2022-10-12 (Wednesday)
The Anti-Growth Coalition continues to grow at an exponential rate!
Will YOU be the member that tips us over into the heady heights of double figure membership?!
linkedin.com/groups/1271952… twitter.com/JamesFlint/sta…
Hugely proud to be member number 5 of the official #AntiGrowthCoalition. Way to go @philgyford linkedin.com/groups/1271952…
@gilest oh no
@gilest Something like a LinkedIn group definitely seemed like the lowest-effort joke.
LinkedIn tells me the group is both Private (won’t appear in search results etc) *and* Listed (“appears in search results”). Not sure how to make it really public.
I’m amazed how shonky LinkedIn is as a site.
I barely use LinkedIn but I was craving a group I could whole-heartedly sign up to. So I’ve created the Anti-Growth Coalition linkedin.com/groups/1271952…
Feel free to join. There’s no point other than having the badge and being for the things they’re against.
@paulpod We had one daze itself on our windows a few weeks ago. I should have grabbed it for the upcoming owl-based economy.
@delineator Totally uncorrelated to equities, oh yes.