebuilt With Glowing White Helium Balloons for 25th Anniversary of Fall
They’re not “helium” balloons. If they were they wouldn’t have lights inside them, and wouldn’t…
How designers prototype at GDS | GDS design notes
Thanks for writing this - I’m fascinated by the idea of designers who design in code, because I’ve…
Reviewing, Digital Style | Historically Us
Thanks for the review - I’m glad you like the site. Regarding “Older versions of the site also…
Who are the longest running UK bloggers? | troubled diva
“although the Haddock Directory closed in February 2007, and there don’t appear to be any archives”…
The Ben Jonson House Group Blog: External Redecorations: Week 3
In the interests of keeping a record… On Monday a polite man sanded and undercoated our roof…
The Online Photographer: The Morning Coffee 8/12/14
I’ve been using Feedbin since Google Reader closed, and love it. So many RSS-following people makes…
Cool Tools - Feedly RSS reader
It would be useful to know why you consider Feedly to be better than other similar services you’ve…