2022-12-30 (Friday)
Third time: The Diary of Samuel Pepys
The diary is starting again from the beginning for the third time, twenty years since I first started the site.
@samuelpepys I got the emails URL wrong in that last tweet, should be buttondown.email/pepysdiary
@johngoldin @samuelpepys Thanks John, very kind! I hope you continue to enjoy the diary this time around.
So, pretend it's 2003, or 2013, or 1660, and follow along from Sunday at pepysdiary.com,
or buttondown.com/pepysdiary,
or mastodon.social/@samuelpepys,
or @samuelpepys.
And in 2012, when the diary completed for the first time, @undermanager wrote this for @WiredUK wired.co.uk/article/histor…
A few months later @cshirky gave a speech at the O'Reilly Emerging Technology conference web.archive.org/web/2003071313…
@samuelpepys 20 years ago I wrote this article about the launch of the site for BBC News news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/uk/262158…
I started pepysdiary.com 20 years ago and that means… On 1st January, Samuel Pepys' diary will start for the third time!
Read the website (or RSS feed) or get it:
* Daily by email buttondown.email/pepysdiary
* Through the day at mastodon.social/@samuelpepys
* or @samuelpepys