2022-10-08 (Saturday)
@ade_oshineye Interesting. I tend to think that relying on something like Bootstrap - which I assume will continue to Just Work - means there's less of my own code to maintain.
@dotcode Ah, ambiguity due to the annoyingly short length restrictions on poll choices.
@dracos Maybe I'll have to try to find it out :) I only include the CSS for the components I use, but I haven't actually used 5 at all.
Before making the poll I'd pretty much decided that updating to Bootstrap 5 would be the best compromise between having modern, future-proof, accessible, code, and not spending too much time on it. Why might I be wrong?
Did people vote for "Remove BS and hand code" because they *hate* Bootstrap for some reason? Or because they *love* writing a load of CSS? Or because their own code will be much better than Bootstrap?
And "Something else?" What else?
The trouble with polls like that 👆🏻is you have no idea *why* people voted how they did.
Did people vote for "Leave it as it is" because they're lazy? Because they really think still using what will be 20-year-old Bootstrap 3 and jQuery is fine?
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